Occult Theocrasy notes
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Noteworthy in the historiography of conspiracy theory, Edith Starr Miller is a widely quoted yet little known figure. Her Occult Theocrasy makes no claim to be an objective study nor representative of primary source research. The following quotes clearly demonstrate that she was fixated on a perceived "Jesuit-Judaic-Masonic-Gnostic-Brahmin-Illuminati" plot to overthrow Christianity and undermine social morality.
Occult Theocrasy relies heavily on the published works of self-described 33° freemason, Domenico Margiotta; the hoaxers Dr. Karl Hacks and Leo Taxil and their creations, Diana Vaughan and Dr. Bataille;3. the imaginary Miss. Vaughans promoter, Adriano Lemmi; anti-mason, Samuel Paul Rosen (1840-1907), theosophist, Alice Bailey (1880-1949); Taxils supporter, Clarin de la Rive; antisemite, Nesta H. Webster and the still anonymous "Inquire Within".4.
In the balance, Miller brought nothing new to the mythology of the secret societies, although her anti-masonic and anti-Mormon rhetoric continue to be quoted in fundamentalist Christian literature.
Her obvious errors and lack of citations make it unreliable as a guide to the societies and movements listed in the table of contents, although students of the early history of fringe freemasonry and the Ordo Templi Orientis will be interested in Appendix IV: a selection of letters to Reuss and correspondence between Theodor Reuss and William Westcott.
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"Our aim is to follow the outgrowth of Esoterism and a few of its multiple ramifications in the realm of perversion and subversion." [p. 23.]
| | Miller is not claiming to have made an objective historical study but is simply using what facts and opinions she can isolate to bolster her pre-determined conclusions.
"...one of the most eminent writers was Carl Hackse, who, under the pseudonym of Dr. Batille, made an extensive study of Occultism." [p. 25.]
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Dr. Karl Hacks and Léo Taxil both are documented in their confessions that they had created the persona and claims of "Dr. Bataille". Millers continued use of Bataille as a source of information demonstrates a willful inability to accept the fictional nature of everything written under that name.
Miller cites Bataille: "The alchemists knew the existence of microbes and toxins long before the mredical discoveries of the present age. The laboratories of Satanic bactreriology have been working, for a long time, on cultures of bacilii or solutions of their toxic properties which, even when administered in infantesimal doses, mixed with food or drink, disseminate disease and death where it is judged necessary by the 'Masters' that life is to be destroyed." [pp. 28-29]
| | No reference, citation or justification for this claim.
"Luciferians never call their infernal master spirit of Evil' or 'Father and Creator of Crime'. Albert Pike even forbade the use of the word Satan under any circumstances." [p. 31.]
| | No reference, citation or justification of this claim. Millers widespread use of de la Riva and Domenico Margiotta discredit any claims about Albert Pike.
"It is well moreover to remember that Luciferian occultism is no novelty, nor must one make the mistake of confusing it with ordinary Freemasonry, the Lodges of which are only private clubs." [p. 32.]
| | This distinction by the fictional Bataille is later ignored by Miller.
Citing Bataille again: "...leaders of luciferian and Satanic cults can 'obtain admittance everywhere, as well as the sacred words and yearly and half yearly pass-words of all the masonic rites of the globe.'" [p. 33.]
| | Bataille, and the writings ascribed to him, are fictional. |
"The seven founders of Freemasonry were all Gnostics, Magi of the English Rose Croix, whose names were: Theophile Desaguliers, named Chaplain of the Prince of Wales by George II, Anderson, the clergyman, an Oxford graduate and preacher to the King of England, George Payne, James King, Calvert, Lumden-Madden, and Elliott." [p. 34.]
| | No reference, citation or justification for this claim.
Citing Levi: "It is Gnosticism which is the real meaning of the G in the flamboyant star, for, after the grade of Kadosch (a Hebrew word meaning consecrated) the Freemasons dedicate themselves to the glorification of Gnosticism (or anti-christianity) which is defined by Albert Pike as "the soul and marrow of Freemasonry." [p. 34.]
| | Eliphas Levi had many opinions on Freemasonry. On the one occasion in which he presented these opinions to a lodge meeting of freemasons, he met with such strong rejection that he never attended lodge again and severed his association with Freemasonry. [See Paul Chacornac.]
