Further examples of Masonic references in popular fiction can be found on the Grand Lodge of British Columbia
website, in the Popular Culture section
Freemasonry in Marvel Comics

Anti-masonry FAQ
As an example of popular cultures marginalizing and trivializing of Freemasonry, this illustration detail is
reproduced from the comic book WildC.A.T.s X-Men: The Modern Age. Story: James Robinson. Published by Image
Comics Inc., Fullerton California. Copyright Aegis Entertainment Inc.. Jim Lee and Marvel Comics. August 1997.
The story involves the leader of a contemporary "Hellfire Club" invoking a demon from hell. The characters ritual wardrobe includes a square and compasses, Worshipful Masters Square, and an apron styled after that
worn by Freemasons with a triangular flap displaying an Egyptian all-seeing eye. One of his incantations has him calling on GATU.