Traditional House-Costume.2
Suppression of the Knights Templar
Jacque de Molay
June, 1307 Having been summoned from Cyprus to meet with Pope Clement V (b. c.1260, d. 1314/04/20), Grand Master, Jacque de Molay (b. 1240, d. 1314/03/11) arrives in Poitiers. Later that summer he travels to Paris. Accusations made by three expelled knights of the Order in 1305 are repeated in 1307 as charges of heresy and sodomy by Guillaume de Nogaret, Guillaume de Paris and others.
September 9, 1307 Philip IV Philippe le bel (b. 1268, d. 1314/11/29) King of France from October 1285 to his death in 1314, issues an order for the arrest of the Templars; it was executed in the early morning of Friday, October 13, 1307 with the arrest of some 15,000 members residing in French territory.
November 22, 1307 Clements bull Pastoralis praeeminentiae orders all Christian monarchs to arrest the Templars.
May 12, 1310 54 Templars, all denying the charges, are burnt to death in a field near the convent of Saint-Antoine outside Paris. The total number of deaths during interrogation and burnings is unknown.
October 16, 1311 Called by Clement to consider the charges against the Order, the Council of Vienna, opens.
March 22, 1312 Clement issues bull Vox In Excelso, the decree of suppression. On April 3rd, with Philip in attendence, Clement publicly reads the order in Vienna.
December 22, 1313 Papal commission appointed to adjudicate punishment of Jacques de Molay, Hughes de Pairaud, Geoffroi de Gonneville and Geoffroi de Charney meets in Paris.
March 18, 1314 Templar leaders sentenced to perpetual imprisonment. Jacques de Molay and Geoffroi de Charney, Master of Normandy, proclaim their innocence. That evening, around 6:00 pm, they are burnt to death on the Ile des Javiaux in the Seine in front of the Cathedral of Nôtre Dame.1
1. Malcolm Barber, The Trial of the Templars. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998 c. 1978 ISBN: 0 521 45727 0 pbk, 312 p.
Piers Paul Read, The Templars. London: Weidenfeld & 1999. ISBN: 0-297-84267-6. 350 p.
J. Michelet, Les Procès des Templiers, 2 vols. (Collection de Documents Inédits sur l'Histoire de France), Paris, 1841-51 [ notarial record of Paris hearings, October and November 1307 and hearings of papal commission between 1309 and 1311, based upon the copy deposited at Paris at the close of the papal commission.
2. "Traditional House-Costume of Extinct Order of the Temple", Photographic reproduction of original woodcut in [Franciscus Modius] Cleri totius Romanae Ecclesiae subjecti,... habitus ... a J. Ammanno expressi ... Francoforti, 1585. (Brit. Mus. Cat.). Reproduced in Ars Quatuor Coronatorum. vol. xxvi. p.236.