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Citing 'Inquire Within': "Hidden Masters with terrible powers to control the minds and actions in a 'mad and evil scheme of World Domination by the God-People the Cabalistic Jew' 'a group of flesh-and-blood men, who can form etheric links, from any distance, with the leaders of these societies.'" [p. 38-39.]
| | No reference, citation or justification of this claim. It would appear that Miller believes in magic.
"Illumination, alias Kunalini, alias Serpent power, alias Electro-magnetic force, alias the Sex force, etc.!" [p. 42.]
| | The sexual depravity of Millers occult conspiracy is stressed several times although other than citing the naturalist movement she provides no documentation.
"This system of equality is similar to the brotherhood principle and teaching of democracy advocated in Freemasonry which was so effectively exploited in all the lodges that fomented the French Revolution." [p. 51.]
| | Lady Queenborough does not appear to be a democrat. She also fails to provide evidence of these lodges and their activities.
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"...the erroneous belief prevalent among the non-Jews that Judaism is a religion." [p. 75.]
"Judaism is not a religion and the Jews are not a nation, but they are a sect with Judaism as a rite." [p. 76.]
"Through the ages also, can be followed the spreading power of the sect, and no more awful example of the devastating and destructive power of the penetration of a secret subversive society has ever been witnessed." [p. 76.]
"One cannot better define its actions [the Pharisees] in the midst of Jewish society before Jesus Christ," said Mr. Flavien Brenier, "than in comparing it with that of the Freemasons in modern society." [p. 79.]
Miller quotes Carlyles anti-masonic Manual of Freemasonry p. 88 "there is no such nation as the Israelites [p. 87.]
| | Miller takes every opportunity to portray Judaism in a negative light, carefully selecting her sources to reinforce her deeply held prejudices, then identifying Judaism with Freemasonry.
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Miller draws heavily on what she claims are Talmud quotes:
Baba Mecia 114,6;
Tosefta, Eryubin viii;
Berachot 58,6;
Schulchan Aruch : Choszen Hamiszpat, 425,50;
Schulchan Aruch : Choszen Hamiszpat, 156,5;
Baba Batra, 55 a.;
Miszna, Sanhedryn xi, 3;
Erubin, 21, b;
Schulchan Aruch : Choszen Hamiszpat, 348;
Schulchan Aruch : Choszen Hamiszpat, 283. 1;
Miszna, Sanhedryn, 57.;
Tosefta, Szebnot, 11;
Schulchan Aruch : 2, 1, 247.;
Schulchan Aruch : Choszen Hamiszpat, 28 srt, 3 and 4;
Schulchan Aruch : Choszen Hamiszpat, 425,50;
Schulchan Aruch : Ch. Ha., 338;
ibid 163, 1 / 163, 1 / 388, 10;
Tosefta, Aboda Zara, viii, 5;
Book of Libbre David, 37;
Jaktu Chadasz, 171,2;
Libbre David, 37;
Szaalot-Utszabot. The book of Jore d'a, 17;
Sanhedryn 59 a'Aboda Zora 8-6;
Szagiga 13;
Tosefta Mikwat, v. 1;
Pereferkowicz : Talmud t. v., p. 11. [pp. 81-87.]
"They also explain that mysterious phenomenon known as Antisemitism." [p. 87.]
| | This list is composed of either non-existent texts, non-Talmudic mediaeval texts or commentaries quoted out of context. Uncited, the source of the list is probably the Rev. IUstøin Bonaventura Pranaitøis (d. 1917?) and his Christianus in Talmude Iudaeorum : sive, Rabbinicae doctrinae de Christianis secreta (The Secret Jewish Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians). Petropoli : Officina typographica Academiae Caesareae Scientiarum, 1892. [130 p ; 26 cm], A detailed refutation is available. See: The Hoaxers, Plain Liars, Fancy Liars and Damned Liars. Morris Kominsky. Boston: Branden Press, Inc. 1970. |
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"There is no mystery as to the existence in Berlin of the "Druidenorden" today. It is a branch of Freemasonry...." [p. 104]
| | There is no association between Freemasonry and the modern Druid Church, or the original Druids, although some masonic writers have made the claim.
