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Theodor Reuss

1. L'Acacia, IX, Paris, 1907, pp. 387-8.^

2. Hans von Schelling (pseud., i.e. Th. Reuss), Was muss man von Richard Wagner und seinen Tondramen wissen?, Berlin, 1903, p. 73^

3. Herr Theodor Reuss: London Season 1885, printed leaflet at International Institute for Social History, Amsterdam. This contains the references to Angelo Neumann’s English tour, etc.^

4. For Reuss’s membership of the Socialist League and connection with anarchist circles in London see Andrew R. Carlson, Anarchism in Germany, Vol. I, 'The Farly 'Movement', The Scarecrow Press, Metuchen, New Jersey, 1972; Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels Werke, Vols- 37-39, Dietz Verlag, Berlin, DDR, 1967-9.^

5. Chushiki Tsusuki, The Life of Eleanor Marx, 1855-98, A Socialist Tragedy, Oxford, 1967, p. 123. Eleanor’s marriage to Theosophist lecturer and friend of Annie Besant, Edward Aveling, is also cited by Richard Wurmbrand as "proof" that Marx was a satanist (Was Karl Marx a Satanist?, USA: Diane Books Publishing Co., 1976). ^

6. For Reuss’s journalistic career see the facsimile reprint of his four-page summary of testimonials in an appendix to Vol. II of Lady Queenborough, Edith Starr Miller, Occult Theocrasy, privately printed in France in 1933. (Her Ladyship was a disciple of Nesta Webster, the author of Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, 1924, and discovered a Jewish-Bolshevik-Freemason under every bed.) For similar material about Reuss’s career as a journalist, etc., see also Oriflamme, July-Dec. 1906. The entries in Kurschner’s Deutscher Literatur-Kalender from 1895 onwards should also be consulted.^

7. Echo der Gegenwart, Aachen, Tuesday 18 May 1886.^

8. For all these activities see Lady Queenborough (see note 6 above). For his 'Knighthood' see Oriflamme, I, 11-12, December 1902, where he also described himself as 'Chief Editor at Berlin and Press Manager of the Prinz Regenten Theater at Munich'.^

9. The only known copy is at the International Institute for Social History at Amsterdam. The pamphlet was published by Henry Seymour, editor of The Anarchist: A Revolutionary Review.^

10. A. E. Waite, 'Ordo R.R. et A.C. The Testimonies of Frater Finem Respice [i.e. Dr R. W. Felkin], Imperator of the Templum Stella Matutina, transcribed in 1915'. Late Golden Dawn MS. in a private collection.^

11. Was ist Okkultismus was one of seven or eight short books which Reuss wrote for the Hugo Steinitz Verlag, Berlin, under various pseudonyms between 1901 and 1904. They include Br. Peregrinus, Was muss man von der Freimauerei wissen?, 1901 (10th ed. 1931, 36th thousand!).^

12. The text was published by J. F. Lehmanns Verlag at Munich in 1896. It was known to William James who referred to it in a footnote on P. 401 of his famous book The Varieties of Religious Experience, 1902.^

13. See Oriflamme, July 1914, p. 9, where it is referred to as 'the masonic lodge Ludwig'. See also Leopold Engel’s periodical Das Wort, January 1902, where he stated that the Ludwig Lodge was founded by 'master masons and Illuminati'.^

14. See the announcement in Uriarte: Die Magie des XIX Jahrhunderts als Kunst und als Geheimwissenschaft, 1896, pp. 175-7.^

15. See Im Jenseits, Kundgabe eines Jenseitigen, Jakob Lorber Verlag, Bietigheim, 1922.^

16. See Oriflamme, July 1914, p. 7.^

17. Ibid., pp. 7-10, where there is a reasonably detailed account of the contemporary transactions^

18. See Leopold Engel’s periodical Das Wort, January 1902, P. 37.^

19. See Oriflamme, July 19I4, P. 10.^

20. A. P. Eberhardt’s Von den Winkellogen Deutschlands ...im letzten Vierteljahrhundert, Leipzig, 1914, provides a detailed account of all the contemporary irregular German Grand Lodges. See also Bro. Ernst-Gunther Geppert’s useful article 'Von der Winkelloge zur vollkommenen und gerechten Freimauerei' in Quatuor-Coronate Hefte, No. 3, January 1966.^

21. For the Rite of Swedenborg see Ellic Howe, 'Fringe Masonry in England, 1870-85', AQC 85, 1972.^

22. Encausse’s letter and Westcott’s contemporary letters to Reuss are reproduced in facsimile in Lady Queenborough’s Occult Theocrasy (see note 6 above). She mentioned that Brigadier R. B. D. Blakeney had supplied these documents. It seems that Mr Gerald Yorke acquired them when he purchased F. L. Gardner’s 'Golden Dawn' collection, which included many Westcott papers, after Gardner’s death. Mr Yorke told E.H. in c. 1969 that he lent the Westcott-Reuss letters to the Brigadier, who failed to return them.^

