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According to 17th-century bishop James Ussher, the exact date of Creation could be determined by calculating the lifespans of Old Testament patriarchs. Usshers conclusion that the earth began on October 23, 4004 B.C. was accepted throughout Christendom for centuries.
An expert in Semitic languages, Archbishop Ussher also studied Chaldean history and the astronomical canon to reach his conclusions.
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Ussher was able to use the ages of famous pre-flood personages in the Bible to estimate the number of years between creation and the flood. In 1650 CE, he arrived at an estimate of 4004-OCT-22 BCE. Dr. John Lightfoot, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge in the 19th century refined the calculations and arrived at 4004-OCT-23 BCE, at 9 AM. (We assume that this was Greenwich Mean Time).
Usshers date was October 23, beginning at sunset of the 22nd. Lightfoot was a 17th century contemporary.
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An English bishop, James Ussher (1581-1656), announced that he had pinpointed the creation of Adam as not only in 4004 B.C., but, to be more precise, at 8 o'clock on Saturday morning, Oct. 22.
Ussher was Irish and the Primate for All Ireland, the time was sunset of the 22nd, and he did not give an hour.
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(Creation Day; Bishop James Ussher reckoned that the world emerged from the Creators hand at 9 a.m. on Oct. 23, 4004 B.C.).
Archbishop Ussher did not compute an hour. |
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Bishop James Ussher determined the age of the universe thus: he defined the age of the universe as the time since creation (by God) and measured the age by adding the periods specified in the Bible, suitably corrected using available astronomical and historical records. He determined that the universe was created in 4004 BC, at a time that would have been sunset in Jerusalem, October 22.
Archbishop Ussher did not mention Jerusalem. |
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15810104: Bishop James Ussher, calculated that earth began Nov. 23-4004 BC
Wrong date.
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Bishop James Ussher who counted the 'begats' in the Book of Genesis refined by John Lightfoot: "Heaven and Earth.... were made in the instant of time..... on the 26th of October, 4004 BC at 9 o'clock in the morning."
Ussher did far more than count the "Begats." The Lightfoot quote is derived from Andrew D. Whites misquote, and has the wrong date; possibly reproduced from an error on page 706 2a of The New Encyclopædia Britannica, Chicago: 1989. vol. 16.
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Bishop James Ussher calculated that God began creating Heaven and earth at 2:30 in the afternoon, on Sunday, Oct 23, 4004 BC. Discover, Sep 87, p 76 & 81
Archbishop Ussher did not give an hour. |
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1581 - Bishop James Ussher, who calculated that earth began Nov. 23, 4004 BC
Wrong date.
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[The date of the creation of the universe] was October 23, in 4004 BCE, at 8:00 PM that Anglican Bishop James Ussher calculated that God created the Universe.
Ussher was made an archbishop of the Church of Ireland in 1625, nine years before the imposition of Anglican articles of faith, a development he was unhappy with.