"Henceforth, as it has ever been with all religions, the history of Christianity anf of Gnosticism will develop side by side, the perversion and destruction of the former being the aims of the latter." [p. 107.]
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No reference, citation or justification of this claim.
"Manicheism is the religion of the followers of Manes, a slave who was sold to a widow who freed and adopted him, thus making him the "son of the widow" a name which after him passed to all his followers and is still used in Masonic Lodges." [p. 108.]
| | Miller quotes the Abbé Baruel [p. 111.] as an authority on comparing Freemasonry with Manicheism although she ignores his goal to identify Continental Freemasonry with a known Catholic heresy while also exempting English Freemasonry from the charge.
"Is not Freemasonry, such as we see it to-day, the full development of the idea of Cubricus or Manes the slave, the apotheosis of Manicheism as achieved by Albert Pike, Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry? [p. 111.]
| | Millers use of the phrase "Universal Freemasonry" and her fixation on Albert Pike displays her reliance on either Leo Taxils discredited writings or those based on his.
Referring to Tibetan Buddhism: "Tibet is indeed the land of Demons where Official Lamaism competes with Unofficial Sorcery, and Magic, white and black, still remains the law of the land." [p. 130.]
| | Millers evaluation is repugnant to anyone who has either studied or practiced Tibetan Buddhism. Her earlier evaluation of Brahmic Hinduism and its "cruel bloodthirsty rites" and orgies shows an equal lack of understanding. [p. 52-61.]
"The corruption of the Order of The Templars which brought about its downfall has been imputed by most historians to this sect [Assassins] which was suppressed in 1256, when the Mongolians, led by Prince Hulagu, attacked and overthrew them. [p. 142.]
| | On the contary, most contemporary historians see the greed of King Philip le bel as a key motive in the suppression of the Templers; and the purported corruption and association with the Assassins to be unfounded accusations.
"The first Knights Templar Order, founded in 118 by Hugh de Payens, had 13 degrees. So has its modern successor." "It is chronicled that several of the founders of the Templar Order were initiates in the sect of The Assassins." [p. 143.]
| | There is no historical evidence of any such system of degrees nor of any association with the Assassins. Miller makes no attempt to provide any proof of these accusations. Helen Nicholsons The Knights Templar, A new History discounts this historical myth.
"...the Sovereign Patriarchal Council of Hamburg. (That is the Supreme Jewish Lodge secretly affiliated to International Masonry.) [p. 152.]
| | No reference or citation for the existence of a link or even of a group called "International Masonry".
Miller promotes the theory that Rosicrucians created Freemasonry: "Once in the open it was to be the universal screen behind which all secret societies, whether theurgic or political, would operate clandestinely." [p. 161.]
| | No reference, citation or justification for this claim.
Miller has Henry Jermyn, Lord St. Albans elected Grand Master of Freemasonry in 1663. [p. 175]
| | No reference, citation or justification for this claim.
Later, referring to the Grand Lodge founded in 1717, Miller claims that all seven founders were "said to be members of the English Rose Croix." [p. 175.]
| | Miller neglects to say who says this. No reference, citation or justification for this claim.
"On initiation, Masons receive an alias by which name they are henceforth known in the Lodge." [p. 177.]
| | No reference, citation or justification of this claim. It is not the practice in any regular English masonic jurisdiction.
"Masonry, English and Continental, has been very useful to persons with political ambitions and minor mental and moral capacities." [p. 177.]
| | No reference, citation or justification for this claim.
"Iluminism represented the efforts of the heads of the powerful Jewish Kahal which has ever striven for the attainment of political financial, economic and moral world domination." [p. 184]
| | No reference, citation or justification for this claim.
"There were Jews behind Weishaupt." [p. 184.]
| | No reference, citation or justification for this claim.
