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Ars Quatuor Coronatorum
Carr, Harry, his theory of masonic descent 110:259
Carr, Harry, 109:92, 258, 263; The Early French Exposures, 1731-51. (1971) 92, 95n57, 232n7; The Freemason at Work (1976) 92; on the Mason Word in 'purest tymes' (1560s) (in AQC vol.85:217-41) q.263-4; Harry Carr's World of Freemasonry (1983) 92; Samuel Prichard's Masonry Dissected (1977) 95n58; 'Six Hundred Years of Craft Ritual' (in AQC vol.81:153-205) 92
Carr, Harry, 108:2, 5, 8, 55, 65, 247; on Stukeley and Ashmole, about esoteric knowledge (in AQC vol.100:153) 61n60; editor, facimile edition of AQC vol.1 (1963) 8n; 'Grand Lodge 1717-1967.' (ed. Frere, 1967) 59n8, 65; 'The Lodge at Haughfoot' (in AQC vol.63:255-303) q.2
Carr, Harry, 107:2, 54, 82, 188; Early French Exposures, The (1971) ed. [EFE] 192; Freemason at Work, The (1976) 25, 189; Harry Carr's World of Freemasonry (1983) 56, 197n13,14
Carr, Harry, 106:16-17, 36-7, 53-4, 63, 66, 236, 239, q.240; The Collected Prestonian Lectures 1925-1960. (1965) [PL] 208; ed. of Early French Exposures (1731-51), (1971) [EFE] 54, 64, q.59, 60, 142, 151-3n1,2,6,7,15,23,29, 170- 1n9-12,45, 239; 'Pillars and Globes, Columns and Candlesticks' (in AQC vol.75:204) 236; '600 Years of Craft Ritual' (in AQC vol.81:153-205) 142
Carr, Harry, Master (WM) of Quatuor Coronati L.2076 (1958) 105:25, 37; ed. (AQC), Early French Exposures [EFE] (1971) 5, 119, 251; The Freemason at Work (1976) 9; Harry Carr's World of Freemason at Work (1976) 9; Harry Carr's World of Freemasonry (1984) 133
Carr, Harry, 104:258, 265-6; ed. The Early French Exposures [EFE] (1971) 131, 134
Carr, Harry, 103:76, 77n4, 101, 110, 114, 119, 253; on the Light of a M.M. q.196; The Early French Exposures [EFE] (1971) 241, 261; The Freemason at Work (1976), on the Arms of [UGL] 265
Carr, Harry, q. 102:24, 41-2n3, 42n7, 48, 56, q.77, 99; on Masonry Dissected [MD] q.103-4, 125-6; on the M.M.'s words 164-5, 170; The Meaning of the Word Passing (2¢X) (Q.) 254-5, ed. Early French Exposures [EFE] (1971) q.107, 124, 130, 244; Freemason at Work (1976) 94, q.246; World of Freemasonry (1983) 56, 58
Carr, Harry, 101:67, 103, 186, 191, 196, q.249; ed. The Early French Exposures [EFE] (1971) 49; The Freemason at Work (1976) 196, q.227, q.230; Harry Carr's World of Freemasonry (1984) 146, 196; ed. Minutes of the Lodge of Edinburgh, L.1(1) (SC) (1962) q.190, 196
Carr, Harry, 100:110-11, 148, 152, 159
Carr, Harry, 99:120, 212, 236; as Secretary of the lodge (1961-73) (AQC) 113; on the Landmarks 197 120
Carr, Harry, 98:vi, q.19, 217; ed. The Early French Exposures [EFE] (1971) 218; The Freemasons at Work (1976) 19, 24, q.79
Carr, Harry, q. 97:35, 37, 59-60, 68, 147, 219; 'Hebraic Aspects of the Ritual' 75-88; ed. The Early French Exposures [EFE] (1971) 17n4, 45; The Freemason at Work (1976) q.34
Carr, Harry, 96:121, 126-7, 131, 174-5n12, 191; ed. The Collected Prestonian Lectures 1925-1960. (1965) [PL] 110n6; The Freemason at Work (1976) 112, 127; Harry Carr's World of Freemasonry (1983), reviewed (Ward) 224-5, comments (OES) (Nicol) 228
