This bibliography is appended to a paper outlining one interpretation of Freemasonrys impact on Russia based on those texts available to the non-masonic Russian author. True or false, it represents the current belief of many Russians.
Lolliy Zamoisky | Za fasadom masonskogo khrama (Behind the facade of the Masonic Shrine). Moscow, 1990. |
N.G. Dumova |
Kadetskaya kontrrevolutsya i yeyo razgrom (oktyabr 1917 - 1920). (Cadet counterrevolution and its defeat (October 1917 - 1920). Moscow, 1982. |
Anton Pervushin | Okkultniye tainy NKVD i SS. (Occult Mysteries of NKVD and SS). St.-Petersburg, `Neva, 1999. |
M.A. Aldanov |
Tretye marta. Sbornik w chest 70-letiya P.N. Milyukova. (March 3. In commemoration of P.N. Milyukov.). Paris, 1929. |
P. Milyukov |
Reminiscences, 1859-1917. New York, 1955, vol. 1-2. |
A. Kerensky |
Russia and Historys Turning Point. New York, 1966. |
R.B. Lockhart |
Two Revolutions. London, 1967. |
B.I.Nikolayevsky |
Russkiye masony i revolutsiya (Russian Freemasons and revolutionary). Moscow, "Terra", 1990. |
Hass. Ambicje |
rachuby, rzeczywistosc. Wolnomularstwo w Europie Srodkowo-Wschodniej. 1905 - 1928. (Ambitions, intentions, reality. Freemasonry in Central and Eastern Europe). Warszawa, 1984. |
no author |
Okkultniye sily Rosii (Occult forces of Russia), Severo-Zapad, St.-Petersburg, 1998. |
no author |
Okkultniye sily SSSR (Occult forces of the USSR), Severo-Zapad, St.-Petersburg, 1998.
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