"Moses Mendelssohn, himself the head of the Haskalah, (Jewish Illiminati) cooperated with the Bavarian Illuminati of Weishaupt and with the prominent members of the other revolutionary secret societies aspiring to political power...." [p. 185.]
| | No reference, citation or justification for this claim.
Miller claims that Isaac Long brought the Baphomet to Charleston with the skull of de Molay in 1801. [p. 194.]
| | Miller may possibly be quoting the discredited Margiotta in a footnote although she cites Stillson and Hughan in the chapter introduction. Regardless, she fails to provide proof.
"Gallatin Mackey, who claimed to be the reincarnation of Jacques de Molay...." [p. 195.]
| | Miller is perhaps confused by the fictional Batailles references to Gallatin Mackey, Miller also refers to one "Albert George Mackey", who does not appear in any reliable masonic history. Albert Gallatin Mackeys life is well documented: he never made this claim.
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"Numerous are the homes which have become resorts where, today, the shameful orgies of Medmenham are enacted anew. They are the secret haunts of social cliques and associations, and behind such screens as art, antiques and dressmaking thrive, as though they were highly protected, the white slave trade, the dope traffic and gambling which serve as a drag-net and decoy for the service of the Great God Pan." [p. 199]
| | No reference, citation or justification for this claim. Millers preoccupation with sexual morés and what she views as a decline in moral standards in art, culture and dress would appear to require her to find someone or something to blame. She quotes Carlyle as referring to Freemasonry as "those seeds of disease and weakness." [p. 199.]
"Thus: Those who rule Freemasonry today, rule the world. [p. 204.]
| | No reference, citation or justification for this claim.
"in a letter to Albert Pike, dated Jan. 22, 1870, he writes...." [p. 208.]
| | This discredited accusation comes from Domenico Margiotta and Leo Taxil. While she briefly acknowledged that Taxil repudiated all his writings. Miller continued to believe that his writings reflected reality.
"After the torture and death of William Morgan in 1826...." [p. 209]
| | William Morgan disappeared. No one claimed he was tortured, and his murder was never proven.
"The theological dogma of Albert Pike is explained in the 'Instructions' issued by him on July 14, 1889 to the 23 Supreme Councils of the world...." [p. 220.]
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This is a repeat of the lies of self-confessed fraud, Léo Taxil.
"One must not lose sight of the fact that Pike occupied simultaneously the positions of Grand Master of the Central Directory of Washington, that of Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Charleston and that of Soverign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry." [p. 221.]
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This is a repeat of the lies of self-confessed fraud, Léo Taxil.
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A number of books of this period refer to what must have been a wireless telephone in the possession of the heads of the Masonic organization. [p. 224.] | |
This is a repeat of the lies of proven fraud, Domenico Margiotta.
Quoting Bataille: 'Everyone knew from hearsay that he [Albert Pike] gave himself up to Luciferian practices.' [p. 226] | |
Hearsay, especially from the fictional Bataille does not constitute any form of proof.
