The coffin as an emblem of mortality
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The coffin is an obvious image to identify with the emblems of mortality. But its depiction is open to much interpretation. Almost uniformly shown with a sprig of acacia, the coffin will also be marked with either a pentagram or a five-pointed star. Rarely is it seen with a cross. Whether the variations are the results of esoteric interpretation or the limitations of the engravers art is an unanswered question.
The True Masonic Chart; or, Hieroglyphic Monitor; containing all the emblems explained in the degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow-Craft, Master Mason, Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, Royal Arch, Royal Master, and Select Master : designed and arranged agreeably to the lectures, by R. W. Jeremy L. Cross, G.L. to which are added Illustrations...Charges...Songs...&c., second edition. New Haven : John C. Gray, Printer., 1820. 196 p. hc. 11 cm. x 16 cm. p. 24. Download GIF file
Richardsons Monitor of Free-masonry being a practical guide to the ceremonies in all the degrees conferred in masonic lodges, chapters, encampments, &c. explaining the signs, tokens and grips, and giving all the words, pass-words, sacred words, oaths, and hieroglyphics used by masons. The ineffable and historical degrees are also given in full. New York : Lawrence Fitzgerald, No. 18 Ann Street, 1860. 192 p. 11 cm. x 17.5 cm. titlepage and p. 134.
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The True Masonic Chart; or, Hieroglyphic Monitor: containing all the emblems explained in the degrees of entered apprentice, fellow-craft, and master mason, designed and arranged agreeably to the lectures, by R. W. Jeremy L. Cross, grand lecturer. With a Memoir and Portrait of the Author. Edited by Daniel Sickels, 33°. Cross, Jeremy L. New York : Masonic Publishing and Manufacturing Co., 1866. 288 p. 12.5 cm. x 18.5 cm.. pp. 138, 123. Also reproduced in A Manual of the Lodge; or, Monitorial Instructions, Albert G. Mackey. New York : Macoy Publishing & Masonic Supply Co., 1862, 1870. p. 114. Download GIF file
The True Masonic Chart; or, Hieroglyphic Monitor: containing all the emblems explained in the degrees of entered apprentice, fellow-craft, and master mason, designed and arranged agreeably to the lectures, by R. W. Jeremy L. Cross, G.L. to which are added Illustrations, Charges, Songs, &c., with additions and amendations; also, a history of freemasonry, by a brother. twelfth and stereotype edition. 354 p. 13 cm. x 19 cm. p. 26. Download GIF file
A Manual of the Lodge; or Monitorial Instructions in the degrees of entered apprentice, fellow craft, and master mason, arranged in accordance with the american system of lectures: to which are added the ceremonies of the order of past master, relating to installations, dedications, consecrations, laying of corner-stones, etc.... a new edition, revised and enlarged by the author. New York : Macoy Publishing & Masonic Supply Co., 1870. 254 p. 13 cm. x 19 cm. plate 20. Download GIF file
Craft Masonry; or, part first. Manual of the Ancient York Rite. by Will. M. Cunningham. New York : D. B. Howell & Co., No. 434 Broadway, 1874. 164 p. list 6p. 12 cm x 29 cm. p. 82. Download GIF file
The Freemasons Manual containing the First, Second and Third Degrees of Freemasonry : embellished with symbolical illustrations, together with installation, consecration, and dedication ceremonies, etc., also, Rules and Regulations for masonic trials, forms for minutes, by-laws, &c. compiled by Thomas Sargant, 32° adopted for the Dominion of Canada. Toronto : Masonic Publishing Co. 1880. 253 p. p. 136. Download GIF file