An introduction to the
history of Freemasonry
Grand Lodge

Freemasonry in British Columbia by Robie L. Reid (1936)

Freemasonry in British Columbia by W. A. DeWolf-Smith (1924)

Freemasonry in British Columbia by W. A. DeWolf-Smith (1909)

Historical Notes and Biographical Sketches 1848-1935 (1945)

Historical Sketch of the First Fifty Years L. Watts Doney [PDF]

History of the Early Days... William G. Gamble (1959)

History of Grand Lodge of British Columbia 1871-1970

2nd Edition (2021)

History of Grand Lodge of British Columbia 1971-1995

History of Grand Lodge of British Columbia 1871-2020
British Columbia and Yukon

Cariboo Gold, William G. Gamble 1 MB PDF

Cemeteries of masonic interest

District Deputy Grand Masters, a short history PDF

Grand Masters of British Columbia, 1871-1971

First lodge meeting in British Columbia

Formation of the Grand Lodge of British Columbia

Freemasonry in the Yukon Territory

Our Lost Lodges-1984 George Baldwin

Place names of masonic note in British Columbia and Yukon

Premiers of British Columbia of masonic note

Rituals of British Columbia and Yukon

Vancouver Daily World lodge meeting notices

The Grand Lodge website

Yukon Freemasonry

Lodge histories
Nanaimo Lodge No. 1090
Ashlar Lodge No. 3
Cariboo Lodge No. 4
Cascade Lodge No. 10, Yale, BC PDF
Kamloops Lodge No. 10
Mountain Lodge No. 11
Zion Lodge No. 77

Canadas masonic Prime Ministers

A Concise History of Freemasonry in Canada, Osborne Sheppard PDF

Historical highlights of Freemasonry in Canada, 1634-1871

Northern Light Lodgeanother perspective

Ancient Free and Accepted; explained

Andersons Constitutions of 1723

Arms of Masons, Carpenters, Etc.


Biographies and pictures of famous freemasons

The Boston Tea Party and Freemasonry

Cooke manuscript

Early references to Freemasonry

Early Freemasonry in North America

A few famous freemasons

The first masonic funeral in California

Freemasonry in the 1600s to 1700s

King Solomon's Temple : illustrations and models

Latter Day Saints and Freemasonry

Masonic mottoes

Morgan affair

The Old Charges

Ordinance of Laborers for England

The Oracle Encyclopaedia (1895)

Regius Poem (Halliwell Manuscript)

The masonic street plan of Sandusky, Ohio

Earliest references to the Royal Arch

Robert Longfields theory of the origin of Freemasonry

Sloane manuscripts

Theories of masonic history

Thomas Paines theory of the origin of Freemasonry

Six Hundred Years of Craft Ritual by Harry Carr [800 Kb PDF]

Transition theory of masonic history defended

Transition theory of masonic history refuted

Timeline of history
Should you wish to research Freemasonry further, access to our library is available by contacting the