The word of God endureth for ever.
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In imitation of the sentences appended to the Coats of Arms and seals of the Gilds and other societies, the Freemasons have for different branches of their Order mottoes, which are placed on their banners or put at the head of their documents, which are expressive of the character and design, either of the whole Order or of the particular branch to which the motto belongs. [Mackeys Encyclopedia, p. 684.]
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1472 | |
London Company of Freemasons |
God is our Guide. |
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1677 | |
London Company of Masons |
In Deo fiducia vinces |
In the Lord is all our Trust |
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1717 | |
Premier Grand Lodge of Freemasons |
In Deo fiducia vinces |
In the Lord is all our Trust |
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1751 | |
Ancient Grand Lodge |
Holiness to the Lord |
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Mark Master |
Lapis reprobatus caput anguli |
[the] stone [which was] rejected [has become] the head[stone] of the corner [Acts 4:11] |
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Capitular Masonry |
Kodesh Layehovah
Exodus 39:30
Holiness to the Lord |
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Templar Masonry |
In hoc signo vinces |
By this sign thou shalt conquer |
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Count de Grasse |
Ordo ab Chao |
Order out of Chaos |
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1802 | |
Scottish Rite |
Lux e tenebris |
Light out of darkness |
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1815 | |
UGLE coat of arms |
Kodes la Adonai |
Holiness to the Lord [Exodus 28:36] |
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Audi, Vide, Tace
"Audi, vide, tace, si vis vivere in pace"
Hear, see, be silent, if you would live in peace.
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1855 | |
Scottish Rite, 14° |
Virtus junxit, mors non separabit |
Virtue has united, death shall not separate |
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Scottish Masonry 30° |
Ne plus ultra |
Nothing more beyond |
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Scottish Masonry 32° |
Spes mea in Deo est |
My hope is in God |
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Scottish Masonry 33° |
Deus meumque Jus |
God and my right |
A. & A. S. R. S. J. |
Dieu et mon Droit |
God and my right |
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1865 | |
Order of the Red Cross |
Magna est Veritas, et praevalabit |
Great is truth, and it will prevail |
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Pulsanti Operietur |
to him who knocks it shall be opened |
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G. O. D. (acronym) |
Gomer, Oz, Dabar |
Wisdom, Strength and Beauty |
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Bene agere et laetari |
Do good cheerfully |