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Text on reverse:

This is the only legal receipt for dues and other charges, and its use is required in all Lodges, Rebekah Lodges and Encampents. It is a proper credential for visiting in all Jurisdictions on the Continent of North America. Its use is limited to the date to which dues are shown to be paid. The holder shall prove identity and good standing in the manner prescribed by te laws of the Order, and upon such proof, the presiding officer of the Lodge visited is authorized to communicate the A.T.P.W. If the visitor is a member in the Jurisdiction visited the presiding officer shall also communicate to him the Password of the current term. Payment of Benefits or pecuniary aid is not authorized by this Certificate.


J. Edw. S[?]noh
Grand Secretary


Benefit—What sick and funeral benefits do you pay?
Black—He is a fraud, and if he has a card or other papers from this lodge, they are forgeries.
Boat—He is an expelled member, and has not been in good standing for ____ .
Cash—Is in our city asking financial assistance, and claims membership in your lodge in good standing.
Caution—Look out for a fraud named ____ .
Doubt—Identity in doubt. Wire description.
Final—A member of your lodge died here.
Funds—Shall we aid him and draw on you to the extent of $ ____ ?
Green—Wire instructions to us at once as to the disposition of his remains.
Grip—Draw on us for the amount of expenses incurred.
Help—Will your lodge pay nurse hire, and how much per day?
House—Is in our city, holding a visiting card from your lodge and asking of us financial assistance.

Lodge-Forward remains to this place by ____ .
Purple-We think best to bury him there.
Red-Holding a visiting card from your lodge died here.
Regalia—:Assist him and we will honor draft to the extent of $_____ .
River—:Has your lodge a member in good standing by the name of ____ ?
Rock—A member of our lodge is in your city needing assistance. His name and address are ____ .
Secretary—He has a fraudulent card.
White—:We don't know any such party, and he does not belong to our lodge.
Widow—Wife or child of a deceased member of your Iodge is in our city asking assistance. Shall we draw on you to the extent of $ ____ .
Yellow—Is in our city and very sick. Claims membership in your lodge. Shall we give him attendance on your account?



© 1871-2009 Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon A.F. & A.M. Updated: 2006/03/21