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Masonic jurisdictions
Inclusion in this list does not imply recognition by the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon, or any other jurisdiction. A list of those Grand jurisdictions recognized by the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon is available on this website. No representation is given or implied that this list is complete or current. Please forward errors, omissions and updates to admin@freemasonry.bcy.ca
It is important that NO attempt should be made by British Columbia and Yukon Constitution brethren to correspond with, telephone or email any of the Grand Lodges listed on this site until on their territory, for to do so would be a contravention of masonic protocol. Brethren who are not members of the British Columbia and Yukon Constitution should also bear this in mind. Correspondence received by the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon from brethren who are not British Columbia and Yukon Constitution members will be replied to by way of their Grand Secretary.
Argentina Gran Logia de la Argentina
Tte. Gral. J.D.Peron 1242, Casilla de Correo 4193,
(1000) Correo Central, 1038 Buenos Aires, Argentina
w: masoneria-argentina.org.ar
t: 541-382-2585
f: 541-382-1894

Andorra Gran Logia de Maçons Antics, Francs i Acceptats d'Andorra
B.P.202 Poste Française, AD-502 Andorra la Vella,
Principat d'Andorra
w: gran-logia-andorra.com
t: + 376 833 484
f: + 376 833 485

AustraliaNew South Wales
279 Castlereagh St., Sydney
P.O. Box A259, Sydney South, NSW 1235
w: freemasonry.org.au
t: 612-9267-9133
f: 612-9261-1662

United Grand Lodge of Queensland
311 Ann St., Brisbane
P.O. Box 2204 GPO, Brisbane, 4001
t: 322-93533 1921

South Australia and the Northern Territories
Masonic Centre, North Terrace
Adelaide, 5000
t: 822-31633
f: 822-40755

Grand Lodge of Tasmania
3 Sandy Bay Rd.
Hobart 7005
w: freemasonrytasmania.org
t: 036-223-5814
f: 61-036-223-8159

United Grand Lodge of Victoria
300 Albert Street
P.O. Box 154, East Melbourne, Victoria 3002
w: freemasonsvic.net.au/
t: 613-9417-3868 1889

Grand Lodge of Western Australia
137 Burswood Road, Burswood
P.O. Box 619, Victoria Park 6979
w: freemasonswa.org.au/
e: grandsec@freemasonswa.org.au
t: 089-325-3999
f: 089-221-4783

Austria 1010 Wien, Rauhensteingasse 3
t: 1-512-7422
f: 1-512-0455

Belgium Rue Royale 265, Brussels B1030
w: glrb.org/
e: secretary@glrb.org
t: 32-2-218-46-16
f: 32-2-223-1665

Bolivia Obispo Cardenas 1480, Esq. Bueno
P.O. Box 564, La Paz, Bolivia
t: 329-840-329544
f: 591-2-392462

BrasilThere are 23 Grand Orients and 26 Grand Lodges in Brasil

Grand OrientBrazilian Masonic Federation
Av. W-5 SGAS Quadra 913, Módulo H -Brasília (DF) 70390-130
w: rudah.com.br/gob/
Representing Grand Orients in 23 individual states
t: 55-61-245-4555
f: 55-61-245-4614

Grand LodgeGrand Lodge of Brasilia
Caixa Postal No. 03648, 70.084-970 - Brasília-DF
w: geocities.com/Athens/7056/index.html
e: glmb@conectanet.com.br
t: 061-340-7272
f: 061-349-2796

Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado do Acre
Av. Ceará, galeria do Estádio Jos&3233; de Melo, sala 110 - Altos
69900-460 - Rio Branco - Acre - Brazil
t: 068-224-6842

Grand Lodge of the State of Alagos
Rua Voluntario da Patria, 205
P.O. Box 252, 57.020-510 - Maceió
t: 082-221-2551 1959

Grande Loja Maçônica do Amazonas
Rua Commendador Clementino, No. 296 - Centro
P.O. Box 162, 59.025-000 - Manaus - AM - Brasil
w: glomam
t: 092-622-4188
f: 55-092-622-1681

Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado da Bahia
Rua Carlos Gomes, 108
40.060-330 - Salvador - Bahia - Brasil
t: 071-243-3994

Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado da Ceará
Caixa Postal, 76
60-105-052 Fortaleza - Ceará - Brasil
w: glomec.com.br
e: glomec@ultranet.com.br
t: 085-212-1212
f: 085-212-4096

Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado da Espírito Santo
Caixa Postal, 01-919
Vitória - ES - Brasil 29001-970
t: 027-322-2771
f: 027-322-2639

Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado do Goiás
Caixa Postal 332
Goiânia, Goiás, Brasil 74.001-910
t: 062-207-1020
f: 062-207-1558

Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado Maranhão
Rua 44, No. 23 - Conjunto Bequimão
65.070-170 São Luiz, MA Brasil
t: 098-236-7402 1960

Grande Loja Maçônica de Mato Grosso
Rua General Valle, 321 - Salas 1203/1204
Edificio Marechal Rondon - Bandeirantes - CP 321
78010-100 - Cuiabá -Mato Grosso - Brazil
w: solunet.com.br/glemt
t: 065-624-7939
f: 065-624-1786

Grande Loja Maçônica de Mato Grosso do Sul
Caixa Postal No. 233
79.051-590 Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil
w: solunet.com.br/glemt
t: 067-742-3333
f: 067-742-3334

Grande Loja Maçônica de Minas Gerais
Caixa Postal 005 - Aarão Reis
30.161-970 - Belo Horizonti -MG - Brasil
t: 55-31213-5254
f: 55-31-222-9013

Grande Loja Maçônica do Paro
Caixa Postal 333
660023-000 Belém, Pará, Brazil
t: 091-250-5126 1927

Grande Loja Maçônica do Estato da Paraíba
Caixa Postal N. 3006
58.039-210 - João Pessoa, Parí, Brazil
t: 083-226-4574 1927

Grande Loja Maçônica do Paraná
Caixa Postal 17.501
80251-991 - Curitiba, Paran&225, Brazil
e: 1maconica@super.com.br
t: 041-332-1909
f: 041-332-7124

Grande Loja Maçônica de Pernambuco
P.O. Box 1415
50.090-00 - Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil
t: 081-224-2476
f: 081-424-1873

Grande Loja Maçônica de Piauí
P.O. Box 176
64.200-280, Parnaiba, Piauí, Brazil

Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Rua Prof. Gabizo no. 129 - Maracanã
20271-063 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
t: 021-569-1597
f: 021-234-6814

Grande Loja Maçônica do Rio Grande do Norte
P.O. Box 610
59022-970 - Natal - Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
t: 084-321-2753
f: 084-231-2753

Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul
Caixa Postal 683
90110-000 - Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
e: w: exterior@glojars.org.br
w: glojars.br
t: 00-55-51-3211-0088
f: 00-55-51-3211-1045

Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado de Rondõ
Caixa Postal 1331
78900 - Porto Velho - Rondõ, Brazil
t: 069-223-11-73 1985

Grande Loja Maçônica do Estado de Roraima
Caixa Postal 25
69301-150 - Boa Vista - Roraima, Brazil
e: glmer@technet.com.br
t: 095-625-2164 1981

Grande Loja Maçônica de Santa Catarina
Caixa Postal 247
88.010-970 - Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
e: glsc@iaccess.com.br
t: 0055-48-222-5577
f: 0055-48-222-6245

Grande Loja Maçônica do Estato de São Paolo
Caixa Postal 2774
01065-970 - São Paolo, São Paolo, Brazil
e: glesp@mason.com.br
w: mason.com.br
t: 011-270-8399
f: 055-11-277-7732

Grande Loja Maçônica do Estato de Sergipe
Caixa Postal 611
49027-220 - Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil
t: 079-231-6375 1983

Grande Loja Maçônica do Tocantins
Caixa Postal 63
77.804-970 - Araguaína, Tocantins, Brazil
t: 063-821-3721 1989

