October 23, 1724 - November 19, 1795
An active promoter of Royal Arch Masonry, Thomas Dunckerley was the first Grand Master of the masonic order of Knight Templars, formed in London in 1791. His publication of various Charges and lectures has assured his place in masonic history
He was Past Senior Grand Warden of England, Provincial Grand Master for the Counties of Dorset, Essex, Gloucester, Hereford, Somerset and Southampton with the City and County of Bristol and the Isle of Wight, and Past Grand Master and Grand Superintendent of Royal Arch Masons over eighteen counties.
A natural son of King George II, he spent most of his career as a gunner in the English Navy until he was given a pension in 1767 by the grandson of his father, George III. He was called to the bar in 1774, although made little progress in the profession.
Initiated, January 10, 1754
Lodge N. 31, Three Tuns, Portsmouth
Sommerset House Lodge No. 224
Founding Master : 1768
Vanguard Lodge, London
Past Senior Grand Warden : November 1786
Premier Grand Lodge of England
Source: Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, Albert Mackey. p. 295-96; Freemasons Magazine. vol 1., 1793, p. 378 vol. iv., 1796, p. 96; Gould History of Freemasonry. pp. 234-35. Portrait painted by Thomas Beach, Engraved by J. Jones. Published by Act of Parliament, December 24th, 1789 by Ann Bryer, No. 5 Poland Stret, Soho. Reproduced as frontispiece in Thomas Dunckerley His Life, Labours, and Letters by Henry Sadler. London : Diprose & Bateman, 1891.