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James Dalton Collection of Palmer Cox and Brownies stuff | ||
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I. | Books | ||||
a. | written and illustrated by Palmer Cox: | ||||
01 |
"The Brownies at Home." The Century Co. : 1893. loose pages: no front cover, missing pp 143/144. 144 pages plus hard cover, 210 mm x 260 mm | ||||
02 |
"The Brownies at Home." The Century Co. : 1893. 144 pages plus hard cover, 210 mm x 260 mm | ||||
03 |
"The Brownies in the Philippines." The Century Co. : 1904. broken spine.
144 pages plus hard cover, 210 mm x 260 mm | ||||
04 |
"The Brownies Around the World." The Century Co. : 1894. broken spine. inscribed: A Emily Gould
144 pages plus hard cover, 210 mm x 260 mm | ||||
05 |
"The Brownies Through the Union." The Century Co. : 1895.
144 pages plus hard cover, 210 mm x 260 mm | ||||
06 |
"Another Brownie Book." The Century Co. : 1890. loose pages: "property of A. Emily Gould", Nov. 1906.
144 pages plus hard cover, 210 mm x 260 mm | ||||
07 |
"The Jolly Chinee and other Stories." W.B. Conkey Company, Chicago: 1900
58 pages, newsprint, plus colour frontispeace and hardcover. 190 mm x 253 mm | ||||
08 |
"The Brownies: Their Book." D. Appleton-Century Company, New York: 1937. loose cover.
144 pages plus hard cover, 210 mm x 260 mm | ||||
09 |
"The Brownies Abroad." Published by the Century Co,, New York; 1899. "Presented to M. Gould By Palmer Cox with love" 144 pages plus hard cover, 210 mm x 260 mm | ||||
10 |
"The Brownie Primer, together with Queerie Queers." George M. Hill Company, Chicago: 1901.
64 pages plus 12 pages colour inserts [not by Palmer Cox]. 185 mm x 250 mm. | ||||
11 |
"Meddlesome Peter and other Stories." Illustrated by Palmer Cox. Hurst & Company, New York: 1902.
72 pages, newsprint, plus colour hardcover. 190 mm x 254 mm. | ||||
12 |
"Palmer Cox Funny Animals." M. A. Donohue & Company, Chicago. 160 Palmer Cox Series. n.d.
64 pages, newsprint plus colour frontispiece and hard cover. 190 mm x 248 mm | ||||
13 |
"Queer People and their Kweer Kapers." Hubbard Brothers, Publishers, Philadelphia: 1888
Presented by the Publishers to Palmer Cox, with calendar page insert and proof corrections | ||||
14 |
"Hans von Pelter’s Trip to Gotham." Art Printing Establishment, New York: 1892. Entered: 1876. "How Columbus Found America." 64pp. Entered: 1877. "That Stanley." 64 pp. Entered: 1878. Red Hardcover, signed by author. 145 mm x 220 mm | ||||
15 |
"The Palmer Cox Brownie Primer." missing cover and pp. 1-16.
140 mm x 192 mm. | ||||
16 |
"Palmer Cox’s Fairy Book." Hurst & Company, Publishers, New York: 1902. Copyright 1897 by Hubbard Publishing Co. 180 mm x 224 mm. | ||||
17 |
"Comic Yarns in Verse, Prose and Picture." Hubbard Brothers, Publishers: 1889. 517 pages
124 mm x 190 mm. | ||||
18 |
"The Brownies and Prince Florimel, or Brownieland, Fairyland, and Demonland." The Century Co., New York: 1918 246 pages. 166 mm x 216 mm. Presented to Geo. A. Cox by Palmer Cox | ||||
19 |
"Brownie Yearbook." Charles E. Tuttle Company, Rutland: 1988. Colour, 28 pages plus hard cover. 255 mm x 305 mm [ first published by McLoughlin Bros., New York: 1895. Reprint of calendar pages, note IV:02, 03, 04.] | ||||
20 |
"Frontier Humor." Donohue, Henneberry & Co., Chicago: n.d.. 344 pages plus hard cover. 120 mm x 170 mm.
inscribed Palmer Cox Nov. 29th 1902, Granby P.Q.. | ||||
b. | owned by Palmer Cox: | ||||
01 |
"Sesame and Lillies." Three Lectures by John Ruskin. The Rodgers Company, Philadelphia.