Burmuda The United Grand Lodge of England in Bermuda
The Grand Lodge of Scotland in Bermuda
The Grand Lodge of Ireland in Bermuda

w: freemasonryinbermuda.com/

Bulgaria United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria
Karnegi Street 11, 1000
Sofia, Bulgaria
e: office@freemasonry-bg.org
w: grandlodge-bulgaria.org
t: 00359 2 963 39 76 1997

Canada Grand Lodge of Alberta
330 12th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta, T2R 0H2
w: freemasons.ab.ca/
t: 403-262-1149
f: 403-290-0671

Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon
1495 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6H 1C9
w: freemasonry.bcy.ca
t: 604 736 8941 1871

Grand Lodge of Manitoba
420 Corydon Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba
w: grandlodge.mb.ca/index.html
e: glsec@grandlodge.mb.ca
t: 204-453-7410 1875

Grand Lodge of New Brunswick
92 German Street, Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 4R8
w: glnb.org
t: 506-652-2390 1867

Grand Lodge of Newfoundland and Labrador
PO Box 23018, St. John’s, NF, A1B 4J9
w: newcomm.net/masonic/

Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia
1533 Barrington Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Mail to: P.O. Box 214,Halifax, B3J2M4
w: grandlodge.ns.ca/gl.html
e: glns@ra.isisnet.com
t: 902 423-6149
f: 902-4236254

Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario
363 King Street West Hamilton, Ontario, L8P 1B4
w: grandlodge.on.ca
t: 905-528-8644
: 905-528-6979

Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island
P.O. Box 337, Charlottetown C1A 7K7
w: mwww.freemasonry.pe.ca
t: 902-629-1265

Grand Lodge of Québec
2295 St. Mark St., Montreal H3H 2G9
w: glquebec.org/
e: info@glquebec.org
t: 514-933-6739
f: 514-933-6730

Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan
1930 Lorne St., Regina S4P 2M1
w: saskmasons.ca/
e: glsask@accesscom.ca
t: 306-522-5686
f: 306-522-5687

Chile Masonic Temple, Marcoleta 659
Casilla Postal 2867, Santiago, Chile
w: granlogia.cl/
t: 633-5692 1862

China 中國美生總會
10, Lane 201, Chang-an East Rd. Sec. 2,
Taipei 10406, Taiwan, R.O.C.
t: 771-3310
f: 741-3971

Colombia Muy Respetable Gran Logia Nacional de Colombia
Con Sede en Barranquilla
Carrera 49E # 102 -30, Apartado Aéreo 2378
Barranquilla, Colombia

Gran Logia de Colombia
Con Sede en Santa Fé de Bogotá, D.C.
Calle 18 No. 5-49, Apartado Aéreo No. 6672
Santa Fé de Bogotá, D.C.
t: 341 04 91-334 46 05
f: 281-19-84

Serenisma Gran Logia Nacional de Colombia
Con Sede en Cartagena de Indias
Aptado Aéreo 1969
Cartegena de Indias, Colombia, S.A.
e: esergrlg@col3.telecom.com.co
t: 664-6180
f: 664-2955

Muy Respetable Gran Logia de los Andes
Con sede en Bucaramanga
Carrera 33 41-14 Apto. 902
t: 645-2673 1972

Gran Logia Occidental de Colombia
Con sede en Cali
Calle 3 No. 23 B 63, Miraflores
Apdo Aéreo No. 4020, Cali, Colombia
t: 092-5584212
f: 092-5584214

Gran Logia Oriental de Colombia
Con sede en Cúcuta-norte de Santander
Ave. 2E 0-33N Qta. Bosch
Cúcuta, Colombia
P.O. Box 595
t: 55-75-763022
f: 55-75-742-075

Costa Rica P.O. Box 10.060-1000
San José
t: 506-222-5064
f: 506-233-4755

Cuba Gran Logia de Cuba
Apartado 3080, Le Habana 3
Cuba 10300
w: granlogiadecuba.co.cu
e: granlogiacuba@enet.cu
t: 785732