...when one remembers the tragic fate of William Morgan, the secret condemnation, kidnapping and sequestration, torture and final assassination of this New York Journalist.... [p. 229.] | |
William Morgan disappeared. No one claimed he was tortured, and his murder was never proven. He was not a journalist. |
On April 2, 1891, Albert Pike died and was succeeded in the supreme Grand College of Masons by Albert George Mackey, who held the post for two years and five months. [p. 287.] | |
Both the supreme Grand College of Masons and Albert George Mackey are fictional. Miller may have been thinking of Albert Gallatin Mackey. |
Under the terms of this document (given in full on p, 225 of Adriano Lemmi by D. Margiotta), Jewish Masonry, unlike Gentile Masonry, was not to be graded, its members were excempt from belonging to any other official rite and 'the secret of its existence' was to be most secretly kept by those members of High Masonry who had been informed by the Supreme Dogmatic Directory of its existence. [p. 289.] | |
Although quoting de la Rives Les Juifs dans la Franc-Maçonnerie, Miller provides no reference, citation or justification for this claim. |
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"It was indeed in the heart of the Jewish lodges that the plans to manufacture the public opinion necessary to the success of Lemmis ambitious project were made, and what actually happened was the result of a plot of the Sovereign Patriarchal Council of Hamburg against the Supreme Dogmatic Directory of Charleston. Hamburg won in the end and the secret Jewish control of the powerful machine of International Masonry was assured." [p. 290.] "On May 20, 1893, after all the delegates had been elected, Lemmi suddenly launched his decree of chief organizer appointing Rome as the convention city." [p. 291.] "After this essentially fraudulent transfer of the real masonic power from Charleston to Rome, the rest was easy." [p. 291.] | |
No reference, citation or justification for this claim. |
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"To inaugurate a policy of suppression these revelations were shown to have been a hoax, a mystification. The manoeuvre was successful. On the 19th of April, 1897, the author, writing under the pseudonym of Diana Vaughan, mysteriously disappeared and Leo Taxil publicly repudiated his own allegations against Freemasonry." [p. 294.] | |
Although Taxils blanket repudiation was widely reported, Miller obviously didn't believe it.
"May this end for ever the oft repeated fable of British Masonic isolation." [p. 298.] | |
Miller views the many titles of Westcott and Yarker, and their membership in regular masonic lodges, as proof that English Freemasonry is not separate or different from European Freemasonry. Cf.: Ellic Howe, Fringe Masonry.
"To show the further similarity of the Jesuit - Judaic - Masonic - Gnostic - Brahmin - Illuminati theology we now quote from a MS. in the library of the Reu Richelieu at Paris entitled Histoire des congrégations et sodalités jésuitiques depuis 1563 jusqu' au temps présent(1709). [p. 314.] | |
Miller cites Schaff-Herzog, The Encyclopaedia of Religious Knowledge, [Art. Jesuits] but fails to provide a coherent argument to link these many disparit streams of thought.
"Emmanuel Swedenborg was initiated at Lund in 1706 and progressed to the higher degrees of the Templars as practiced in Sweden. [p. 331.] | |
Emanuel Swedenborg cannot be demonstrated to have been a freemason.
The convulsionnaires of St Médard and the Camisards were only manifestations of Gnosticism such have existed in the esoteric branches of various sects, religious and secret societies ever since the days of Paganism.
Among others can be mentioned :
The Albigenses, The Moravian Brethren
The Anabaptists, the Baptists, the Quakers,
The Waldenses, the Shakers, the Methodists etc.
Their name is legion!
Sects rise, sects fall or fade away, but God remains. [p. 348.] | |
This is merely one example of Millers lack of toleration for any school of thought different from her own. |
"This [Scottish Rite], of Jewish origin, has 33 degrees...." [p. 357.] | |
Miller mistakes both the origins and structure of the Scottish Rite, claiming that the Scottish Rite confers the three Craft degrees. Her sources are Margiotta and Paul Rosen, neither of whom had any first-hand knowledge of the Scottish Rite as worked in North America.
"The three infamous assassins are Law, Property and Religion." [p. 364.] | |
This is a fictional interpretation of part of the legendary history or "Hiramic legend", unsupported by any masonic tradition. Miller does not document her sources. |
"Behind Nicolaï was Moses Mendelssohn, and behind Mendelssohn the Jewish Kahal, the Jewish International World Government." [p. 371.] | |
Miller cites Samuels', Memoirs of Moses Mendelssohn, p. 159, appendix, published by Longman & Co.
