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The Rt. Rev. Acton W. Sillitoe, D.D.
[The Rt. Rev. Acton W. Sillitoe, D.D.]
Detail of oil painting in Agnes St. lodge hall. His apron and regalia is held in the Grand Lodge Archives
1841 - June 9, 1894
Born in Australia in 1841 and educated in England, Acton Wyndeyer Sillitoe advanced to the priesthood in 1870. Consecrated as Lord Bishop of New Westminster on All Saints' Day 1879, he arrived in his new diocese on 18 June, 1880.
The boundaries of the diocese were from the forty-fifth parallel to the fifty-fourth, and from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean. It covered an area of 160,000 square miles.
The Rev. L. N. Tucker, Rector of Christ Church, Vancouver, voiced the opinion of all when be said: "No one, I am sure, could know Bishop Sillitoe intimately without being charmed by his genial and friendly manner, and without being impressed by his zeal, earnestness, and manliness. Such qualities - the gifts of the Eternal Spirit- are not likely soon to die or to be forgotten. Through them, though dead, be yet speaketh, and will speak for many years to come to all who knew him."1
On June 22, 1889, he was presented by the Grand Lodge officers with a handsome piece of plate, voted him by Grand Lodge in recognition of his valuable and instructive services to the Craft in the Province.
From: Lodge of Honour No. 526, UGLE
Affiliated: April 5, 1886
Worshipful Master: 1891
Union Lodge No. 9
Affiliated: May 21, 1889
Cascade Lodge No. 12
Grand Chaplain: 1886-1891
Grand Lodge of British Columbia

1. The Bishops of the Church of England in Canada and Newfoundland: being an illustrated historical sketch of the Church of England in Canada, as traced through her episcopate by Charles Henry Mockridge, published in 1896 by Church Bells, London, England; F.N.W. Brown, Toronto, Ontario.


© 1871-2023 Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon A.F. & A. M. Updated: 2010/07/10