Czech Republic Veliká Lóže České Republiky
Pivovarnická 6
CZ - 180 00 Praha 8
w: vlcr.cz
t: 68 36 417
f: 68 36 417

Denmark Masonic Temple, Blegdamsvej 23, Copenhagen,
Denmark, DK 2100
w: dendanskefrimurerorden.dk/
t: 45-35-25-01-01
f: 45-35-38-55-95

Dominican Republic Apt. No. 209, Arzobispo Portes No. 554, Esquina Les Carreras
Santo Domingo, República Dominicana
t: 809-682-4173
f: 809-682-6290

Ecuador P.O. Box 932. Guayaquil
Ecuador, S.A.
t: 593-4 411579
f: 593-4 411582

EnglandUnited Grand Lodge of England
Freemasons Hall
Great Queen Street, London, WCB2 5AZ
w: ugle.org.uk
t: +44 0 20 7831 9811
f: +44 0 20 7831 6021

Finland Kasarmikatu 16 D, 00130 Helsinki, Finland
w: vapaamuurarit.info
t: +358 9 6844 320
f: +358 9 6844 3218

France Grand Lodge of France, 8, rue Puteaux 75017 Paris, France
w: gldf.org/

Grande Loge Nationale Française
12 Rue Christine de Pisan, 75017 Paris
w: glnf.asso.fr
t: 33 01 44 15 86 20
f: 33 01 44 15 86 36

Grande Loge Unie de France
w: http://www.easynet.fr/gluf

Gabon BP. 233
Libreville, Gaon
t: 241-76.35.48 1983

GermanyUnited Grand Lodges of Germany,
Brotherhood of Freemasons

Emserstrasse 12-13, 10719 Berlin
w: freimaurer.org/
t: 030 861 47 96
f: 030862 1164

Grossloge der Alten Freien und
Angenommenen Maurer von Deutschland

Ettighofferstr. 64, D-53123 Bonn, Germany
w: freimaurer.org/english/index.htm
t:+49 228 62 62 30
: +49 228 61 17 03

GNML 3WK, Grand National Mother Lodge "To The 3 Globes"
w: freimaurer.org/gnml_3wk/

ACGL, American Canadian Grand Lodge
w: freimaurer.org/acgl/

GL BFG, Grand Lodge of British Freemasons in Germany
w: ffreimaurer.org/gl_bfg/

Greece Grand Lodge of Greece
Masonic Hall, 19 Archaron Street, Athens 10438
w: grandlodge.gr
t: 301-881-2182
f: 301-821-0180

National Grand Lodge of Greece
w: nglgreece.org

Guatemala 27 Calle 12-45, Zona 5
Santo Domingo, Repú, Apartado Postal No. 34
Código Postal 01901, Guatemala City, C.A.
t: 331-9470
f: 331-9580

Haiti Grand Orient d'Haiti
Rue du Magasin de L'Etat, 201
Port-au-Prince, Haiti, W.I
t: 22-9388 1824

Honduras 3a. Ave. No. 717
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
w: honduras.quik.com/logiats6/granlogia/granlogia.htm
t: 504-32-2080
f: 504-32-2080

Hong Kong Zetland Hall: Freemasonry in Hong Kong
w: zetlandhall.com/

Hungary Symbolic Grand Lodge of Hungary
Pf. 395, H-1446
t: 361-322-73-39 1886

Iceland Masonic Temple, Skulagata 55, Reykjavik, Iceland
w: isholf.is/frmr/
t: 354-551-1599
f: 354-562-8930

India P.O. Box 681 Janpath, New Delhi - 110001 India
w: masonindia.org
e: glindia@nde.vsnl.net.in
t: 91-11-332-1956
f: 91-11-332-0276

Iran Grand Lodge of Iran (in exile)
P.O. Box 25017
Los Angeles, CA 90025 USA
t: 310-820-9751
f: 310-268-1588

Ireland Freemasons' Hall, 17 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2, Eire
w: irish-freemasons.org
e: office@freemason.ie
t: 676-1337
f: 662-5011