Carr, Harry, 95:1, 180, 186; his appointment to the O.S.M. (Order of Service to Masonry) vii; his obituary, Sec. L.2076 and editor of AQC (1961-73) 223; on 'Freemasonry in Lancashire' (Cryer & Read) 113, 115; on 'Origins of Speculative Masonry' (Dyer) 162-4, 169; in Grand Lodge 1717-1967 (1967) 188n1,6,10,20,24,29; Lodge Mother Kilwinning No.0 (L.0) (1961) 188n33; ed. Minutes of the L.1 of Edinburgh (Mary's Chapel) L.1(1) (SC) (in QCA vol.XIII, 1962) 121, 182, 188n11,14,20; The Freemason at Work (1976) 217
Carr, Harry, 94:vi, vii, 13-14, 32, 44, 76, 126n5; ed. Early French Exposures [EFE] (1971) 125, 241, 249; Freemason at Work, The (1976) 239; 'An Introduction to Prichard's Masonry Dissected' [MD] 107-37; introduction to Three Distinct Knocks [TDK] and Jachin & Boaz [J&B], facsimile reprint (1981), reviewed (Batham) 222; on 'A Lost MS.' (McLeod) 35, 40 bis; See also: (Dashwood & Carr) The Collected Prestonian Lectures 1925-1960. (1965) [PL]
Carr, Harry, 93:1, 62
Carr, Harry, 92:38, 42, 137n1, 138n18, 214; ed. Early French Exposures [EFE] (1971) 100, 137n1, 144, 147; The Freemason at Work (1976) 138n22, 146; Prichard's 'Masonry Dissected': An Analysis and Commentary (1977) [MD] 97n7; on 'Jews in English Freemasonry' (Shaftesley) 54-5, 62; on 'John Coustos' (McLeod) 140-1, 145-6; on 'The Origin and Sources of the Schroeder (Schršder) Ritual' (Solf) 101, 103
Carr, Harry, 91:15, 88, 221; ed. Early French Exposures (1971) 115, 128; The Mason and the Burgh (1954) 21n14; '600 Years of Craft Ritual' (in AQC vol.81:153-205) 77, 87, 89, 92, 94; on 'The Birth of Freemasonry' (Ward) 92-3, 94-6, 98; on 'Grand Stewards' (Jarvis) 193, 196
Carr, Harry, 90:177, 291, 326; Early French Exposures (1971) 216; The Freemason at Work (1976) q.87 bis, 88, 214, 287-8; on 'Freemasonry in Yorkshire' (Clarke) 166, 175; Samuel Prichard's 'Masonry Dissected' (1730) [MD], his analysis and commentary (1977) 188n3, reviewed (Haunch) 250-2 on 'The Tyler or Outer Guard' (Wells) 214, 216
Carr, Harry, 'Bible Openings' (Q.165) 89:263-4; and Cardinal Heenan 68; 'The Evolution of the Installation Ceremony and Ritual' 32-59; The Freemason at Work (1976) 54, 68; Royal Duke (Gillen, 1976), reviewed by 182-4; 'A Russian Initiation Ceremony', his letter q.268; '600 Years of Craft Masonry', (in AQC vol.81:153-205) 29, 31n22, 56
Carr, Harry, 'The Placing of the Wardens' (JW)/(SW), [PGL]/[AGL], [MD]/[TDK] (Q.159) 88:221; on 'Anthony Sayer' (Beck) 79-80, 83, 84; on 'Dassigny, Youghal, ...' (Ward) 29; ed. The Collected Prestonian Lectures 1925-1960. (1965) 174; ed. Early French Exposures (1971) q.v.; The Freemason at Work (1976) (Masonic Questions and Answer), reviewed (Smyth) 174-5
