James Simpson Hogg
25 May 1917 - 14 February 2006
MW Bro. James Simpson Hogg graduated from Victoria High School in 1935 to become a ship chandlery salesman and Rector's Warden in the Anglican Church.
Worshipful Master of Vancouver and Quadra Lodge No. 2 for 1952-53, MW Bro. Hogg was appointed District Deputy Grand Master for 1960-61, and elected Junior Grand Warden in 1965. He served as our eighty-ninth Grand Master from June 1968 to June 1969.
A life-long bachelor, and this jurisdiction's senior Past Grand Master, his years of active service to Freemasonry were noted at the 2002 Installation of Officers for Vancouver and Quadra Lodge No. 2 when MW Bro. James C. Gordon presented him with a specially-crafted certificate marking his fifty years as a Past Master.
MW Bro. Hogg continued to serve this jurisdiction, and will be remembered for his active rôle at our 2005 Annual Communication.
Initiated 21 September 1938
Passed 9 November 1938
Raised 1 February 1939
Vancouver and Quadra Lodge No. 2
Affiliated Cariboo Lodge No. 4, 13 May 1981
Affiliated Mount Newton Lodge No. 89, 8 August 1981
District Deputy Grand Master 1960-61
Grand Lodge of British Columbia records.