23. For the source of this statement see note 10 above.^

24. Nothing on these lines was published in Latontia in Jan.-Feb. 1902.^

25. Oriflamme, July 1914, p.10.^

26. Leopold Engel, Geschichte des Illuminaten-Ordens Berlin, 1906, P. 466.^

27. "We cannot identify a reliable history (later combined) Rites of Memphis and Misraim. References to them in Masonic encyclopaedias are untrustworthy because successive compilers have been content to repeat time-honoured research in the MS. department at the Bibliotheque Nationale is still necessary. John Yarker published an historical sketch in Constitution and General Statutes of the Sovereign Sanctuary of the Antient and Primitive Rite of Mason 1875, but did not accurately identify his French sources. See-also J[ean] Bricaud Historiques sur le Rite Ancien et Primitif de Memphis-Misraim, 1923, revised edition, Lyons, 1938 (16 pp.).^

28. Oriflamme, Sept. 1903, P. 83^

29. Ibid., p. 83^

30. The reference to Hartmann’s Ligno-sulphite Works at Hallein is obscure. He supposed that the fumes of the sulphite wood-pulp used for papermaking relieved respiratory complaints and operated some kind of sanatorium close to Kellner’s industrial undertaking at Hallein. Hartmann’s career is briefly described in Ellic Howe, Urania’s Children, 1967, pp. 79-80.^

31. Reuss, who had quarrelled with Gross, later took care to emphasize that the latter was a doctor juris and not a physician. See Oriflamme, January 1908, p. 1^

32. For this transaction see Oriflamme, June 1904; and Eberhardt, Winkellogen, op. cit^

33. For this story the principal source is Jean Pear, Weisse und Schwarze Magie, C. 1920, P. 95. See also Maximilian Dotzler’s long undated letter to Franz Held and Emil Adrianyi in Oriflamme, July-Dec. 1906, pp. 58-64^

There were rumours that Reuss had been obliged to leave Germany precipitately because of an impending public scandal. Reuss denied them and provided a detailed account of his movements during the last half of 1905 in Oriflamme, July-Dec. 1906. p 119.^

35. See Oriflamme, July-Dcc. 1906, pp. 49-50^

36. Ibid., Jan.-June 1906, pp 4-5^

37. Ibid., July 1914, pp. 15-16^

38. See Eberhardt, Winkellogen, op cit^

39. For Crowley’s association with Reuss at this time see his Confessions, edited by John Symonds and Kenneth Grant, 1969^

40. See M. Kully, Die Wahrheit uber die Theo-Anthroposophie als eine Kultur- Verfallserscheinung, Basle, 1926, pp. 260 ff.^

41. The Laban Archive, Addleston, Surrey, has a copy of the programme.^

42. The author was Captain Muller von Hausen. In 1925 he initiated a campaign to induce members of the National Union of German Officers who were freemasons to resign from the Craft^

43. Die Geheimnisse der Weisen von Zion, p. 165^

44. See Robert Landmann (i.e. Werner Ackermann), Die Geschichte eines Berges, 3rd ed., Ascona, 1934, P. 142 ff. This is not an impeccable historical source. See also Jakob Flach, Ascona gestern und heute, Zurich-Stuttgart, 1971, P. 11^

45. Reuss is not mentioned in Peter F. Anson, Bishops at Large, 1964, which is the best account in English of Episcopi Vagantes, nor in F.-W. Haack, Die freibischoflichen Kirchen im deutschprachigen Raum, Munich, 1976. There was probably an 'episcopal' connection of some kind between Reuss and Jean Bricaud, the author of the 'Notes Historiques' about the Antient and Primitive Rite mentioned in note 27 above^

46. For Reuss’s 'masonic' activities in Switzerland see Fritz Uhlmann, Leitfaden der Freimauererei (Bucherreihe der Allg. Freimauerer-Liga No. 7d), Basle, 1933; Christian Schweizerkreuz (pseud., i.e. Herbert von Bomsdorf-Bergen), Ein Welt-Betrug durch Zeichen, Wort und Griff Zurich, pamphlet publication in two parts, 1923-5. This is so-called 'exposure' material^

47. At the commencement of the proceedings the Secretary read the minutes of the International Masonic Congress held at Paris in 1908 (see p. 11 above).^

48. C. Schweizerkreuz, Ein Welt Betrug, I, 1923, P. 135 (see note 46 above).^

Reprinted with permission of Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, the Transactions of Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076, UGLE in Volume 91 for the year 1978.


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