Grand Lodge... Musings and Happenings
Why I Aspire To Be Your Jr Grand Warden - RWBro Barry Burch
Being a brother among brothers in BC and Yukon is a major source of pride and inspiration in my life. We are on the cusp of a significant quality injection in BC and Yukon - thoughtful leadership and careful stewardship is required.
This brother has served the Craft continuously for over 27 years working harmoniously at the Lodge level, in the Districts, through Grand Lodge Committees and as a Grand Lodge Officer (twice). Consequently my depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding about Freemasonry and our jurisdiction has grown. I have worked in virtually every community in BC and have made official visits to our Masonic communities for both the Grand Guardian Council (BC Job’s Daughters) and for our Grand Lodge.
In seeking your endorsement as your Junior Grand Warden I am conscious of those great responsibilities. My academic studies and professional experience both as a corporate manager and as an international consultant are ideally suited to contribute to the furtherance of our Craft in this jurisdiction. During the past year I developed a healthy working relationship with the Grand Lodge office, the Grand Line and Lodges throughout BC.
I am excited about the prospect of serving my brothers and our Grand Lodge and contributing to our Noble Craft.
Why I Aspire To Be Your Jr Grand Warden - RWBro Douglas Eaton
Throughout my Masonic career, all I ever wanted was to serve the Craft to the best of my skills and ability. I have benefitted immensely from the Craft, its teachings and its principle tenants of virtue, honour and mercy. I am honoured and humbled to be able to participate in our great fraternity whose primary goal is moral self-improvement of our fellow man.
I aspire to the position of the Junior Grand Warden because my work as a Master Mason is not done. If elected, I will continue to support the efforts of our current Grand Line and those of my predecessors. My goal is to augment their hard work by preserving and strengthening their Masonic traditions.
I will lead the Craft by Masonic example; by focusing on civility, inspiring others from within, and by promoting good will and universal tolerance within our Lodges for the common good of our Brethren and success of the Craft. My leadership style is founded on a pro-active collaborative team philosophy where together we share our knowledge, experience and expertise, for the betterment of the Craft. We are the champions of civility and this should be our message to the community.
One of my primary goals will be the retaining of our newly raised Brethren. The successful retaining of our members is the key to our future success. We must inspire and mentor the young men we are initiating today that will become our future leaders. We must strive to provide them the best possible leadership training and education in our Masonic rites, ceremonies, and traditions. I will assist and work closely with the individual Lodges that may be struggling to help them become stronger and successful.
I promise to serve with dignity and to work diligently not only for my goals but for the collective will and vision of the Craft.
Brethren, if you support me this is what you can expect. My word is my bond. My dream is to translate vision into Masonic action. Brethren, I will not let you down.
Why I Aspire To Be Your Jr Grand Warden - RWBro Russell Morrison
I believe the role of Junior Grand Warden is to support the leadership and provide a steady guidance and benevolent intervention when called upon.
I have been privileged to serve the craft in many capacities, and in working with the Grand Line officers, I have learned much and wish to share my learnings with the craft in General.
We need to listen to our younger brethren, why they have joined us and what they see for the future of our craft. We need to actively share our Five Pillar plan with them. If elected I will continue to support the Five Pillar plan. There is a continued opportunity to grow the Plan. Continued use of the six step program is a must.
I would like to see the members of Ashlar College become a part of Grand Lodge speakers bureau. We can use a program similar to one in Alberta
We need to have the lodges conduct professional and organized meetings. When lodge officers are prepared it greatly enhances the appearance of the lodge to all in attendance.
If elected I will work to the best of my ability to ensure the goals of Grand Lodge and the craft are fulfilled.
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