Poetry of masonic interest falls into two broad catagories: that written by freemasons with a masonic audience in mind, and that written for a larger audience. While some of the former will find a place in this listing, it is the latter that is of greater interest.
Masonic references in poetry
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The appearances of Freemasonry in fiction range from the unremarked use of symbols such as the square and compasses, to the actual inclusion of masonic ritual. The following list of references is not definitive, nor are all entries confirmed. Please forward additional references, with details, to our editor.
L Y R I C S &
A Collection of Freemasons' Songs. To which is prefixed A General Charge to Masons (by Charles), FREEMASONS. London : S. C. Brown & Co., 1904. pp. 72. ; 12o.. [COPAC: British Library].
The first volume of poetry : revised, improved, and considerably enlarged, containing the most favorite pieces, as performed at the Noblemen and Gentlemen’s Catch Club, the Glee Club, the Harmonists' Society, the Argyll Glee Club, the Lodge of Antiquity, the Somerset House Lodge, the Lodge of Inverness, and the Lodge of Prudence, 122, of Freemasons, the Amateur Glee Club, evening parties, and all public societies, in general, Clark Richard. London : Printed for the editor, 1824. v, 512, xxviii p ; 18 cm. Bibliography: p. iii-v (1st group) On spine: Poetry of glees, madrigals, &c. Glees, catches, rounds, etc, Texts. Songs, English, Texts. [COPAC: Leeds].
Freemasons cantata, Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus. [s.l.], 1915. 34 parts ; 31,36cm. Manuscript ; Music LA- Language-independent. K.623 Manuscript orchestral parts in the hands of 2 copyists, some probably prepared for concert conducted by Sir Thomas Beecham on 25th February 1915. With pencilled performance markings Orchestral parts for flute, 2 oboes, 2 horns, strings. [COPAC: Sheffield].
The Freemasons' Festival March, and Masonic Hymn. Composed and arranged for the piano forte ... by Br W. B. Tolputt, Tolputt William Bennett. London : Addison, Hollier & Lucas, 1858. 7p (fol). Music. [COPAC: British Library].
The freemason’s garland, containing The building of Solomon’s Temple, a masonic song. A new song, by a brother of St. Luke’s Lodge, Edinburgh and Maggie’s lament.. Falkirk, 1820. Chap-books. [COPAC: Glasgow].
The Freemason’s Liber Musicus. A collection of ... Vocal and Instrumental Music for all the ceremonies, &c. of the Masonic Order, etc, Spark William. London : G. Kenning, 1895. 4. Music. [COPAC: British Library].
The Freemason’s March, for the Pianoforte, Kahlenberg Selmar. London, 1868. fol. Music. [COPAC: British Library].
Freemason’s Song. "So Brothers let’s be on the Square." Words by E. E. Greville. Op. 342, Koven Henry Louis Reginald de. New York & Detroit : J. H. Remick & Co, 1910. fol. Music. [COPAC: British Library].
The Freemason’s valse. [P. F.], Zabel Rudolph. London, 1863. fol. Music. [COPAC: British Library].
A hundred masonic sonnets : illustrative of the principles of the craft, for freemasons and non-masons, Tweddell George Markham. Stokesley [England] : By the Author, 1887. 1v.. [COPAC: Newcastle].
In Mason’s Hearts let Joy abound. A Masonic Glee, sung at the Union of the Grand Lodges of Ancient Freemasons of England ... 27th December, 1813, etc, Attwood Thomas. [Leicester] : [Johnson, Wykes & Paine], 1913. 8. Music. A reduced facsimile of the original edition published by Preston, London, in 1813. Pp.49-54 of "Memorials of the Masonic Union," by W. J. Hughan. [COPAC: British Library].
Masonic miscellanies, in poetry and prose : Containing I. The muse of masonry, comprising one hundred and seventy masonic songs ... II. The masonic essayist. III. The freemason’s vade-mecum, Jones Stephen. London : printed for Vernor and Hood, 1797. viii, [4], 328, [2] p., plate ; 15 cm (12mo). Vertical chain lines With a final advertisement leaf. Freemasons. [COPAC: Cambridge].
Music for the Installation Ceremony (Craft), with additional Interludes and processional Marches. Selected and arranged for American organ by G. H. H. Townsend, etc. [For freemasons.], Townsend G. Herbert H. London : Reynolds & Co, 1950. 24p (4). Music. [COPAC: British Library].
