by W Bro. A. H. Cromie, 1938
In rising to propose the toast to the Most Worshipful the Grand Lodge of British Columbia, I do so with the firm conviction that the welfare of the Craft in this Grand Jurisdiction to an outstanding degree has been assured by the conscientious discharge of the duties and responsibilities which are the prerogatives of the Most Worshipful the Grand Lodge.
These are executed with patience, tact and fidelity in all matters pertaining to the welfare of the Craft.
It is the duty of the Most Worshipful the Grand Lodge to watch over the activities of the constituent Lodges and to give assistance and advice in the many difficult problems with which we may be confronted from time to time. Its stabilizing influence can readily be recognized throughout the Jurisdiction. It discharges great responsibilities. Think of one item only. The Grand Lodge Benevolent Fund. Here is a capital sum of $330,000.00 with a monthly disbursement of over $1,100.00.
The administration of this fund calls for genuine business ability and at times great firmness. Yet the gracious spirit is never absent and in its operations the Brethren may discover that true Masonic touch, the happy art of saying and doing the right thing in the right way. Grand Lodge thus translates intellectual knowledge into actual experience and makes Masonry a practical art. Our time-honored institution has ever stood for loyal and unselfish service performed with that meekness which denotes strength.
Moreover, we are particularly fortunate in being governed by those stalwarts of Masonry who are always anxious to emphasize the fact that while Benevolence, Relief, and Charity are in themselves worthy and necessary activities, these things are only secondary to the real purpose of Masonry, namely, Character Building.
May we all appreciate our opportunities and duties as Freemasons and demonstrate in our daily lives the tenets of the Craft so that we, too, may be classified as honourable and active workers in our noble institution.