Inscribed "Palmer Cox From Marion, April 28, 1895". 241 pages plus hard cover. 100 mm x 150 mm. | ||||
02 |
"The River Bend and Other Poems." Tacitus Hussey. Des Moines, Iowa: Carter & Hussey, Printers. 1896.
168 pages plus hard cover. 140 mm x 200 mm. Inscribed: Palmer Cox New York. 1898. From Mr. Tacitus Hussey, who kindly called upon me at the Hotel in De Moines,[sic] and presented to me this copy of his Poems." | ||||
03 |
"Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott, Bart, The." Complete in one volume. Illustrated. Boston: Crosby, Nichols, Lee and Company, 1861.
840 pages plus hard cover. 154 mm x 240 mm. Inscribed: Palmer Cox, San Fancisco, California, 10th December 1863" damaged. | ||||
c. | about Palmer Cox: | ||||
01 |
"Humorous but Wholesome, A History of Palmer Cox and The Brownies." Roger W. Cummins. Century House Americana Publishers, Watkins Glen, N.Y.: 1973 LoC 72-97477 [Reviewed in The Art Bulletin, Vol. 57, No. 3 (Sep., 1975), pp. 454-456 | ||||
02 |
"The Storied Province of Quebec, Past and Present." William Wood, ed. et al. six volumes [note page 544.]. 866 pages, hard cover, leather corners. 196 mm x 275 mm. | ||||
II. | Magazines | ||||
01 |
"St Nicholas Scribners Illustrated Magazine for Girls and Boys."[The Wasp and the Bee, p. 316] March, 1879. 180 mm x 254 mm. | ||||
02 |
"St Nicholas Scribners Illustrated Magazine for Girls and Boys."[The King and the Clown, pp. 552-3] May, 1881. 180 mm x 254 mm. | ||||
03 |
"St Nicholas Scribners Illustrated Magazine for Girls and Boys."[The Fairies Gift, pp. 524-5] June, 1879. 180 mm x 254 mm. | ||||
04 |
"St Nicholas Scribners Illustrated Magazine for Girls and Boys." Vol. VII, May to November 1880. [The Alphabet in Council, p. 976; Discussing the Crops (illust.), p. 980; The Ice Cream Man (illust.), p. 789] | ||||
05 |
"St Nicholas Scribners Illustrated Magazine for Girls and Boys." Vol. VI, November, 1878 to November, 1879. [The Fairies Gift, p. 524; The Wasp and the Bee, p. 316.] | ||||
06 |
"St Nicholas Scribners Illustrated Magazine for Girls and Boys." Vol. XI, May, 1884 to October, 1884. [The Brownies Voyage, verses & illust. p. 604.] | ||||
07 |
"St Nicholas Scribners Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks." Part 1, Vol. XIV, November, 1886 to October, 1877. [The Brownies Friendly Turn, p. 387; The Brownies in the Gymnasium, p. 67; The Brownies in the Toy Shop, p. 229; The Brownies Singing School, p. 303;] | ||||
08 |
"St Nicholas Scribners Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks." Part 1, Vol. XV, November, 1887 to April, 1888. [The Brownies and the Whale, p. 304; The Brownies in the Acadamy, p. 465.] 480 pages, 190 mm x 244. | ||||
09 |
"St Nicholas Scribners Illustrated Magazine for Young Folks." Part 2, Vol. IX, May, 1882 to October, 1882.. [Sultan of the East, Verses, Illust. p. 688.] | ||||
10 |
"Little Grains for Little People." Willimantic Thread Company Promotion, New York: 1885. 146 mm x 198 mm. 16 page. |
III. | Photographs | |||||
01 | "Drawing Brownies". signed "Your Brother Palmer Cox", framed c. 1990 | |||||
02 | "Drawing for the twins", oval, framed | |||||
03 | collection: 23 photos of Brownie Castle by James Dalton c. 1990. | |||||
04 | photograph, framed; Palmer Cox’s 80th birthday, 7 children: Phyllis Gould, second from left, Mary Fuller, second from right: 10" X 7.25" framed 14.75" X 12.25" | |||||
