MW Bro. Prince Hall (1735-1807)
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RESOLUTION of Recognition :-
WHEREAS this jurisdiction enjoys mutual recognition with the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Connecticut, Inc.; the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Oregon, Inc.; the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Washington and Jurisdiction; and the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Ontario and Jurisdiction.
AND WHEREAS this jurisdiction recognizes the historical legitimacy of Prince Hall Freemasonry as descended from African Lodge of Massachusetts.
BE IT RESOLVED that it shall be the policy of this Grand Lodge to recognize and to offer to enter into fraternal relations with any and all Prince Hall Grand Lodges which: (1) are recognized by the M.W. Prince Hall Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Washington and Jurisdiction; and (2) have concluded an agreement, treaty or compact of mutual recognition with the Grand Lodge(s) who are members of the Conference of Grand Masters of North America with whom they share territorial jurisdiction.
PASSED 136th Annual Communication, 23 June 2007, Burnaby.
Prince Hall Grand Lodge F& AM of Alabama
1630 4th Avenue North
Birmingham, AL
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Alaska
P.O. Box 736
Anchorage, Alaska 99510
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Arizona and Jurisdiction
2032 Calle Campana De Plata
Tucson, Arizona 85705
w: www.azmwphgl.com/lodge.html
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Arkansas
4th And State Street
Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71601
w: arkphagrandlodge.com/
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the Commonwealth of the
Bahama Islands and Jurisdiction
P.O. Box F-3121
Freeport, Grand Bahama, Bahamas
w: www.geocities.com/bahama_web_master/
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of California & Hawaii, Inc.
3132 Martin Luther King Way
Berkley, CA 94703
(510) 845-6977
w: www.mwphglch.org/
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Colorado & Jurisdiction
1244 Euclid Avenue
Pueblo, Colorado 81004
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Connecticut
106 Goffe Street
New Haven, Connecticut 06511
Prince Hall Grand Lodge F& AM of Delaware
623 South Heald Street
Wilmington, Delaware 19801
Union Prince Hall Grand Lodge F& AM, District of Columbia
1000 U Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20001
w: mwphgldc.com
Union Grand Lodge
Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity F& AM, PHA,
Florida & Belize, Central America Jurisdiction, Inc.
410 Broad Street
Jacksonville, Florida 32202 [P.O. Box 52657 Jacksonville, FL 32201]
e: highmeridian@bellsouth.net
w: www.mwuglflorida.org/
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Hawaii and Its Jurisdiction, Inc.
P.O. Box 89-3553
Mililani, Hawaii 96789
w: www.mwphglofhawaii.org/
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Illinois and Jurisdiction
809 East 42nd Place
Chicago, IL 60653
w: mwphglil.com
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Iowa and Jurisdiction
2420 Prospect Rd.
Des Moines, Iowa 50310
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Kansas and Jurisdiction
P.O. Box 1117
Kansas City, Kansas 66117
w: www.phglks.org/
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Kentucky
215 East Walnut Street
Midway, Kentucky 40347
Grand Lodge of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons
Republic of Liberia
West Benson Street
Po Box 10-0727
Monrovia, Liberia
West Africa
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Louisiana and Jurisdiction
1335-37 North Boulevard
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70821
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Maryland and its Jurisdiction
1307 Eutaw Place
Baltimore, Maryland 21217
w: www.mwphglmd.org
African Grand Lodge of Massachusetts
24 Washington St.
P.O. Box 173
Dorchester, MA 02121
w: www.princehall.org/
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Michigan
3200 McDougal Street
Detroit Michigan
w: www.miphgl.org
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Minnesota and Jurisdiction
3832 4th Avenue, South
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55409
Stringer Grand Lodge (PHA)
1072 John R. Lynch Street
Jackson, Mississippi 39203
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Nebraska and Jurisdiction
2414 Ames Avenue
Omaha, Nebraska 68111
Prince Hall Grand Lodge F& AM State of New Jersey
188-190 Irvine Turner Boulevard
Newark, NJ 07108
w: mwphglnj.org
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New Mexico
P.O. Box 5358
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185
Boyer Grand Lodge of New York
454 West 155th Street
New York, NY 10032
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of North Carolina
1405 East Washington Street
Greensboro, North Carolina 27420
w: www.phglncs.org/
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio F& AM
50 Hamilton Park
Columbus, Ohio 43203
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oklahoma
5048 North Peoria Street
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74126
Prince Hall Grand Lodge, Province of Ontario and Jurisdiction
414 Parent Avenue
Windsor, Ontario N9A 2C1 Canada
t: 519-258-8350
f: 519-258-5638
w: freemasonry.org/phglont
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Oregon and Idaho
116-20 North East Russell Street
Portland, Oregon 97212
African Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania
Grand East Temple
4301 N. Broad St.
Philadelphia, PA 19140
w: www.princehall-pa.org/
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the State of Rhode Island
883 Eddy Street
Providence, Rhode Island 02905
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of South Carolina
2324 Gervais Street
Columbia, South Carolina 29204
Prince Hall Grand Lodge F& AM of Tennessee
253 South Parkway West
Memphis, Tennessee 38109
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Virginia
906 North Thompson Street or P.O. Box 14646
Richmond, Virginia 243221-4646
t: 804-359-1111
f: 804-359-8123
w: www.geocities.com/~milan0/mwphglva.html
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Washington
306 24th Ave. South
Seattle, WA 98144
w: www.mwphglwa.org
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of West Virginia
513 Elm Street
Institute, West Virginia 25112
w: www.mwphgl-wv.us.tt
Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Wisconsin
600 West Walnut Street, Suite 30
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53209
Information partially obtained from the Prince Hall Masonic Directory, 4th
Edition 1992. Constitution dates supplied by Clemon Modisett and Sidney Breckenridge in an information pamphlet distributed by the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Washington.