Miley Cyrus
Disney Channel actress turned pop singer, Miley Cyrus (b. 1992/11/23), has had a stormy transition from child role model to adult pop singer, alienating many of her fans, some of whom chose to interpret her sexualization as an illuminati plot. She is seen here giving the two fingered salute.1
Who Owns My Heart
The anonymous poster, TheExposer911, claims that Miley Cyrus' Who Owns My Heart video "has many illuminati'Satanic Subliminal Messages throughout the Video". They amount to three images. First, an alarm clock in the background of one scene displays the time 11:56, which is claimed to represent 1 + 1 + 5 + 6 = 13, a number claimed to be a favorite of the Illuminati. A later scene shows Miley crouching on a table. For a moment three lights in a chandelier are seen behind her head. Defined this as a halo, this is interpreted to mean that she is considered god-like by the Illuminati. She also wears a large triangular ring which is interpreted to be a pyramid, claimed to be an Illuminati symbol. The number 13 is also displayed on a dancer's hoodie. The anonymous poster concludes that "this whole masonic video is full of satanic worship," and finishes by claiming that the "rest of the video is full of homosexuality with women grinding against women."
The Climb
The anonymous poster, MrRitz100, sees the eye of Horus in a cloud formation seen in Miley Cyrus's video The Climb and the Illuminati pyramid in the use of a triangular stage setting.
Illuminati - Hannah Montana & Miley Cyrus Exposed
Her use of the two fingured salute is cited in another youtube video as proof of her satanic and Illuminati associations.
1. It should go without saying, but accusations of illuminati, satanic or masonic influence in the music, imagery and lyrics used by Miley Cyrus are baseless, unfounded and completely imaginary. The pyramid is not an illuminati symbol, nor does the number 13 play any role in Freemasonry or the Illuminati.