Victoria Daily Times - 21 January 1904 page 7
The Services Yesterday Were Largely Attended - Masonic Lodges In Charge
The funeral of the late A. R. Milne, C.M.G., which took place yesterday afternoon, was attended by a very large gathering representing the official, commercial and professional life of the city. All were desirous of paying a final tribute to one whom they most highly respected for his many excellent personal qualities, and admired for his great ability.
The local lodges of the Masonic order, of which the late collector was a past grand master, had charge of the interment arrangements. They attended in a body, while members of the Odd Fellow lodges and the Knights of Pythias formed part of the cortege. Officials of the customs department, with whom Mr. Milne had so long been associated, and members of the board of trade, whose duties frequently brought them in touch with him, were also present.
The cortege left the family residence, Queen's avenue, shortly after 2 o'clock and proceeded to St. John's church, where an impressive service was conducted by Bishop Perrin. The sacred edifice was filled with people and the casket was borne along the aisle between rows of Masons. Members of the Chinese Benevolent Society were also in attendance. At the cemetery the Rev. C. Ensor Sharp conducted the Masonic burial service. The floral offerings were beautiful and many. The pallbearers were as follows: Angus McKeown, R.B. McMicking, D.W. Wilson, E. Crow Baker, W. Dalby and J.S. Clute.