R.'.W.'. Bro. BURNABY, P. G. Master of British Columbia, P. P. Z. Columbia Royal Arch Chapter, Honorary Member of Victoria Lodge, No. 1, Ashlar Lodge, No. 3.
Since writing my Report news has been received of the death of one whom the Craft in British Columbia held in high estimation, and whose Masonic labors and good qualities entitle him to a lasting place in the remembrance of every Mason in the Province. R.'.W.'. P. G. M. Burnaby was one of our pioneers in Masonry, one of the first Masters of the first Lodge in the Province, subsequently D.G.M. for British Columbia under the. E.R., and was Past P.Z. of Columbia R. A. Chapter, 120 R.S. He was for some time opposed to the formation of our Grand Lodge, thinking it premature, but finding the Brethren were almost all desirous that this step should be taken he then devoted all his energies in assisting to carry out the wishes of the Brethren, thereby setting an example worthy of being imitated, but one which, unfortunately, is not always followed. In consideration of his eminent services the rank of P. G. M. was unanimously conferred upon him by this Grand Lodge, and a beautiful P. G. M.s Jewel presented him by the Brethren. He was also made an honorary member of Victoria Lodge, No. 1, and Ashlar Lodge, No. 3. In knowledge of the English Ritual Bro. Burnaby has never been surpassed by any Brother in the Craft of this Province. His kind and courteous bearing whilst presiding over the Craft and his liberality and goodness of heart, endeared him to all who came in contact with him. May he rest in peace.
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Grand Secretary.
Annual Proceedings Grand Lodge of British Columbia. Victoria : 1878. p. 17.