References to Freemasonry in popular culture range from the vitriolic to the innocuous. Far more often they are merely misinformed allusions from which Freemasonry faces a far more insidious threat; that of being marginalized, trivialized, and fictionalized. Most of the references noted on this site are harmless, simply pointing out that Freemasonry has played a role in our society; some are humorous, yet some are disturbing in their associations.
Masonic references in Angels and Demons
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There is no historical connection between the Illuminati, English Freemasonry and the eye and pyramid symbol. Nor is USA president George Bush a freemason. Angels and Demons, while based on earlier books making such claims, at least makes no claim itself to be anything other than fiction. Also see The Da Vinci Code and The Lost Symbol.
Langdon rubbed his palms together, mentally sorting through the hundreds of documents he'd read or written on the Illuminati, "The Illuminati were survivors," he explained. "When they fled Rome, they traveled across Europe looking for a safe place to regroup. They were taken in by another secret society . a brotherhood of wealthy Bavarian stone craftsmen called the Freemasons."
Kohler looked startled. "The Masons?"
Langdon nodded, not at all surprised that Kohler had heard of the group. The brotherhood of the Masons currently had over five million members worldwide, half of them residing in the United States, and over one million of them in Europe.
"Certainly the Masons are not satanic," Kohler declared, suddenly sounding skeptical.
"Absolutely not. The Masons fell victim to their own benevolence. After harboring the fleeing scientists in the 1700s, the Masons unknowingly became a front for the Illuminati. The Illuminati grew within their ranks, gradually taking over positions of power within the lodges. They quietly reestablished their scientific brotherhood deep within the Masons a kind of secret society within a secret society. Then the Illuminati used the worldwide connection of Masonic lodges to spread their influence. (Chapter 11, page 37-38)
Recently the New York Times had reported the eerie Masonic ties of countless famous men - Sir Arthur Doyle, the Duke of Kent, Peter Sellers, Irving Berlin, Prince Philip, Louis Armstrong, as well as a pantheon of well-known modern-day industrialists and banking magnates. (Chapter 11, page 41)
Vittoria studied the [U.S. $1] bill. "An eye inside a triangle."
"Its called the trinacria. Have you ever seen that eye in a triangle anywhere else?"
Vittoria was silent a moment. "Actually, yes, but I'm not sure."
"Its emblazoned on Masonic lodges around the world."
"The symbol is Masonic?"
"Actually, no. Its Illuminati." (Chapter 31, pages 111-112)
"Check your history books," Langdon said with a smile. "Franklin D. Roosevelt was a well-known Mason." (Chapter 31, page 113)
It was no secret that infiltration was the Illuminati trademark of power. They had infiltrated the Masons, major banking networks, government bodies. (Chapter 41, page 153)
For Langdon, though, it was a more modern usage that always gave him chills - the Masons' four mystic grades of Absolute Initiation: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. (Chapter 46, page 181)
"No, oddly enough, wherever allusions to the segno appearMasonic diaries, ancient scientific journals, Illuminati lettersit is often referred to by a number." (Chapter 49, page 196)
The Illuminatis ellipse was prominent even today in modern Masonic tracing boards and footing inlays. (Chapter 52, pages 211-212)
"Heres one you'll remember," Glick said. "BBC. March 5, 1998. Parliament Committee Chair, Chris Mullin, required all members of Parliament who were Masons to declare their affiliation."
Marci remembered it. The decree had eventually extended to include policemen and judges as well. "Why was it again?"
Glick read "concern that secret factions within the Masons exerted considerable control over political and financial systems."
"Thats right."
"Caused quite a bustle. The Masons in parliament were furious. Had a right to be. The vast majority turned out to be innocent men who joined the Masons for networking and charity work. They had no clue about the brotherhoods past affiliations."
"Alleged affiliations." (Chapter 63, page 257)
"Exactly. The Masonic symbol on the one-dollar bill." (Chapter 64, page 259)
"Think of the secrecy of the Masons only the upper-echelon members knew the whole truth." (Chapter 69, page 283)
Pope John Paul I, who died in 1978, fell victim to a plot by the P2 Masonic Lodge. The secret society P2 decided to murder John Paul I when it saw he was determined to dismiss the American Archbishop Paul Marcinkus as President of the Vatican Bank. The bank had been implicated in shady financial deals with the Masonic Lodge. (Chapter 88, page 353)
LONDON DAILY MAIL August 27, 1998
. a plot including a powerful, ruthless and illegal Masonic lodge with tentacles stretching into the Vatican. (Chapter 88, page 354, ellipsis in the original)
Glick smiled. How much more obvious could it be? George Bush was a well-documented, 33rd-degree Mason, and he was the head of the CIA when the agency closed their Illuminati investigation for lack of evidence. (Chapter 101, page 406)
"I'm not saying everyone at CERN is Illuminati. Its probably like a huge Masonic lodge, where most people are innocent, but the upper echelons " (Chapter 101, page 406)
"On air. He likened CERN to the Masonic lodges an innocent organization unknowingly harboring the Illuminati brotherhood within." (Chapter 112, page 458)
Dan Brown (1964- ), Angels and Demons. New York : Pocket Books, 2000. ISBN 0-671-02736-0. 569p.