References to Freemasonry in popular culture range from the vitriolic to the innocuous. Far more often they are merely misinformed allusions from which Freemasonry faces a far more insidious threat; that of being marginalized, trivialized, and fictionalized. Most of the references noted on this site are harmless, simply pointing out that Freemasonry has played a role in our society; some are humorous, yet some are disturbing in their associations.
Masonic references in The Delicate Dependency
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Author Michael Talbot has created the character of Dr. John Gladstone (1855- ), a widowed Mayfair doctor with two daughters, Camelle and Ursula, who meets the vampire in the late nineteenth century. He discovers that they are an ancient and "very clever society" [p. 134] protecting humanity from destruction. The following quotes detail his fictional world of the vampire.
... very learned alchemists... possessed a number of magical secrets....the secret of immortality [p. 210]
Suffice to say that when I entered the monastery of the Vosges [during the time of Charlemagne], the vampires already had a recorded history that dwarfed human records.
"You have heard the term before. Swirling amid the myths and legends of the Middle Ages there have always been rumors of a secret society of intellectuals, a society who possessed knowledge far beyond the human culture, who were immortal, great alchemists and philosophers, who secretly pulled the strings of history. And who were we? What is the name by which we knew ourselves? ... the illuminati." He recited the term with another grand flourish of smoke from the hookah. "Yes... we were the Illuminati."
"I must warn you not to confuse the vampire illuminati with the various human organizations that subsequently stole the term. Many secret societies sprouted up and tried to mimic us. History is littered with their namesthe Masons, the Freemasons, the Knights Templar, the Rosicrucians, the Dionysiac Architects and the Society of the Unknown Men. Although a number of these organizations were originally formed by vampires, the names were copied and corrupted by a host of imposters. In sixteenth-century Spain there were a group of mortal heretics who called themselves "the illuminati," as did an obscure human sect in seventeenth-century France during the reign of Louis XIII. None of these were the true Illuminati as the monks in the Vosges were." [p. 212.]
"We kept our pointed teeth and culinary habits hidden, but all of Europe knew of the illuminati." [p. 213.]
"When I entered the monastery of the Vosges I learned there was a very rigid hierarchy of secrecy among my new brethren. It was not unlike an ancient mystery initiation. One had to pass through various levels of initiation." [p. 214.]
"It was at this time I heard of the Unknown Men." "Were the Unknown Men leaders? Were they older vampires?" "No one seemed to know." [p. 215.]
"The human members of the Church did not know there were vampires in their midst, but they did know certain of their members were party to secret societies." [p. 220.}
"You seem to be under the opinion that we, the vampire, the illuminati, kept all of our knowledge from the mortal world, and this is not true. We only kept those discoveries that we deemed dangerous." [p. 222.]
Gerbert d'Aurillac, named Pope Sylvester II by Otto III of Germany in 999, was a vampire [p.223.]
The work
the knowledge of the vampire was hidden in code and cypher in the common Gospel books
"He told me the Unknown Men were engaged in a very special work." [p. 261.]
a vampire created the doors of Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris
"There are 'devils bridges' all over England and Spain as well, and the Teufelsbrücke in Germany are exceedingly numerous. That is why the secret group of others first became known as stonemasons and freemasons, for they were builders of the impossible monuments."
"And all built by vampire?"
"To varying extants." [p. 264.]
"...it was as I stood before the portals of Notre-Dame that I truly understood what it meant to see. To be illuminated. An illuminatus." [p. 265.]
Vampires held classes in the cloisters of Notre-Dame, teaching most of the intellectuals from 1100 to 1400. "All of this had been planned by the Unknown Men and recorded here for us" [p. 266.]
"So that is all you read in the doors, to teach, to be the beneficient fathers." "There is more to the work of the vampire than you are letting on."
[p. 268.]
Sir Francis Bacon may have been Johann Valentin Andreae and was a vampire [p. 328.]
"We believe that they have been among us at least since antiquity and probably before." [p. 328.]
"There are those who say they are tampering with history." [p. 328.]
The societá was a small organization of fanatics devoted to the opinion that since time immemorial the vampire had been conspiring to bring about the end of human civilization" "Little was known of their activitiy, save that there hung about them the same aura that hung over many Italian secret societies, tales of assassinations and secret handshakes." [p. 357.]
"That is the work of the vampire," I chided scornfully, "to function as the benevolent overseers of the human race?" [p. 399.]
"How long have the vampire considered themselves the grand inquisitors of human learning?"
"Since the Unknown Men decreed it," Lodovico boomed. [p. 399.]
"I am one of the Unknown Men. There are eight others. We are the undisclosed rulers, the hidden powers at the top of the secret hierarchy of the vampire. Together we possess the combined knowledge of the world." He clutched the arms of his chair, and his dark eyes blazed. "For centuries we have pulled the secret strings of history. You seem to greet our work as mere censorship, but if you knew the gravity of the forces at play, if you knew what holocausts we have prevented, you would understand a glimmer of the sovereign reasoning behind our task." [p. 399.]
"a conspiracy that had infiltrated our entire history and stretched back through the mists of time" [p. 400.]
Our only weapons are misinformation and confusion. Our only battlefield is the mind.
infinitely superior to the mortal world in body and science, duty bound from using physical aggression [p. 396.]
Michael Talbot, The Delicate Dependency, A Novel of the Vampire Life. New York : Aon, 1982. ISBN: 038077982x. rebound hc [San Jose State University Library : PS 3570.A392x D45 1982] 406p. 10cm x 17.5cm.