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Jane Jones (1888 - 28 January 1962)
Port of Lost Girls (1938)
This film is noteworthy for two obscure masonic references. At [00:36:30] Jane Jones, as Minnie, sings "I've changed my routine":

"...who has forgotten me.
But still, there was a time,
when I was on the square.
He didn't have a dime,
and yet I didn't care.
But when he got his dime,
he showed me to the door.
I've evened up the score.
Oh, I changed my routine.
And I don't have to tell you what I mean.
When Cupid passed me by,
I didn't bat an eye.
I rearranged my routine.
Oh, I changed my routine.
And now my cares are few and far between.
I made them pay the price,
I played with loaded dice.
Oh yes, I changed my routine.
Playboys, gay boys,
I've never been neglected.
or dejected
Tall men, small men, so calm,
so cool and collected...
and I've collected.
Oh, I changed my routine.
Now there's an altogether different scene.
I started out from scratch,
I've yet to meet my match,
Because I changed my routine.
Because I changed my routine."

The reference to being "on the square" would appear to have less to do with being honest and trustworthy than with being gainfully employed.

Adding to the disproportionate list of film characters named Mason, the principal character is a singer named Della Mason.

"I've changed my routine" : music by Charles Rosoff (1895/05/01 - ), lyrics by Eddie Cherkose (1912/05/25-1999/11/21). Port of Missing Girls (1938). Directed and written by Karl Brown. Scott L. Dunlap In Charge of Production. Harry Carey, Judith Allen, Milburn Stone, Betty Compson, Matty Fain, George Cleveland, Jane Jones, Willy Castello, Fred 'Snowflake' Toones. 65 min, USA, English. Black and White. Mono.

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