"Well, B.-P. always said...." Excerpts from his column in The Scout.
"How Scouting began." by Sir Robert Baden-Powell
These textfiles are also provided as pdf files that can be printed out and folded to make small booklets suitable for presentation to Scout or Cub.
A partial bibliography
Baden-Powells aids to scouting for N.-C.Os. & men with an introduction by Nelson R. Block. 1994.
Birds and beasts in Africa, depicted by the chief scout. 1938.
Boy scouts beyond the seas; "my world tour". illustrated by the authors own sketches. 1913.
Downfall of Prempeh; a diary of life with the native levy in Ashanti, 1895-96. With a chapter on the political and commercial position of Ashanti. 1896.
Founding of the Boy Scouts as seen through the letters of Lord Baden-Powell; October 1907-October 1908. Edited by Paul C. Richards. 1973.
Indian memories; recollections of soldiering, sport, etc. With 24 illus. in colour and 100 in black & white by the author. 1915.
Lessons of a lifetime, by Lord Baden-Powell. 1933
Matabele campaign, 1896; being a narrative of the campaign in suppressing the native rising in Matabeleland and Mashonaland. 1970.
My adventures as a spy. with coloured frontispiece, four half-tone illustrations and numerous line sketches by the author. 1915.
Scouting for boys in India [microform] : a handbook for instruction in good citizenship through woodcraft. 1931.
Scouting games. 1910.
Pigsticking; or, Hoghunting: a complete account for sportsmen, and others. Illustrated by the author. 1889.
Paddle your own canoe; or, Tips for boys from the jungle and elsewhere. 1939.
Quick training for war; a few practical suggestions. illustrated by diagrams. 1914.
Rovering to success; a book of life-sport for young men. with 60 illustrations by the author. 1922.
Scouting for boys ; a handbook for instruction in good citizenship through woodcraft. 1947.
Sports in war. With nineteen illustrations by the author. 1900.
What Scouts can do; more yarns. 1921
Wolf cubs handbook. 1918.
Further information can be found by searching the catalogues of
the Library of Congress, COPAC or AMICUS.