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On March 2, 1785, the Elector wrote his second and final edict, suppressing the order of the Illuminati, but it was not until July 10, 1785 that incriminating evidence was obtained on the activities of the sect when one of its members, a priest, Jacob Lang, was struck dead by lightning while walking with Weishaupt at Ratisbon. His body was placed in the chapel of Saint-Emmeran and a Benedictine found some documents and a list of the members of the Illuminati sewn in his clothes. These he handed over to the Councillor of the Government of Upper Bavaria. [p. 373.] | |
Miller does not document her source for this story. See A Bavarian Illuminati Primer for Johann Jakob Lanz (d.1785.), a non-illiminati secular priest and friend of Weishaupt. Miller may have confused Lanz with Franz Georg Lang, a court advisor in Eichstätt who was active in the Illuminati under the name Tamerlan. |
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"After the storm of revolution had subsided, the power in France seems to have been vested in the Comité de Salut Public, but the 300 who controlled France and whose power we read in Memoirs of the time were the 300 masonic leaders. That they in turn were controlled by a small clique is obvious. Even the 300 masonic leaders of the French Revolution of 1793 seem to have had their successors in modern history Rathenau mentioned them in his works. [p. 382.] | |
Millers only citation is from the Autobiography of Wolfe Tone, where in fact no mention of Freemasonry is made.
Weimar Foreign Minister Walter Rathenau (1867-1922) wrote 15 novels and nonfiction works before his assassination by right-wing army officers. Miller gives no specifics
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"In 1791, the Society of the United Irishmen was founded by Theobald Wolfe Tone and Napper Tandy, both of whom were high in rank in the Masonic lodges. [p. 385.] | |
No reference, citation or justification of this claim. Millers only citation is from the Autobiography of Wolfe Tone. Properly titled The Autobiography of Theobald Wolfe Tone, neither this text, nor the text it is derived from, the Life of Theobald Wolfe Tone, a two volume biography and collection of his correspondence and papers, makes any mention of Freemasonry.
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Miller details the publishing history of The Protocols of the Wise Men or Elders of Zion. "No sooner had the document been made public than loud protests were heard coming from all sections of dispersed Israel. Writers and lecturers were recruited to deny the assertion and shatter the growing belief of a Jewish conspiracy for the political, economic and legislative domination of the world." [p. 408-09.] | |
Although Miller claims the Protocols to be real, she fails to provide a coherent argument, only citing the writings of Karl Marx and Adolphe Isaac Crémieux (1796-1880), a founder of the Alliance Israélite Universelle in 1860 as examples of the Protocols in action.
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"Joseph Smith, applying his powers of mediumship towards the realization of the ambitious project nurtured by General Pepe, Mazzini and others for the establishment of a super rite, was not necessarily acceptable to the Masonic leaders of his time.
Thus as a Mason he failed but as the founder of a Masonic sect he succeeded. [p. 459.] | |
No reference, citation or justification of this claim.
"Its constitution, District Lodges, Grand Lodges, stamp it as a Jewish Masonic Society. " [p. 465.] "There is but little doubt now that the B'nai B'rith seems to be the supreme body, shaping and directing, for the attainment of its own ends, the policies, whatever they may be, of all Freemasonry beginning with the Grand Lodge of England, The Grand Orient and Scottish Rites, and ending in the O.T.O., which is Illuminism under another name." [p. 466.] | |
No reference, citation or justification of this claim is provided.
"Mediumship does not imply power. A medium is a receiver and as such, furthers the will of another. The fakirs of India are mediums.