The new masonic melodist; or, freemason’s vade-mecum of original and select songs, &c. &c. Adapted to popular tunes by Richard Gooch<, Gooch Richard. Bolton : W. Holcroft, 1836. 126p; 14cm. Poetry. [COPAC: British Library].
A New Masonic Song, called Charity’s Choice]. Composed on hearing that an Asylum was about to be provided in Belfast for the Widows and Orphans of Freemasons. To which are added, The Downfall of Trade, and the Humourous Marriage. [Also "A most sorrowful lamentation on 5 young men that was [sic] lost off Carrickfergus.", CHARITY. [COPAC: Belfast,], 1821. pp. 8. ; 12o.. [COPAC: British Library].
Melodies for the Craft; or, Songs for Freemasons ... Compiled by a past Master. Cincinnati, 1852. 8. Music. [COPAC: British Library].
The Parish of Seapatrick Two verses from a ballad, written by Robert Stephens in 1803, mention James Sturrock's fraternal affiliations.
The praise of friendship = Eine kleine Freimaurer-Cantate : K623, masonic cantata, for male voice chorus... arranged for English-speaking freemasons, Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus. Lewes : Jackson, 1902. score, 21p ; 28cm. Music. English words. [COPAC: Sheffield].
The Praise of Friendship; Masonic Cantata ... arranged for English-speaking Freemasons by G. C. Dusart, etc. [Vocal score.], Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus, Dusart George C. [London, etc] : Davis and Co, 1902. 4. Music. [COPAC: British Library].
Processional march composed for the installation of the Prince of Wales as the Grand Master of the Freemasons of England, etc. [Organ.], Costa Michael. London, 1875. fol. Music. [COPAC: British Library].
Secret signs : Charles Coborn’s mock-descriptive song, Josey John W., Banks H. G., Coborn Charles, Morton Richard. London : Charles Sheard & Co., 1892. 1score, 3 p : col. port ; 36 cm. Music. First line: Freemasons are people who cause you to swear Freemasons are people who cause you to swear Pictorial t.p. (col.): H. G. Banks, lith Portrait on t.p.: Charles Coborn Song for voice and piano Words printed separately inside back cover. Popular music - To 1901. [COPAC: Oxford].
The skating duett : composed for the Skaters Club of Edinburgh, Dibdin Charles, Hime Morris, Skaters' Club of Edinburgh. Dublin : Published by Hime ..., 1795. 1 score ([1] leaf). Music. Caption title Dibdin’s version of the words begins: This bleak and frosty morning, All thoughts of danger scorning Duet from C. Dibdin’s pantomime 'Harlequin Freemason', subsequently used in 'Harlequin’s museum' First line: This snell and frosty morning, with rind the trees adorning In the word-book to 'Harlequin’s museum' (Cadell, 1792), this song is described as being sung to "ancient music" so it is possible that Dibdin adapted an earlier tune This snell and frosty morning Vocal parts only; with a version for the guitar. Pantomimes with music - Excerpts. Vocal duets, Unaccompanied. [COPAC: Oxford].
The favorite skating duet : sung by Mr. Gray and Mr. Linton in Harlequin’s museum or Mother Shipton triumphant, Gray Thomas Brabazon, Dibdin Charles, Linton William, Longman and Broderip. [COPAC: London] : Printed by Longman and Broderip ..., 1794. 1 score (4 p.) ; fol. Music. Caption title Duet from C. Dibdin’s pantomime 'Harlequin Freemason', subsequently used in 'Harlequin’s museum' First line: This bleak and frosty morning all thoughts of danger scorning For two voices, two violins? and continuo (unfigured bass); with a version for two flutes or guitars In the word-book to 'Harlequin’s museum' (Cadell, 1792), this song is described as being sung to "ancient music" so it is possible that Dibdin adapted an earlier tune This bleak and frosty morning. Vocal duets with instrumental ensemble. Pantomimes with music - Excerpts. [COPAC: Oxford].
