Rockefeller Center
Lee Oscar Lawrie (October 16, 1877 - January 23, 1963)
Consultant, Hartley Burr Alexander
Architect, Raymond Hood
Freize above main entrance, GE Building, Rockefeller Center, New York
RCA Building (1933)
Depicting Wisdom, the quote "Wisdom and Knowledge shall be the stability of thy times" is taken from Isaiah 33:6 : "And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the LORD is his treasure."
Lawrie also carved a white Vermont marble statue of first U.S. President, George Washington for the Washington National Cathedral and did the model for FDR on the U.S. dime.
The figure is derived from the work of 18th century artists such as Pellegrini Tiboldi ("Neptune" and "Christ in Glory"), the Christ figure in Michelangelos "Conversion of St. Paul" in the Pauline Chapel, and Blake's Ancient of Days. Blake also made use of the compasses in The Book of Thel
Earlier use of compasses as a symbol for the act of creation can be found in medieval manuscripts and early Bibles. Also note Albrecht Dürers Melencolia, and Astronomer.