Carr, Harry, 87:25n6, 47n2, q.74, q.76, 122, 149, 205, 224, 239; on Cartwright's Commentary on Ritual (1947) 261; on Drama & Craft (Cryer) 97-8, 102-4; on Masonic Passwords (Jackson) 122-4, 129 bis; on Symbolism 214; (ed.) The Early French Exposures (1971) [EFE] 106n1, 110, 110n5, 111n2, 122, 127, 211, 263; in Grand Lodge 1717-1967. (1967) 204-5, q.239; The Mason's Bookshelf (in AQC vol.71:Inset.) 209, 210; portrait of 132; presentation to, on retirement 132-5, 135; retirement, Editor/Sec. AQC (1961-73) 132-5; speech by 133-4; (ed.) Collected Prestonian Lectures 1925-1960. (1965) [PL] 211
Carr, Harry, 86:131, 255, 275, 280, 282, 291; 'The Relationship between the Craft and the Royal Arch' 35-86, 171; 'Six Hundred Years of Craft Ritual' (in AQC vol.81:153-208) 276, 278; ed. Early French Exposures (1971) 19n3, 30, 46-50 passim, 60, 85, 99, 305
Carr, Harry, 85:8, 60, 73, 122, 244, 351n4, 353n3; 'A Collection of Early References to the Mason Word' 217-41; 'An Examination of the Early Masonic Catechisms' (Part III) 331-48, ibid. (Transaction Leicester Lodge of Research) (1946/47) 230n1; 'Minute Book of the Lodge at Haughfooe' (in AQC vol.63:257) 233n1; on 'A Commentary on the Freemasonic Ritual' (Cartwright) (1973) 316; on 'It is not in the Power' (Haunch) 209-11, 216; on symbolism 324; (ed.) Early French Exposures (1971) [EFE] 3, 10, 349n1, 351n4; The Mythology of the Secret Societies (Roberts), reviewed by 372-6; See also: Dashwood
Carr, Harry, 84:4, 126, q.149, 229, 308; "An Exammation of the Early Masonic Catechisms" (Part II) 293-307; on "Masters and Master Masons" (Tydeman) 205-7, 208; A Register of Grand Lodges, Active and Extinct (1972) (Draffen), reviewed by 230-1; Stalwart Builders (1971) (Roy), reviewed by 221-8; "The Conjoint Theory" (in AQC vol.66:42-64) q.77; The Early French Exposures (ed. 1971) [EFE] 149n4, 174, 175, 319; "An Examination of Early Continental Ritual" (Transaction, Leicester Lodge of Research, 1948/9) 148n4, 149n2; "Masonic Fire" (in AQC vol.79:273-283) 163n1; on [MD] (1730) (Prichard) 147
Carr, Harry, "An Examination of the Early Masonic Catechisms" [Catechism] 83:337-57; See also: (part II) (in AQC vol.84:293-307) and (part III) (in AQC vol.85:331-348) 157n1; on "In the Beginning was the Word" (Ward) 315; on "RW Bro. William Tucker" (Cooper) 138-40, 147 bis; Jews and Freemasons in Europe 1723-1939 (1970) (Katz), reviewed by 322-8; The Regius Poem (Masonic Book Club) (MBC), reviewed by 331-3; The Early French Exposures 1737-51, edited by, reviewed (James) 321-2
Carr, Harry, a Jew 82:324; "Lodge Mother Kilwinning, L.0" (SC) 294-309, 294n1; on "External Influences on Evolution of English Masonry" (Clarke) 274-5, 276n3, 277-8; on first organization of Masons 263; interviews R.C. Archbishop Cardinal Heenan (1968) (Q.103) 324-5; on Lord Ripon 325
Carr, Harry, 81:15; "Foundation of the Grand Lodge of Iran, The" (1969) 266-79; "In Memoriam Bro. Lewis 121 Edwards" 259; "Miniature Masonic Pilgrimage in London" 326-32; "600 Years of Craft Ritual" 153-205, 294; on Grand Lodge MS. (No.16540) etc. (Preston's Catechisms) 134-9; Masonry in Japan: The First One Hundred Years, 1866-1966. (Peck), reviewed by 239-44; Pocket History of Freemasonry, 5th edn. (1969) (Pick & Knight), his Foreword to 252