That these phenomena are real has been proved by such prominent scientists as Crooks, Richet and Flambarion and the mediumistic exploits of such persons as D.D. Home are so well known and attested...." [p. 475.} | |
Miller appears to believe in magic. |
"In November, 1847, a German Communist Conference was held in London, at which Dr. Karl Marx (real name Mordechai) was present." [p. 490.] | |
Karl Heinrich Marx lived in Brussels from February 5, 1845 until early in 1848 when he moved to Paris and then to the Rhineland. He was not named Mordechai. He did not go to London until August 1849. The League of the Just, renamed the Communist League at the November meeting, had sent a representive to Marx in Brussels and commissioned him to write their program. [Britannica, vol.xxiii, p. 575.] |
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Miller quotes Westcott : "The Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia was founded in 1866 by Frater Robert Wentworth Little , an eminent Freemason with much literary talent, and of great personal popularity" [p. 500] | |
Robert Wentworth Little, editor of The Freemason (No. 1, 13 March 1869 - 1873), second clerk and cashier in the Grand Secretarys office at Freemasons' Hall, and founder of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia never held any office in a regular Craft lodge or in the United Grand Lodge of England. He was eminent only in the view of a small group of fringe freemasonsCf. : Ellic Howe, "Fringe Masonry." |
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"English Grand Lodge is today what it was intended to be at the time of its creation, by disciples of avowed Rosicrucianism, namely a dragnet or nursery." [p. 507.] It is a common error to believe that the English Grand Lodge is an independent body which was formed in 1717. Logical deduction will show that, owing to its formation being the result of Rosicrucian effort, it always has been, and still must be, subject to the direction of its esoteric parent body, i.e. Rosicrucianism or Manichean and Socinian Gnosticism." [p. 508.] | |
Millers "logic" is not detailed. No reference, citation or justification for this claim. |
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"Known as the Rite of Primitive and Original Phremasons, The Supreme Grand Lodge and Temple of the Swedenborgian Rite received its charter on 1/10/1876 from the Supreme Council of the Phremasons in Canada (founded by the Golden Square Body of London) which was composed of the following well-known Brethren:" [p. 536.] | |
Miller does not cite Samuel Beswicks Swedenborg Rite and the Great Masonic Leaders of the eighteenth Century but only Beswick used the term "Phremasons." Swedenborg cannot be shown to have been a freemason. Millers reference to Yarker, Irwin, Mackenzie and their associates demonstrates the fringe nature of this link to regular Freemasonry.
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Charles Taze Russells International Bible Students "condemns the Roman Catholic Church, referring to Rome in true esoteric Masonic style as Babylon and disposes of the Pope and his entire hierarchy as agents of the Antichrist who are doomed to extinction according to the familiar Masonic formulas of Albert Pike, Mazzini and Co." [p. 539.] | |
No reference, citation or justification of this claim. Russell was not a freemason. No authorized masonic publication ever described Rome as Babylon. |
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"The best known and cleverest Destructionist laws now on the statute books are those of the Income Tax and the Inheritance Tax. This form of taxation is calculated eventually to precipitate Municipalisation and Nationalization which are also part of the Fabian scheme for world perfection." "It is the plan so minutely explained in The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion".
"It is the plan of modern Judeo-Masonic Russian Soviet Communism."
"It is the plan of Weishaupts Illuminati and that of International Freemasonry symbolized by the three points of Albert Pike Destruction, Materialism, Imposition." [p. 563-64.] | |
Lady Queenborough fails to demonstrate any proof that taxation is a part of the fictional Protocols, part of communism, or part of Weishaupts Illuminati. She refers to Pikes three points several times, but fails to identify her source. |
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"The reader who already knows the meaning of this 'fire' otherwise known as Kundalini, sex-force, astral light, etc. will easily understand the phallic hidden meaning of the O.T.O. [p. 573.] "Every effort is made to attract wealthy people, mostly women, to the 'Profess Houses' of the Order of O.T.O. In these centres, where the 'Nudity cult' and other eccentricities are cultivated...." [p. 579.] | |
Lady Queenboroughs misunderstanding of the nature of symbols in general, and her victorian sensibilities regarding sexuality are transparent. |
"Under occult dominion Art, Music and Politics all tend to the same end: confusion, a calculated and induced confusion ; for minds that are confused will obey and bow to the hidden masters!
The rule of the Triangle and Ellipse, together with a crude Geometry in modern art, is the rule of Masonry in aesthetics." [p. 580.] | |
Lady Queenborough also doesn't appreciate modern art. |
"Destruction, Materialism, Imposition. These are the three points of Albert Pike and they seem to be ruling the world today." [p. 581.] | |
Although uncited, Millers sources all lead back to the discredited hoaxster, Léo Taxil. |
"Let us repeat that by a close study of the Ancient Order of Hibernians and the Knights of Columbus, one cannot fail to see the control that Freemasonry exercises over the Irish-Roman Catholic church." [p. 591.] | |
Miller does not detail this "close study" but expects her reader to accept her conclusions on faith. She fails to demonstrate correlation, causality, association or control in any form. |
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"The master mind of the attempt on the Archdukes life was Radoslav Kazimorovitch, a Freemason, who had prepared the attempt. He had travelled abroad extensively, visited all the Lodges and had returned with revolvers and bombs. Among the murderers, Sovanovitch, Cabrinovitch and Grabez were Freemasons and Veliko Cubrilovitch was [a] member of Narodna Odbrana and Sokol.
