Masonic references in the works of Michael Flynn
In the Counry of the Blind (2001)
'Isaac leaned over and tapped his briefcase with his index finger. 'But this is.' he said. 'This is. Tell me square, Brady, and on the level. Is it what we expected?' [p. 4.]
'...There are millions of people out there today who've only heard vague, secondhand rumours about a secret cabal controlling the course of history. Who? Why the Jews, of course. Or the Masons. Or the Vatican. Or the Trilateral Commission. You can fill in your favorite whipping boy. The World Trade Organization.' [pp. 180-81.]
In the Country of the Blind, Michael Flynn. New York : A Tor Book Published by Tom Doherty Associates, LLC, 2001. ISBN: 0-765-34498-X. pb. 549p.