Carr, Harry, The 250th Anniversary celebrations for foundation of Grand Lodge (1717) 80:169-209; Eligibility of Candidates 310-14; The Full Moon and Freemasonry 318-23
Carr, Harry, (SBF) (1963) [TPS], formerly assistant editor of 'The Builder', on the Topping-Out ceremonies (Q.71) [SKA] 79:296; Masonic Fire 273-83; Grand Lodge and the significance of (1717) 289-92; 'Freemasonry before Grand Lodge' in (Grand Lodge, 1717-1967.) (1967) [UGL], reviewed (Grantham) 234-239
Carr, Harry, Kipling and the Craft 78:207-8; The Royal Arch Banners [RA] 231-4; Masonic after-proceedings: a brief account of practices in the London area 234-40; A Guided tour of the Grand Lodge Library and Museum, Freemasons' Hall [UGL] (London) 241-62
Carr, Harry, Kipling and the Craft 77:213-53; Three phases of Masonic history 256-62; The Knocks in the Craft Degrees 267-74; The Royal Arch Banners [RA] 290-5
Carr, Harry, Prestonian Lecturer, 'The Transition from Operative to Speculative Masonry' (1957) [PL], his portrait (WM) Q.C. L.2076 (1957) 76:26; The Mason and the Burgh (1954) 136; The Letter "G" 172-97; More light on the Royal Arch [RA] 213, 218
Carr, Harry, The Duke of Sussex and a Hebrew poem 75:57-8; The Great Architect and the compasses 108-16; Two pair of white gloves 117-18; Pillars and Globes, Columns and Candlesticks 204-11
Carr, Harry, Sec. of L.2076 (1961-1973) 74:24, 30; Coil's Masonic Encyclopaedia (1961) (Coil, Henry Wilson) (USA), reviewed by 99-100; The Obligation and its place in the Ritual 129-33
Carr, Harry, Lodge Mother Kilwinning, No.0; A Study of the earliest Minute Books, 1642-1842. (1960), L.0 (SC), reviewed (Pick) 73:127-128
Carr, Harry, his Biography and Installation as Master (WM) of (L.2076) 72:7; Inaugural Address (1958), Some Foreign Masonic Documents (MS.) 3-6; Masonic Funeral Service (Q.7) (ML.5-7); See also: Notes (Queries/Replies, 'Old' Q.1/Q.191), (in AQC vol.72: to AQC vol.94:) and 'New' Q.1 to Q.201, in 'The Freemason at Work' (1976)
Carr, Harry, The Mason and the Burgh (1954), on the suggested Masonic Reading List (Draffen) 71:7; The Mason's Bookshelf, on the suggested Masonic Reading List; See also: (in AQC vol.87:210-211) & (in AQC vol.71:Inset./ML.) (Misc. Lat.)
Carr, Harry, Apprenticeship in England and Scotland up to (1700) 69:46-85; The Transition from Operative to Speculative Masonry 69:Inset. (Misc. Lat.) (ML.4p); See: Prestonian Lecture (1957) [PL]
Carr, Harry, The Mason and the Burgh - An examination of the Edinburgh Register of Apprentices and the Burgess Rolls 67:30-52
Carr, Harry, The Conjoint Theory 66:42-64
Carr, Harry, The Lodge at Haughfoot 64:5-60
Carr, Harry, The Lodge at Haughfoot 63:255-303
Carr, Harry, on the Cooke MS. (1420) [B.1.], in Transactions of the Leicester L.2429 of Research (1943-4); See: (Q.C. Pamphlet No.5, 1949)

Enhanced Computer Correlated AQC-Index, for Vol.1 (1886) to Vol.109+ (1996).Svend Aage Veders¿, Odder, Denmark


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