Israel P.O. Box 33206, Tel Aviv, 61331 Israel
w: freemasonry.org.il
t: 972-3-695-4218
f: 972-3-696-0271

Italy Grande Oriente d'Italia
Via di S. Pancrazio, 8 - 00154 Roma
w: grandeoriente.it
t: 039 6 5899.344
f: 039 6 5818.096

Italy Gran Loggia Regolare d'Italia
w: http://www.granloggiaregolareitalia.org
t: +3906 3600 1607
f: +3906 3600 1604

Côte d'Ivoire 01 BP 11
Abidjan 01
t: 225-22-32-62
f: 225-22-76-63

Jamaica Provincial Grand Lodge of Jamaica (Irish Constitution)
w: geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/4572
e: Masonic@iac.co.jp

Japan Tokyo Masonic Center
4-1-3, Shibakoen 4-Chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0011
w: japan-freemasons.org
e: masonic@iac.co.jp
t: 03 3433-4981
f: 03 3578-8440

Luxembourg 5, rue de la Loge
B.P. 851 - L. 2018 Luxembourg
w: gol.lu
f: 352-463-566 1803

MexicoMuy Respetable Gran Logia de Estado Baja California
Apdo Postal 134
22000 Tijuana, B. Cfa. Mexico
t: 84-55-71 1933

Gran Logia "Benito Juarez"del Estado de Coahuila
Apartado Postal 87
Torreón, Coah., Mexico 27000
w: mrgl-benitojuarez.gq.nu
t: 01-17-12-10-29 1890

Gran Logia del Estado de Chiapas
Apartado Postal 67
30700 De Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico
t: 6-36-00

Gran Logia del Estado de Chihuahua
Calle Libertad No. 1004
Chihuahua, Chi., Mexico 31000
t: 2-54-93 1936

Gran Logia del Pacifico
Jose Obregon Num. 296
Colonia Luis Encinas
Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico
t: 14-18-39 1923

Gran Logia de Estado Soberana e Independiente "el Potosi"
Apartado Postal 104
San Luis Potosí, S.L.P., Mexico 78000
t: 48-15-84-46 1891

Gran Logia del Estado de Neuvo Leon
Apartado Postal 309
Monterrey, N.L., Mexico 64000
t: 342-30-47
f: 343-14-93

Gran Logia "Occidental Mexicana"
López Cotilla No. 111
Guadalajara, Jal, Mexico
t: 6-14-3208

Gran Logia de Tamaulipas
Encino No. 100 y Ave. Hidalgo
Col. Aguila, Tampico
Tamaulipas, Mexico 89230
t: 17-07-15
f: 13-78-45

Gran Logia "Unida Mexicana"
Apartado Postal 56
Veracruz, Mexico 91700
t: 32-25-18

Muy Respetable Gran Logia Valle de Mexico
Sadi Carnot No. 75, Col. San Rafael
Delagación Cuauhtemoc, Mexico D.F. 06470
t: 535-35-39
f: 592-45-51

York Grand Lodge
Masonic Temple, Calle Hegel 416, Mexico 5, D.F.
Mail to: P.O. Box 1986, Mexico 1, D.F.
e: emario@lloyd.com.mx
t: 52 3 121 9050
f: 52-3-647-2128

Netherlands P.O. Box 11525
2502 AM The Hague
w: vrijmetselarij.nl/
t: 070-3460046
f: 070-3615919

New Zealand Grand Lodge Office, 195-201 Willis Street, Wellington
(Mail to: P.O. Box 6439, Wellington 1, NZ)
w: freemasons.co.nz
t: 385-6622
f: 385-5749

Norway Masonic Temple, Nedre Vollgate 19, Oslo, Norway
w: frimurer.no
t: 22-47-95-00
f: 22-47-95-21

Panama Masonic Hall, 288th Street
Vista Hermosa, Panama City
Mail to: P.O. Box 84, Panama 1, Republic of Panama
w: infonetsa.com/av3/English/
e: glpma@sinfo.net
t: 507 228 8096
f: 507 228 8470

