"...we deal with a mythology which even at its height was denounced on rational and empirical grounds and is clearly nonsense. Why then, were such ideas effective? Why are books embodying them still finding audiences?
"All these fears rest on simplifying, dramatising visions of politics. In the background there is still a belief in hidden manipulation. Those who hold them have abandoned some of the stage machinery, but the plot is the same."
"All human institutions can be described in terms of function, mythologies as much as any other. They are all responses to a need to master reality."
A source list of anti-masonic accusations
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The following is an incomplete list of authors who have attacked Freemasonry. Conspiracy theorists, anti-masons and students of conspiracy mythology may not find their favourite author included but of the hundreds of published attacks on Freemasonry, those listed are considered to either be the originators of the major attacks or else have treated the myths in a notably creative manner. Following this is a short list of some of the more noteworthy academic studies in conspiracy theory.
For further information, use the catalogue search engines for the United Kingdom library system, found at <
http://copac.ac.uk/> ; the US Library of Congress, found at <http://catalog.loc.gov/> ; or the Canadian library system, found at <http://amicus.nlc-bnc.ca:80/aaweb/aalogine.htm>.
Allen, Gary and Larry Abraham. None Dare Call It Conspiracy. Seattle, Washington: Double A Publications, Copyright 1971, 1983.
Barruel, Abbé [Augustin] (1741/10/02 - 1820/10/05). Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism. Written in French, and translated into English by the Hon. Robert Clifford, F.R.S. & A. S. "Princes and Nations shall disappear from the face of the Earth ... and this revolution shall be the work of secret societies." Weishaupts Discourse for the Mysteries. Part I. The Antichristian Conspiracy. Second Edition, revised and corrected. London: Printed for the Translator, by T. Burton, No. 11, Gate-fleet, Lincolns-Inn Fields. Sold by E. Booker, No. 56, New Bond-Street, 1798 [Entered at Stationers Hall.].
Cahill, [Rev] Edward (1868- ). Freemasonry and the Anti-Christian Movement. Dublin : M.H. Gill & Son, 1929. 186 pp.
_____ Freemasonry. (Summary of Freemasonry and the Anti-Christian Movement.) Dublin : Catholic Truth Society of Ireland, 1944. 2 pt. ; 8o.
_____ Irelands peril. Dublin : M. H. Gill and Son, 1930. 29pp.
_____ Wolnomularstwo-masonerja. Przeklad, etc. London : F. Mildner & Sons, 1947. pp. 43. ; 8o.
Carr, William Guy (1895/06/02 - 1959/10/02). Pawns in the Game. (4th Edition, April, 1962), Los Angeles, California: St. George Press, 1962. pb 193 pp. [originally in collection of College Jesus-Marie in Shippegan, NB, now in Prince George B.C. public library]. Carr wrote his introduction in Clearwater Fla. on Oct. 13th, 1958. He was president of the Federation of Christian Laymen which published this and other similar books. A footnote on p. 48 is dated 1954.
Cotter, Richard Henry. Deliberate Steps towards Hell Fire!!! now being made by Freemason sorcerers, Episcopalian idolaters, and Government liars-and inevitable political ruin! [A broadsheet.], 1886. s. sh. fol.. [COPAC: British Library].
de la Rive, Abel Claren. [b. 1855] La Femme et l'Enfant dans la Franc-Maçonnerie Universelle. Paris & Lyon: Delhomme & Briguet, Editeurs, 1894. pp. 587-89.
Inquire Within [Christina Stoddard]. Light Bearers of Darkness. London: Boswell Printing & Publishing, 1930. 1st edition hb. 207 pp. ; 23 cm. reprinted by Christian Book Club of America, Hawthorne, Calif. 1969.
Knight, Stephen. Jack the Ripper: The Final Solution. London : George G. Harrap Co. Ltd., 1976.
