
November 12, 1933 - March 4, 2006
A long-serving Administrative Assistant at the USA Penitentiary in Leavenworth, Kansas, Joseph A. Walkes Jr. will be remembered for his tireless service to Prince Hall Freemasonry. In 1973, he founded the Phylaxis Society, an international Masonic Research Society for Prince Hall freemasons.
An honorary member of Panama Canal Zone No. 175 and Amos Johnson Lodge No. 148, Kansas City, PHGL Missouri; Mount Olive Lodge No. 3, Leavenworth, PHGL Kansas; and an honorary member of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of North Carolina, he served the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Missouri as editor of its official organ, The Masonic Light from 1968-1973. As Special D.D.G.M. (Military) for 1970 -1973 he assisted in the formation of Canal Zone Military Lodge No. 174 in Panama and Pythagoras Lodge No. 175 in Athens, Greece. He was Special Deputy at Large and Ambassador of Good Will for the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Michigan.
Walkes is the author of The Documentary History of King Solomon Lodge No. 15 (1971); Black Square & Compass: 200 Years of Prince Hall Freemasonry (1979); A Prince Hall Masonic Quiz Book (1983); John G. Lewis, Jr. End of an Era: History of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Louisiana 1842-1979 (1984); The History of the Shrine (Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Inc., Prince Hall Affiliated): A Pillar of Black Society (1993). He also revised The Prince Hall Primer and The Prince Hall Digest by Harry A. Williamson, expected to be published soon.
Raised : October 15, 1965
Worshipfu; Master : 1966-1967
Cecil A. Ellis Sr., Lodge No. 110, Karlsruhe, Germany, PHGL Maryland
Member : King Solomon Lodge No. 15, Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.
Source: Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Michigan, accessed 2007/09/23.