Paraguay Masonic Temple, 937 Palma Street, Asunción, Paraguay
(Mail to: P.O. Box 1178, Asunción, Paraguay)
w: geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/7356/espanol.html
t: 492-292 1869

Peru Casilla Postal No. 587
Lima - Peru
w: www.glperu.org.pe
t: 51-1-475-0994
f: 51-1-475-0247

Philippines 1440 San Marcelino Street,
Ermita, Manila, Philippines
w: http://www.glphils.org
t: 632-524-32-63
f: 632-522-22-18

Portugal Alto do Moinho Velho, n.69, 2750 Cascais, Portugal
w: gllp.pt
t: 351 1 483 0832
: + 351 1 484 1469

Puerto Rico PO Box 8385, Santurce 00910
(1707 Ponce de Leon Ave.)
t: 787-727-6780
f: 787-727-6873

Romania P.O. Box 22-215
w: srmason-sj.org/council/journal/feb99/COMANESC.HTM
t: 0040-1-310-3134
f: 0040-1-310-3135

Russia Post Office Box 18
Moscow 109377, Russia
< w: freemasonry.ru/index_e.html>
t: 7-095-206-8176 1995

Scotland Freemason Hall, 96 George Street, Edinburgh EH2 4HQ, Scotland
w: GrandLodgeScotland.com/
t: 031 225-5304
f: 0131-225-3953

Sénégal B.P. 442
Dakar, Senegal, West Africa
t: 221-822-1236
f: 221-822-13-48

Serbia P.O. Box 64, 11000 Beograd, Serbia
w: www.rgls.org
t: 381 11 30 36 287 1919

South Africa Grand Lodge Centre, 75 13th Street
Orange Grove, Johannesburg 2192
(Mail to: P.O. Box 46203, Orange Grove, Johannesburg 2119
w: grandlodge.co.za

Spain Gran Via de las Corts Catalanes, 617, bajos.
08007 Barcelona. Espana
w: wsite.es/gle
t: 93-302-5991
f: 93-412-1691

Sweden Svenska Frimurare Orden (Swedish Order of Freemasons)
Nybrokajen 7, 2 tr, S-111 48 Stockholm, Sweden
w: frimurarorden.se/eng.htm
t: 46 8 463 37 06
f: 46 8 463 37 19

Switzerland Grand Lodge of Switzerland
Rue du Petit-Beaulieu 1, Lausanne Ch-1004
w: freimaurerei.ch/
t: 021-648-30-70
f: 021-647-34-45

La Franc-Maçonnerie Libirale Suisse
w: http://www.freimaurerei.ch/

Turkey 25 Nuru Ziya so.
Beyoglu, Isanbul 80050
w: mason.org.tr
t: 00-212-249-2451
f: 00-212-249-4753

United States Also see: Prince Hall Affiliated Grand Lodges Directory.
Grand Lodge of Alabama
3033 Vaughn Rd., Montgomery 36106-2731
(PO Box 6195, Montgomery 36106-6195)
w: alagl.org
t: 334-272-8961 1821

Grand Lodge of Alaska
PO Box 190668, Anchorage 99519-0668
w: alaska-mason.org/

Grand Lodge of Arizona
345 W. Monroe, Phoenix 85003-1684
w: azmasons.org
602-252-1924 1882

Grand Lodge of Arkansas
700 Scott St., Little Rock 72201-4693
w: arkmason.com/
501-374-6408 1838

Grand Lodge of California
1111 California St., San Francisco 94108-2284
w: freemason.org/
415-776-7000 1850

Grand Lodge of Colorado
1130 Panorama, Colorado Springs 80904-1798
w: coloradomasons.org/

Grand Lodge of Connecticut
Masonic Home, Masonic Ave., Wallingford 06492
(PO Box 250, Wallingford 06492-0250)
w: ctfreemasons.net/

Grand Lodge of Delaware
818 Market St., Wilmington 19801-3011(or 3077)
w: masonsindelaware.org
302-652-4614 1806

Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia
5428 MacArthur Blvd. NW, Washington 20016-2541
w: dcgrandlodge.org
f: 202-686-1811
t: 202-686-2759

Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia
1000 U Street Northwest, Washington, DC 20001
w: mwphgldc.com
e: contact@mwphgldc.com

Grand Lodge of Florida
220 Ocean St., Jacksonville 32202-3218
(PO Box 1020,Jacksonville, 32201-1020)
w: glflamason.org/
904-354-2339 1830

Grand Lodge of Georgia
811 Mulberry, Macon 31298-5099
w: glofga.org/

Grand Lodge of Hawaii
Honolulu Masonic Temple
1227 Makiki Street Honolulu, HI 96814-1332
w: hawaiifreemason.org/
808-955-5010 1989

Grand Lodge of Idaho
219 North 17th Street, Boise, ID 83702-5187
w: http://www.idahoaf.am/
208-343-4562 1867

Grand Lodge of Illinois
2866 Via Verde Street Springfield, IL 62703-4325
(PO Box 4147, Springfield 62708-4147)
w: ilmason.org/index.htm
217-529-8900 1840

Grand Lodge of Indiana
525 N. Illinois St., Indianapolis
mail to PO Box 44210, Indianapolis 46204,
w: indianamasons.org/
317-634-7904 1818

Grand Lodge of Iowa
813 1st Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids 52401-5001
Masonic Library, Box 279, Cedar Rapids 52406-0279
w: gl-iowa.org
319-365-1438 1844

Grand Lodge of Kansas
320 W. 8th St., (PO Box 1217), Topeka 66601
w: gl-ks.org
913-234-5518 1856

Grand Lodge of Kentucky
300 Masonic Home Drive, Masonic Home, KY 40041
w: grandlodgeofkentucky.org
502-893-0192 1800

Grand Lodge of Louisiana
333 St. Charles Ave., 1300 Masonic Temple, New Orleans 70130
w: la-mason.com/gl.htm
504-523-4382 1812

Grand Lodge of Maine
415 Congress St., Portland 04101-3500
w: mainemason.org
207-773-5184 1820

Grand Lodge of Maryland
304 International Circle, Cockeysville, MD 21030
w: http://www.mdmasons.org
(410) 527-0600 1787

Grand Lodge of Massachusetts
186 Tremont St., Boston 02111
w: glmasons-mass.org/
617-426-6040 1733

Grand Lodge of Michigan
233 E. Fulton, Grand Rapids 49503
w: gl-mi.org/
616-459-2451 1826

Grand Lodge of Minnesota
11501 Masonic Home Drive Bloomington, MN 55437-3699
w: mn-masons.org
952-948-5550 1853

Grand Lodge of Mississippi
2400 23rd Ave., Meridian 39305
(PO Box 1030, Meridian 39302)
w: msgrandlodge.org/
601-482-2914 1818

Grand Lodge of Missouri
800 Hghwy 63 North, Columbia 65201-6697
w: momason.org
314-474-8561 1821

Grand Lodge of Montana
425 N. Park, (PO Box 1158) Helena 59624
w: grandlodgemontana.org
406-442-7774 1866

Grand Lodge of Nebraska
635 S. 14th, Suite 320, Lincoln 68508
w: http://www.nebraska-grand-lodge.org/
402-475-4640 1857

Grand Lodge of Nevada
40 W. 1st St., Rm. 317, Reno 89501-1424
w: nvmasons.org
775-786-5261 1865

Grand Lodge of New Hampshire
813 Beech St., Manchester 03104
w: nhgrandlodge.org
603-668-8744 1788

Grand Lodge of New Jersey
1114 Oxmead Road, Burlington, NJ 08016-4200
w: njfreemasonry.org
609-239-3950 1786

MW Prince Hall Grand Lodge State of New Jersey
188-190 Irving Turner Blvd., Newark, New Jersey 07018
w: mwphglnj.org
973-824-6457 1848

