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Danger Man (Secret Agent)
John Drake infiltrates the Order of the Knight Crusaders, a group planning to secretly control global politics.
Jackson : He [Williams] evidently started out as a communist, quarrelled with them, and had a flirtation with the British Nazi Party. That lasted for a year or two. and one day he went to a meeting of the Knight Crusaders. He was there to make trouble but like Saint Paul he saw the light. He was converted and at the time of his arrest was still an ardent supporter.
Drake: That narrow band of bigoted reformers!
Miss Jackson : Bigoted they may be but they would hardly incite Williams to murder. I looked in at their last meeting at the Albert Hall. They're all stolid middle class citizens.
Drake: Yeah. Perhaps they have some dangerous ideas and far too much money. Could be they have a secret action committee, in which case Williams might be a member. That outfit down in the country might well be that committee. They're always talking about the Order. That’s Order with a capitol O. Knights of the Order. That’s got a crusader ring about it! [00:17:31 - 00:18:03]
Later, in a training exercise, Drake is introduced to his instructor:
Sen: I belong to an ancient religious cult. Perhaps you have heard of this cult. It is called Thuggee. [00:20:33 ]
Episode: Such Men are Dangerous
First USA broadcast : 1965/07/24
Directed by Don Chaffet, written by Ralph Smart, Executive Producer: Ralph Smart. Patrick McGoohan (John Drake), Dorinda Stevens (Miss Jackson), Lee Montague (Major Latour), Jack Gwillim General, Zia Mohyeddin (Mr. Sen). ITC Worlwide Distribution

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