Songs, airs, &c. &c. to be performed at a grand miscellaneous concert of vocal and instrumental music, at Freemasons' Hall, on Thursday, April 21, 1803; : under the direction of Messrs. Harrison, Greatorex, F. Cramer, and Bartleman, for the benefit of the Freemasons' charity established in St. George’s Fields. for the reception, maintenance, and education, of poor female orphans and children of distressed Brethren of the Society of Freemasons ... To which is annexed, a brief account of the charity, Freemasons' Hall. [COPAC: London] : printed by T. Burton ..., 1803. 28p. ; 26cm. (4[degree]). Miscellany. [COPAC: British Library].
Songs, duetts, trios, &c. in the pantomime entertainment of Harlequin Free Mason, Dibdin Charles, Messink, Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery, Manuscript. Three centuries of drama. English, 1737-1800. Larpent collection, 1954. 15 leaves. Application for license dated Dec. 27, 1780; first produced Dec. 29. 1780, at Covent Garden Theatre, Thomas Harris, manager; cf. Catalogue of the Larpent plays Libretto only Microopaque of manuscript in the Henry E. Huntington Library "The pantomimical business by Messink, the songs by Dibdin"--cf. Nicoll, A. A hist. of Eng. drama 1660-1900, 1952, v. 3, p. 255; Northcott, R. Charles Dibdin’s Masonic pantomime Harlequin Freemason, 1915. Freemasons - Drama. Pantomimes with music - Librettos. [COPAC: Birmingham].
Song of Friendship (Freemason Song) by Mozart [Eine kleine Freimaurer-Kantate, K. 623], arranged [for P. F.] by A. Polinski, Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus, Polinski Arthur. London, 1875. fol. Music. [COPAC: British Library].
"To a Spider". A Choice of Southeys Verse, Robert Southey. London : Faber and Faber Limited, 1970.ISBN : 0 571 09055 9. pp.28-30.
A Whisper. The freemasons' secret ... (New cantatina.) Words by D. M. Aird, etc, Anschuetz Johann Andreas. London : J. Alfred Novello, 1858. 8p (fol). Music. [COPAC: British Library].
Bowman |
"Voice of America" |
Burns |
"Masonic Farewell" |
"Master’s Apron" [ascribed] |
Carruth |
"Each in His Own Tongue" |
Kipling |
"The Palace" |
"Mother Lodge" |
Crabbe | Tenth Letter of The Borough
devoted 46 lines to Freemasonry beginning with:
Masons are ours, Freemasons—but alas!
To their own bards I leave the mystic class;
In vain shall one, and not a gifted man,
Attempt to sing of this enlighten'd clan.
I know no word, boast no directing sign,
And not one token of the race is mine.
[AQC xxxii 93]
H.T. Craven | The Lady Freemason [verse][AQC xxxii 88]
Goethe |
"Masonic Shield" |
Leigh Hunt |
"Abou Ben Adhem" |
Malloch |
"Father’s Lodge" |
Meredith |
"Ebony Staff of Solomon" |
Danial C. McCallum |
By Request of Sagamore Lodge, F. & A. M.
Nesbit |
"I Sat in Lodge with You" (Carl H. Claudy)
Alexander Pope | Dunciad fourth book (1742)
Next bidding all draw near on bended knees,
The Queen confers her title and degrees.
Her children first of more distinguished sort,
Who study Shakespeare at the Inns of Court,
Impale a glow-worm, or vertù profess,
Shine in the dignity of F. R. S.,
Some, deep Free-Masons, join the silent race,
Worthy to fill Pythagoras’s place:
Some botonists or florists at the least,
Or issue Members of an Annual feast.
[cf. AQC XXI p. 235.]
Alexander Pope | Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot (1734)
Whom have I hurt? has Poet yet, or Peer,
Lost the arch'd eye-brow, or Parnassian sneer?
And has not Colley still his Lord and Wh . . e?
His Butchers Henley, his Free-masons Moore?
[Arbuthnot was a Freemason AQC XXI p. 242.]
William Sharpe | A Poem for that honourable body, the Freemasons of all the world.. London, 1865. s. sh ; 4o.. [COPAC: British Library].
Percy Byashe Shelley (1792-1822) | St. Irvyne or The Rosicrucian [AQC xxxii 88]
Fitz Gerald Tisdall | The true mason.
Also see Richard D. Nelson’s compilation of masonic poetry found at
"The Man Who Would be King." Illustration reproduced from the frontispiece to Rudyard Kipling’s Complete Works of Prose and Verse 1907. No artist credited.