Grand Lodge of New Mexico
1638 University N.E., (PO Box 25004), Albuquerque 87125
w: nmmasons.org
505-243-4931 1877

Grand Lodge of New York
71 W. 23rd St., New York 10010-4149
w: nymasons.org/
e: atholl1781@aol.com
t: 212-337-6600
f: 212-633-2639

Grand Lodge of North Carolina
2921 Glenwood Ave., Raleigh 27612
(Mail to: PO Box 6506, Raleigh 27628)
w: grandlodge-nc.org/
919-787-2021 1787

Grand Lodge of North Dakota
201 14th Ave. N., Fargo 58102
w: glnd.org/

Grand Lodge of Ohio
634 High St., (PO Box 629, Worthington 43085-0629)
w: freemason.com/
614-885-5318 1808

Grand Lodge of Oklahoma
102 S. Broad, (PO Box 1019), Guthrie 73044
w: gloklahoma.com
405-282-3212 1874

Grand Lodge of Oregon
3435 Pacific Ave., (PO box 96), Forest Grove 97116
w: masonic-oregon.com
503-357-3158 1851

Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania
One North Broad St., Philadelphia 19107-2598
w: pagrandlodge.org/
w: icubed.com/users/blulodge/blulodge.html
215-988-1900 1786

Grand Lodge of Rhode Island
2115 Broad St., Cranston 02905
w: rimasons.org
401-467-2970 1791

Grand Lodge of South Carolina
1401 Senate St., Columbia 29201
w: scgrandlodgeafm.org
803-799-4377 1737

Grand Lodge of South Dakota
415 S. Main, Sioux Falls 57102
(Box 468, Sioux Falls 57101)
w: mastermason.com/southdakota/
605-332-2051 1875

Grand Lodge of Tennessee
100 7th Ave. N., Nashville 37203
(Box 24216, Nashville 37202
w: grandlodge-tn.org
615-255-2625 1813

Grand Lodge of Texas
715 Columbus, Waco 75551
(PO Box 446, Waco 75553)
w: ww.grandlodgeoftexas.org
817-753-7395 1837

Grand Lodge of Utah
650 East South Temple St., Salt Lake City 84102
w: utahgrandlodge.org
e: utahgs @email.com
801-363-2936 1872

Grand Lodge of Vermont
431 Pine St., Burlington 05401
w: vtfreemasons.org
802-862-3975 1794

Grand Lodge of Virginia
4115 Nine Mile Rd., Richmond 23223-4926
w: grandlodgeofvirginia.org/
804-222-3110 1778

Grand Lodge of Washington
47 St. Helens Ave., Tacoma 98402
w: freemason-wa.org/
206-272-3263 1858

Prince Hall Grand Lodge State of Washington
P.O. BOX 3285 · Seattle Washington 98144-3285
w: mwphglwa.org
e: mwphglwa@mwphglwa.org
206-323-8835 1904

Grand Lodge of West Virginia
107 Hale St., Rm. 331, Charleston 25301-2615
(PO Box 2346, Charleston 25328-2346)
w: wvmasons.org
304-342-3543 1865

Grand Lodge of Wisconsin
36274 Sunset Dr., Dousman 53118-9349
w: wisc-freemasonry.org
414-965-2200 1843

Grand Lodge of Wyoming
2125 CY Avenue, Casper, Wyoming 82602
(PO Box 459, Casper 82602-0459),
w: wyomingmasons.com
307-234-2692 1874

Uruguay Grand Lodge of Uruguay
Casilla de Correo 10691
Distrito 1, Montevideo - Uruguay
e: masarug@netgate.com.uy
t: 598-2-408-55-56
f: 598-2-409-39-23

Venezuela Grand Lodge of Venezuela
Este 3 No 5, Caracas, Apartado de Correos 927
Caracas 1010-A Venezuela
w: granlogia.org.ve
e: gransecretario@granlogia.org.ve
t: +58-212-860-9548 1824

© 1871-2023 Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon A.F. & A.M. Updated: 2013/06/05