Danial C. McCallum (1815 - 1878)
By Request of Sagamore Lodge, F.& A.M.
Air, "Old Hundred."
Oh! Heavenly Father deign to bless
Us brethren of the mystic tie,
In love and truth, and righteousness,
Oh! draw our souls forever nigh.
From East to West,
from South to North,
No narrow compass doth us bound,
This mandate Thou hast issued forth,
"All ills be thine wherever found."
Grand Architect supreme Thou art,
Before Thy Throne we humbly bow;
Receive this homage of the heart,
And list! oh! list, unto our vow.
In thee we trust, our God, our all,
We bless Thy name forevermore,
Till from this earth bright angels call
To Lodge transcending SAGAMORE.
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Born in Scotland on 21 January 1815 and moving to Rochester, New York as a child, architect and builder, Daniel Craig 'Dan" McCallum, was General Superintendent of the bridges of the Erie Railroad and Consulting Engineer of the Atlantic and Great Western Railroad. He was Initiated in Valley Lodge No. 109, Rochester, New York in 1850. Under Abraham Lincolns war administration he was brevetted Major General while serving as General Manager of Military railroads.
Retiring from these duties, he later published The Water Mill and Other Poems, Brooklyn, N.Y. : Privitely Printed, 1870. Two poems are noteworthy, "By Request of Sagamore Lodge, F. & A. M." and "The Water-Mill". He died December 27, 1878 and was interred in Mount Hope Cemetery in Rochester on December 1, 1879.
Source: Rochester Advertiser, December 27, 1878. Also see 10,00 Famous Freemasons, R. Denslow.