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This Toronto-based thrash-blues-jazz trio are not the only musicians to exploit the recognition value of the Illuminati. Dave Clarkson, a Manchester (UK) based musician has, since January 2000, recorded and occasionally played live under the name Illuminati. John Cyriis and Chuck Profus formed the Los Angeles speed metal band Agent Steel in 1984, disbanding in 1988 only to reform in 1998, and in 2002 record "Order Of The Illuminati".
The Illuminati
Bassist Nick Sewell, guitarist Les Godfrey, drummer Jim Gering formed the Toronto-based thrash-blues-jazz band The Illuminati in 2003. Their self-titled 2005 CD cover ary features an all-seeing eye.
"Unlike their namesake, The Illuminati isn't trying to keep their plans for world domination a secret." "Ah, manipulation of the masses; just one thing that the band does have in common with the ancient cabal of Freemasons that has been allegedly controlling the geo-political landscape for hundreds of years. Another is their obsession with the triangle, the strongest shape, Sewell claims, and the number three, matching the number of band members (all of whom are left-handed and play right, incidentally)."
Artist: The Illuminati
Album Name: The Illuminati EP
Release Date: 2005-12-06
Label: Liquor And Poker Music
"Illuminati make noise", Metro Toronto: January 19, 2007. p. 11. Also see "The illluminati plot world domination" by Brian Towie. Metro Vancouver Jan 19-21 2007. p. 15.