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Four rituals are worked in this jurisdiction: British Columbian Canadian Work (Can.), as derived from that compiled by Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro. Simon McGillivray in 1823 and worked in the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario ; British Columbian "Ancient" Work (Anc.), as derived from that of the "Ancient" or "Athol" Lodges, by way of the Americans, Thomas Webb (sometimes called the New York or American Work) and John Barney; Australian Work (Aus.), as adopted in 1906 from the ritual created in 1888 by the Grand Lodge of New South Wales from the ritual of Canongate Kilwinning No. 2 of Edinburgh; and Emulation Work (Emu.), as derived from that worked by Emulation Lodge of Improvement at Freemasons Hall, London. Although our "Ancient" Work has on occasion been mistakenly referred to as Scotch or Scottish, it is not related to the Scottish Rite. Lodges chartered before 1954 and using the Canadian Work will have their own unique quality.
The Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon warrants 121 Lodges in 74 communities in British Columbia and the Yukon, with 4,100 members; 67 lodges use the Canadian Work, 45 use the Ancient Work, eight use the Emulation Work, and one uses the Australian.
Most lodges in this jurisdiction meet regularly once a month on the evening noted, and also hold an emergent meeting two weeks following for the conferal of degrees. Unless otherwise noted, lodges do not meet during July and August.
Meetings are normally tyled at 7:30 pm but some will tyle at 8:00 pm or 7:00 pm. Meetings are open to all Freemasons in good standing with a recognized jurisdiction. Visitors are advised to confirm dates and times with the Grand Lodge Office or the lodge secretary.
A list of every lodge ever warranted under this jurisdiction is also available. A list of lodge consolidations can be found here. For administrative purposes lodges are assigned to districts, and districts assigned to regions.
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