November 25, 1867 - October 3, 1943
A "pioneer historian"1 by inclination, by profession Frederick W. Howay was a British Columbian lawyer and long-serving judge.
In 1933, the same year he was awarded the J.B. Tyrrell Historical Medal, Howay was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. He served as president in 1940-41.
"Frederick William Howay was born in London, Ontario, in the year of Confederation. He graduated from Dalhousie University in 1890 with the degree of LL.B., and in May, 1933, the University of British Columbia conferred upon him the degree of LL.D., honoris causa. For twenty-five years Dr. Howay has served the State as judge of the County of Westminster, and while dispensing justice he has found time for a great deal of sound work in history, particularly relating to British Columbia. Among his more important works is the History of British Columbia, prepared in collaboration with the late E. O. S. Scholefield. He is also the author of a more compact history of the Province; has contributed to the Cambridge History of the British Empire, and Canada and its Provinces; Zimmerman's >Captain Cook and Builders of the West, and has contributed numerous papers and articles to the transactions of learned societies and various quarterlies. He is a member of the Senate of the University of British Columbia, of the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada, and is a Fellow not only of the Royal Society of Canada but of the Royal Geographical Society and the Royal Historical Society. He is an ex-President of the British Columbia Historical Association and a member of various historical societies in Canada and the United States."2
Both Howay and Robie L. Reid willed their collections to U.B.C. at the time that Kaye Lamb (1904/05/11 -1999/08/24) was its University Librarian.3
Charter member : June 23, 1892
King Solomon Lodge No. 17, New Westminster
1. See A List of Trading Vessels in the Maritime Fur Trade New York Kingston : Limestone Press, 1973 ; "The Negro Immigration into Vancouver Island in 1858", British Columbia Historical Quarterly 3. 2(Apr. 1939) 101-114. The Voyages of the "Columbia" to the Northwest Coast, 1787-1790, and 1790 to 1793, MHS, Boston, MA, 1941, Repr. OHS, Portland, OR, 1990. A collection of articles which originally appeared in the Royal Society of Canada's Proceedings and transactions, 1930-1934, v. 24-28. ISBN: 0919642519 bd.
2. Royal Society of Canada www.rsc.ca.
3. Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada, 9/22/2000. Stuart-Stubbs, Basi http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G1-30265220.html