05 | photograph, Palmer Cox’s 80th birthday; 7 children: Phyllis Gould, second from left, Mary Fuller, second from right: 10" X 7.25" unframed 10" X 8" | |||||
06 | photograph, Palmer Cox. 4" X 6" oval on card | |||||
07 | Annie Emily Gould (nee Cook) Collection (b. 1873) 19 prints [2 1/2" X 4"] | |||||
01. | "Palmer Cox" [Rev] Nahl Brothers, Artists, 121 Montgomery St. Between Bush and Sutter, San Francisco | |||||
02. | "Yours Respectfully Palmer Cox" [Rev] Wm. Shew, No. 417 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. No. 21593 | |||||
03. | "Mr. Michael Cox" [Rev] E. B. Hodge, Photographer, Waterloo, P.Q. | |||||
04. | "Bro. W. Cox" [Rev] T.F. Saltsman, Photographer, Cor. Union & College Sts., Nashville, Tenn. "Yours Fraternally, W. Bro. Cox" | |||||
05. | "Sgt. Michel Cox, Sash Crimson, Coat scarlet, pants blue with red stripe in them" [Rev] "Seargeant Michael Cox, No. 1 company Shefford Light Infantry, In station at St. Armands Canada, East" | |||||
06. | "Pasley R. Cunningham & Palmer Cox," Enameled Cards from Payne & Monmonier, 205 Third Street, near Howard, S.F. | |||||
07. | "Mrs. Michael Cox, 2nd wife" [Rev] E. B. Hodge, Photographer, Waterloo, P.Q. | |||||
08. | unidentified young man [Rev] E.B. Hodge, Waterloo, C.E., Photographic Artist | |||||
09. | "Mr. H. Cox" [Rev] O. Erekson, ("Partridge Gallery,"), Coner of Main & Bank sts., Bridgeport, Conn. | |||||
10. | "Nov 20, 1875" Unidentified young women [Rev] T.J. Luccock, Photographer, Atlantic, Iowa., Entrance through Jewelry Store next door to Post. | |||||
11. | "Geo A. Cox" [Rev] E.B. Hodge, Waterloo, C.E., Photographic Artist | |||||
12. | "Col. Robert Miller" William Notman, Phot. [Rev] W. Notman, Photographer to Her Majesty, Montreal, Branches at Toronto, Ottawa and Halifax., 1862, London Honoris Causa, 1867, Paris Exposition Universelle de 1867, Paris | |||||
13. | "Henry Clark." Oscar Foss' Enameled Cards, 606 Kearny St., cor Sacramento, San Francisco | |||||
14. | "Nellie Waterhouse." [Rev] (torn) Palace of Art, 417 Montgomery, S.F., No. 20270 | |||||
15. | "Mrs. Frank Cox" [Rev] (torn) Frank, wife | |||||
16. | "Thomas H. Cox" [Rev] T.F. Saltsman., Photographer, Cor. Union & College Sts., Nashville Tenn. (3 cent Washington stamp) | |||||
17. | "Mr. Frank Cox" [Rev] "Frank Cox" R.H. Dewey, No. 47 North Street, Pittsfield, Mass. | |||||
18. | "Mrs. Mary Cox" [Rev] M. Moulthrop, Photographer, 298 Chapel St. New Haven, Conn., Negatives Preserved | |||||
19. | Unidentified Mary Cox [Rev] Coover & Co., Photographers, east Side Clinton Street, Iowa City., J. Gould, Operator. |
IV | Objects | ||||||
01 | Palmer Cox’s wallet [inventory attached] | ||||||
02 | calendar page: July 1895 framed 11.75" X 14". text in top left corner: "14th Street Theatre, Wed. Eve. Jan. 30th 95, 100th Performance, Palmer Cox’s Brownies" | ||||||
03 | calendar page: March 1895 unframed, damaged right edge. text in top right corner: "14th Street Theatre, Wed. Eve. Jan. 30th 95, 100th Performance, Palmer Cox’s Brownies" 9 3/4" X 11 1/8" | ||||||
04 | calendar page: May 1895 unframed, damaged top corners. text in top right corner: "14th Street Theatre, Wed. Eve. Jan. 30th 95, 100th Performance, Palmer Cox’s Brownies" 9 3/4" X 11 1/8" | ||||||
05 | original illustration, Brownie band, signed 5.5" X 3" framed 8. 75" X 11.25 | ||||||
06 | colour lithograph: Brownies fishing 9" X 11" framed 14.25 X 16" | ||||||