LaRouche, Lyndon (Sept. 8, 1922 - ). Executive Intelligence Review. published semi-weekly since 1974. P.O. Box 17390, Washington, D.C. 20041-0390.
Marrs, Texe. Circle of intrigue : the hidden inner circle of the global illuminati conspiracy. Austin, TX : Living Truth Publishers, 1995.
_____ Dark Secrets of the New Age.Westchester, Il.: Crossway Books, 1987. 273 pp.
Queenborough, Lady , Edith Starr née Miller Paget, Baroness, (d. 1933). Occult Theocrasy. published posthumously. Abbeville, France: [Imprimerie F. Paillart,], 1933. 2 vol. : front. (ports.) illus., facsims. (1 fold.) ; 23 cm.
Robison, John M. (1739-1805). Proofs of a Conspiracy Against all the Governments of Europe, carried on in the secret meetings of Free Masons, Illuminati, and Reading Societies. Collected from good authorities by John M. Robison. A.M. Professor of Natural Philosophy, and Secretary to the Royal Society of Edinburgh. "Nam tua res agitur paries cum proximus ardet. Edinburgh: Printed for William Creech; -- and T. Cadell, Junior, and W. Davies, London. 1797. Entered in Stationers Hall. 496 pp plus 35 pp postscript to the second edition.
Taxil, Leo, [Marie-Joseph Gabriel Antoine Jogand-Pagès] (1854/03/21 - 1907).
Revelations complètes sur la Franc-maçonnerie ... Le Culte du Grand Architecte. Paris, 1886. 412 pp. ; 8o.
_____ Les Assassinats maçonniques. Paris, 1890. 404 pp. ; 8o.
_____ Les frères Trois-Points, Révélations complètes sur la Francmaçonnerie. Nouvelle éd. Paris : Letouzey et Aé, [ca. 1885] 2 vol. ; 8o. French.
_____ Les mystères de la Franc-maçonnerie. Paris : Letouzey & Ané, [1886?]. 803 p : ill ; 28 cm.
_____ Pie IX. franc-macon? Paris, 1892. pp. 140. ; 8o.
Walker, James. On the Influence attributed to Philosophers, Freemasons, and to the Illuminati on the Revolution of France. ... Translated from the manuscript, and corrected under the inspection of the author, by J. Walker., Mounier Jean Joseph, Walker James. London, 1801. 8o.. [COPAC: British Library].
Webster née Bevan, Nesta Helen (1867-1960). Secret societies and subversive movements.1921, reprinted 1924, Christian Book Club of America: 1964 ISBN: 0 913022 05 5, 1966, 1970, 1980 and 1989.
_____ The French Revolution : a study in democracy, 1919.
_____ Spacious days : an autobiography. 1949: Hutchinson, London.
Yallop, David A.. Gods Name: An Investigation into the Murder of Pope John Paul I. Jonathan Cape : Poetic Productions Ltd., 1984.
The study of conspiracy theory
Richard Hofstadter, "The Paranoid Style in American Politics", Hofstadter, The Paranoid Style in American Politics and Other Essays. New York: Knopf, 1966, pp. 3-40;
Norman Cohn, Warrant for Genocide: The Myth of the Jewish World-Conspiracy and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Chico, CA: Scholars, 1981 [1969])
J. M. Roberts, The Mythology of the Secret Societies. London: Secker & Warburg, 1972
Johannes Rogallavon Bieberstein, Die These von der Verschwrung, 1776-1945: Philosophen, Freimaurer, Juden, Liberale und Sozialisten als Verschwrergegen die Sozialordnung, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1976.
Carl F. Graumann and Serge Moscovici, eds., Changing Conceptions of Conspiracy. New York: Springer, 1987.
George Johnson, Architects of Fear: Conspiracy Theories and paranoia in American Politics. Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1983.
Jonathan Vankin, Conspiracies, Cover-Ups, and Crimes: Political Manipulation and Mind Control in America. New York: Paragon House, 1992.