One of the arguments used by anti-masons to support their claim that Freemasonry is satanic is to refer to the masonic use of the pentagram. The short answer to this accusation is that the pentagram has no masonic significance, is not a masonic symbol, and is not mentioned in any published masonic ritual.
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The pentagram,
Notes, citations and references
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1. Oxford English Dictionary (1984) cites Chapman , 1594; H. Moore, 1664; Casaubon, 1672.
2. Henry Lincoln, The Holy Place. Arcade, New York: 1991. ^
3. Arthur Charles Fox-Davies, The Art of Heraldry, An Encyclopaedia of Armory. Arno Press, New York: 1976 [1904] LCC 65-56481. pp. 228-230. ^
4. Éliphas Lévi. Dogma and Ritual of High Magic ii. p.55. [f.7.] Also see: Sexuality, Magic and Perversion, Francis King. New English Library, Times Mirror. 1972. 174 p. p. 156 : "Some of these miraculous hosts [Vintras' The Work of Mercy at Tilly] were examined by the French magician Eliphas Levi. He announced that the holy symbols were upside down (e.g. the pentagram had two points, instead of one, pointing upwards) and on this basis claimed that the alleged miracles were the result of diabolical origin. He failed to explain, however, how on a circular host it was possible to tell which way up the symbols were supposed to be!"
5. Solomons Seal, from stone synagogue, Capernaum. Miller, Madeleine S.; Miller, J. Lane: Harpers Bible Dictionary. New York: Harper & Row, , 1961. p. 713. [Site info: (Tell Hum) North end Sea of Galilee, West of entrance 3rd century CE] p. 33. Also see de Vogal, plate IV | |