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Masonic interments
British Columbia and Yukon
There are currently 402 licensed cemeteries in British Columbia, plus an undermined number of inactive ones–perhaps fifty or more. The following are links to a work in progress to catalogue extant masonic emblems.
Armstrong, Lansdowne
Atlin Cemetery
Burnaby, Pacific Heritage [Masonic]
Grand Forks
Horsefly, Mountain View
Kamloops Chinese
Kamloops Hillside [to be surveyed]
Kamloops Pioneer
Kamloops Pleasant Street
North Vancouver
100 Mile House
Manson Creek
Phoenix (1901-1919)
Vancouver Mountain View Masonic Section
Vancouver Masonic (Burnaby)
Victoria Cemeteries
Victoria Jewish Cemetery
Washington State
Point Roberts Cemetery
The small cemeteries found at Barriere, Riverview Cemetery at Clearwater just off Station Road, Avola Cemetery, 2.3k off the highway on Messiter Station Road [51.804308,-119.314806], in Blue River on Blue Lake Forest Service Road near the railway tracks [52.116629,-119.318627], and Valemount, contained no markers with masonic imagery or symbols. What distinctive memorials remain are strongly Christian in nature, with crosses, orthodox crosses, extended Bible verses, images of open Bibles, and references to resurrection. There are no extant masonic emblems at Greenwood Cemetery, or the Provincial Old Men's Cemetery in Kamloops.

Image: Mountain View Masonic Section, plot 021-0002. Note that geolocation information for monuments and markers is only accurate to within a radius of 15 metres (45 feet).


© 1871-2021 Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon A.F. & A. M. Updated: 2020/05/22