References to Freemasonry in popular culture range from the vitriolic to the innocuous. Far more often they are merely misinformed allusions from which Freemasonry faces a far more insidious threat; that of being marginalized, trivialized, and fictionalized. Most of the references noted on this site are harmless, simply pointing out that Freemasonry has played a role in our society; some are humorous, yet some are disturbing in their associations.
The storyline incorporates theories that Freemasonry is connected with the Knights Templar and early Christianity. The author makes it clear that it is only a work of fiction but it is a reasonably accurate depiction of masonic life and ideals.
Volume 1 introduces two researchers, Didier Mosàle and Francis Marlane who were initiated together into Freemasonry. Other freemasons, and masonic symbols and themes, appear throughout the seven-volume comic book series.
"Le Triangle Secret"
7 volumes
By Dider Convard at al.
Glenat, Publisher,
ISBN : 2723434982,
EAN: 978272348292, 9782723434980,
April 2002 - March 2003