07 | chromolithograph: Brownies maypole 9" X 11" framed 14.25 X 16" | ||||||
08 | chromolithograph: Brownies archery 9" X 11" framed 14.25 X 16" | ||||||
09 | Chromolithograph: Brownies over the waterfall 9" X 11" framed 14.25 X 16" | ||||||
10 | calling card: Palmer Cox, January 1st, 1881, 4" X 2.25" framed 5.35" X 4.25" text: "May smiling joys and best of cheer, Keep calling on you all the year." | ||||||
11 | point of sale promotion piece: Fresh Tea Time Nut Meats Budget Pack, 17" X 6" metal. plus end tabs red, yellow black | ||||||
11 |
Package label: Brownies Brand W. & M. Marks Lemon Cove, Tulare County, California framed 10" X 8" four colour litho on fabric bag | ||||||
12 | point of sale promotion piece: "Drink Brownie in bottles 5 ¢." Brown, red, green on tan, 21" X 7.5" metal embossed | ||||||
13 |
Baby’s plate: 8 Brownie figures in plate, 2 figures on lip, 2 figures and text on bottom: "Brownies, imaginary little sprites who delight in playing harmless pranks and helpful deeds, They work and sport while weary households sleep and never are seen by mortal eyes. Gaimwades, Stoke on Trent 7.25" round, 1.75 deep, | ||||||
14 |
Flag, nylon stitched 35" [89 cm] X 73 1/2" [187 cm] [h/w ratio 1:2] green vertical strips, white square centre with 24" [62 cm] round Brownie line art in black. w/ lanyard, toggle. The Flag Shop, Vancouver, BC: CA19724 (c1990) | ||||||
15 | Print Mechanical Transfer 18" [46 cm] round Brownie line art, black and white. (c1990) | ||||||
16 |
box label: Brownies Brand W. & M. Marks Lemon Cove, Tulare County, California 11" X 10" colour litho on paper. Schmidt Litho Co,. S.F.. small tear | ||||||
17 | postcard: Brownie Brand Pears reproduction fruit label 6 3/4" X 4 3/4" framed | ||||||
16 | saddle buckle: hand ground copper. elvish figure [no date, no provenance, not Palmer Cox’s Brownie] | ||||||
V | Papers, manuscripts | ||||||
01 | Autograph Book: newspaper clippings: Palmer Cox family | ||||||
02 | "The Guidmans Lament." original manuscript, 1908. | ||||||
03 | Inventory of books owned by Palmer Cox and sold to Michael Thompson, Antiquarian Bookdealer, Vancouver. BC. by the Estate of James Dalton | ||||||
04 | File folders; | ||||||
![]() 02 Fragments of published pieces 03 Articles and newspaper clippings, photocopies 04 Biographies of Palmer Cox, typed, photocopies 05 Brownie Castle Productions (1989-1992) 06 Correspondence: to and from James Dalton 07 James Dalton: privately printed Christmas cards and invitations 08 Geneology: various family trees 09 Glenbow Museum, catalogues, publications incorporating Brownies 10 Inventories: James Dalton notes 11 Morgan, Wayne: correspondence and articles 12 Original Palmer Cox notes: - 01 typed corrections - 02 handwritten introduction to speech - 03 typed corrections: "Extra lines to Hans Von Pelter." [found in Ib: 03] 13 Photocopies: works not in this collection - 01 "Brownies in Fairyland, The." By Palmer Cox, Lyrics and Music by Malcolm Douglas. New York: The Century Co., n.d. fragment: 23 pages, stapled. - 02 "Sultan of the East, The." Copyrighted Palmer Cox. n.d. fragment: 6 pages, stapled [13 cm X 20 cm.]. 14 "Brownie". Vol. I, No. 1 le Trimestriel des Amis de Palmer Cox Inc.. Juin 1979. 16 pages, photocopied. Gilles Benjamin, ed. 7" X 8.5" |
Webmaster www.freemasonry.bcy.ca/brownies/dalton_collection.html Updated: 2010/11/10 |