Gabriel Prinzip, a student, a youth of 19, the murderer of the Archduke, was found to have received arms through Major Tankosich, a Freemason and a friend of the Serbian Crown Prince Alexander, His assistant assasin [sic] the bomb-thrower Cabrinovitch, stated openly at his trial that in Masonry, killing was permissible...." [p. 602.] citing La Revue Internationale des Sociétés Secrétes p. 788 | |
Miller quotes a debunked accusation from La Revue Internationale des Sociétés Secrétes. The murder of the Austrian Arch-Duke and his wife at Sarajevo in 1914 was also blamed on the Freemasons in Miss. Elizabeth Durhams The Sarajavo Crime. She offered a document of the minutes of the trial of the murderers as evidence. This was proved to be a forgery of Father Puntigam, a Jesuit of Sarajevo. "Substantial evidence pointed to the fact that the author had been the dupe of one named H.C. Norman, an anti-mason, and one Horatio Bottomley, later proved to be a swindler." AQC Vol 80 (1968) p. 251 |
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"The Jewish power, in particular, recognized a challenge to its established dominion of American Freemasonry for the K.K.K. constituted an 'Imperium in Imperio' in the heart of Judeo-American Freemasonry, a Christian empire sound and free and, as a masonic sect, one refusing to adhere to three of its chief tenets namely ; Mongrelization of race, Anti-christianity, and Internationalism." [p. 611.] | |
No reference, citation or justification for this claim. |
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"If a novice is not the son of a Freemason he must, according to the rule, be 25 years old; that is to say, he must be the age demanded by the Priesthood before he can become a Mason. The son of a Freemason, however, can obtain a dispensation as regards the age at which he is admitted into the order. It is only necessary for him to be 18 years of age. [p. 634.] | |
In English speaking Freemasonry, with rare exception, a candidate must be 21 years of age. In Scotland, and a handful of American States, the son of a freemason may join at 18 years of age. The identification with an unidentified prieshood is specious. |
"We refrain here from going too closely into the subject of the boy and girl scouts movement leaving it as a suggestion that parents, guardians and teachers of youth would do well to investigate the judeo-masonic allegiance of scout leaders and masters." [p. 635.] | |
Lady Queenboroughs use of innuendo is far-reaching. |
"Studying the League of Nations under its different aspects we are led to draw the logical conclusion that it is a Judeo-Masonic achievement." [p. 640.] | |
Again, Miller fails to demonstrate her argument or logic, assuming the reader will accept unquestioningly her conclusions. |
"...whereas Marxism, which is but one of the means devised for the accomplishment of the Protocols, is freely taught and practised, a wall of silence and fear has been built around the Protocols themselves. [p. 650.] | |
Like Taxils stories, Miller refuses to accept that the Protocols are a fiction. |
"An article in the Survey Graphic for December 1921 stated the aims of this movement [Youth Peace Federation] to include advocation of the Nudity Cult and promiscuity in sex relationships under the name of free love. Its advocacy of Body worship enables us to classify it as 'Phallic'." [p. 653.] | |
Millers concern with nudity is noteworthy, as is her resistance to using primary sources. |
"The Internationalization of finance reached its apotheosis when, on April 23, 1930 the International Bank at Basle, commissioned to enrol the central banks of nine nations in its membership, was founded.
As for the delegates from the different countries attending the meeting their names signify little for, owing to the speed and unanimity with which official appointments were made, it is evident that they were all instructed, or in other words pledged, to obey orders. By whom were the orders given? History may answer that question some day! [p, 658.] | |
Miller again fails to provide evidence. |
"As to 'Toleration' indiscriminate toleration preached at random, it should be considered one of the exoteric bases upon which are erected subversive creeds." [p. 664.] | | Miller does not consider toleration to be a virtue.