Many books have been written about or touched on the subject of Freemasonry. Like books on any subject, they range from the error-ridden and sensational to the dry and academic. A short list of those books considered as important to a masonic education can be found elsewhere on this site at <>.
The books reviewed in this section will be relatively recent publications, published for a general audience, and not necessarily focused on Freemasonry. The reviews though will be focusing on the masonic aspects and may not satisfy the interests of the non-masonic reader.
Born in Blood reviewed by John Hamill
Born in Blood reviewed by Dr. Wallace McLeod
The Byrom Collection
The Freemasons by Jasper Ridley [PDF]
The Invisible College
The Hiram Key
The Lost Symbol, a novel
The Master's Emblem
Rosslyn, Guardian of the Secrets of the Holy Grail
The Secret Zodiacs of Washington DC