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The Board of Directors of Ashlar College of Freemasonry (ACF) is proud to announce that the concept that began within the Grand Lodge Committee on Education and Research in 2003 (Masonic Diploma Program) has now reached the stage whereby first semester courses were offered, for the very first time, in February 2011.
The creation of an educational body, providing courses in Freemasonry within the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon has been in development for some years. It became a reality at the Grand Lodge Annual Communication in 2009, at which time our Constitutions was amended to permit the Grand Master to license such a body.
This licensing took place in early 2010, when MW Bro. Brian Tuckey, on his official visit to Greater Victoria on 8 March 2010, used the opportunity to present the license to operate to representatives of the College, VW Bro. Norman McEvoy and MW Bro. Stephen Godfrey.
The formal opening of the College took place at the Official Visit of MW Bro. J. Alan Cross to District 5 in Nanaimo on Saturday, 26 February 2011.
The objective of the College is to offer the brethren of this jurisdiction the opportunity to earn a "diploma", to be achieved through a planned developmental program of masonic knowledge and and understanding of our jurisdiction through a curriculum of written papers, suggested readings and personal submissions on assigned topics.
The diploma program is being developed by volunteers at a grass roots level and it is probable that some growing pains will be experienced; we therefore ask in advance for your patience and understanding.
It is possible that brethren may identify ways in which courses could be improved. Suggestions will be gratefully received, reviewed by the Board, and implemented if deemed appropriate.
RW Bro. Chris Foxon
The Programme
The Ashlar College of Freemasonry (ACF) programme of instruction has been structured to cover three levels, each level containing 6 courses, under three specific categories – History, Governance, Philosophy, with two courses from each category for each level.
Volunteer adjudicators are now being sought, and interested brethren are asked to contact the Dean of the College, MW Bro. Stephen Godfrey.
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The programme is progressive, with the completion of each level mandatory before moving to the next level. All coursework will be electronic. Adjudicators for each course will be assigned to each student to assist him in the satisfactory completion of that particular course.
In addition to the coursework itself, students will be provided with several lists of reference books on the subject and encouraged to add those books to their own personal library.
Recommended reading
Frequently Asked Questions
PDF file
MSWord document
Visit Ashlar College website.
The first step is to fill out the contact form. You will then receive further information to complete your registration. A student registering to the College will begin coursework, immediately his registration form is received by the Administrator.
To qualify as a student in the College the applicant must be a Master Mason and be in good standing in a lodge warranted by Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon, Grand Lodge of Alberta, Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan, or Grand Lodge of Manitoba.
The ACF requires a program fee of $100, followed by a $10 fee for each course taken. A cheque or money order for $130 ($100 registration plus $10 for each of the first three courses) must be remitted with the registration form.
Questions should be directed to the Dean.
Course evaluation and completion
An assignment is attached to each course, upon the satisfactory completion of which, the student will receive credit and move forward.
Satisfactory completion of Years One and Two will entitle the student to receive the designation of AACF (Associate of the Ashlar College of Freemasonry). Upon completion of Year Three he will receive the designation FACF (Fellow of the Ashlar College of Freemasonry). Appropriate certificates for AACF and FACF will be presented during the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge.
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1A.1 Origins and history of Freemasonry to 1640 - [Legend, myth, history] | |
1A.2 Jurisprudence - Constitution and Regulations [of BC&Y] | |
1A.3 Philosophy, ethics & principles
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1B.1 History of Freemasonry in Canada
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1B.2 Masonic Protocol - regular etiquette in our daily life as well as in Masonry.
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1B.3 Masonic symbolism [Setting up a lodge - basic requirements and their significance]
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2A.1 Origins and history of Freemasonry 1631-1717: The Age of Enlightenment
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2A.2 Effective Leadership and Communication – implications for dynamic lodges
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2A.3 Lectures and Charges I: The Emulation and Ancient rituals
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2B.1 History of the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon
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2B.2 Planning – Grand Lodge plan (5 Pillar Plan), exploring
masonic planning, lodge planning
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2B.3 Lectures & Charges II: The origins of the language of the lectures and charges – an exploration of manuscripts
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3A.1 Origins and History of Freemasonry 1717-1813 in the British Isles
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3A.2 Mentoring – exploring the strength of mentoring, its organization and support
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3A.3 Virtues – using a list of virtues, to explore the connection of virtues to everyday life and in Freemasonry
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3B.1 World Freemasonry, Growth of International Masonry since 1813 in other countries
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3B.2 The Masonic Family [Exploring appendant orders: concordant bodies in BC&Y,
their connections, structures, programs, outreach. Researched or by interview with a brother of the order.]
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3B.3 A Personal Philosophy: An opportunity to establish your own philosophical belief. Your spiritual journey: Why should men join Freemasonry? Why did you join? What keeps you attending?
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