April 23, 1852 - March 7, 1940
"He drew a circle that shut me out
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But love and I had the wit to win;
We drew a circle that took him in."
American poet Charles Edward Anson Markham achieved fame with the publication of "Man With a Hoe", although he kept experimenting with small revisions of it throughout his life.
Author of "The Heart's Return", "The Whirlwind Road", "The Suicide", "The Poetry of Jesus", "The Hindered Quest", "The Angelus", "The Father's Business", "The Need of the Hour" and "The Jugglers of Touraine", the opening lines of "The Hero of the Cross" are quoted above.
Acclaimed by USA President Theodore Roosevelt, and masonic author Joseph Fort Newton, his works are little remembered today.
Initiated : c 1880 [?]
Acacia Lodge, No. 92, Coloma, Calif.
Source : Mackey ; The Builder Magazine April 1916, vol. II, no. 4.