Name | |
Notes | |
Lodges |
Vyrubov Grigoriy Nikolayevich (1843 - 1913) | |
Mason of 33° of French rite. "Grand Orient of France". From 1888 a French citizen. Professor of philosophy; a friend of August Comte, one of founders of positive philosophy; edited journal "La philosophie positive" (1867-1883) together with Charles Robin. The former Scottish rite mason. Initiated on Jan. 7, 1874 in Paris. Permanently demanded involvement of Scottish rite free masonry in real life affairs, had a conflict with "Grand Lodge of France" (Scottish rite) and joined much more politicized "Grand Orient of France" (French rite). Worshipful Master of the emigrants" lodge "Rose of the perfect silence", member of Council of lodges, Chairman of Convent of the "Grand Orient of France" since 1882. | |
"Rose of the perfect silence" (Worshipful Master), "Grand Lodge of France", "Grand Orient of France", Chairman of Convent of the "Grand Orient of France"..
Luginin V.F. | |
Initiated by recommendation of G.N. Vyrubov | |
Initiated in Paris in the end of XIX century. Grand Orient of France. |
Yablochkov P. N. | |
First recognized inventor of incandescent-filament bulb in the world.
Initiated in the first three stepsof Scottish rite mason in the beginning of 1876. Worshipful Master of three lodges in Paris under jurisdiction of Supreme Council of the French lodges"(Scottish rite). Created lodge "Cosmos" on June 25 1887 in Paris under the jurisdiction of the "Supreme Council of French lodges" of Scottish rite. Was its first Worshipful Master. His idee fix was to attract young and rich (!) Russian intellectuals learning in Paris, be it natural science or humanities and art students, so the entrance and annual fees was extremely high. He dreamed of "quality" lodge. Among young adepts were M.M. Kovalevsky (had his own villa at the French Riviere where later used to arrive to his friend Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, great Russian dramatist), S.A. Kotlerovsky (Kotlyarevsky), de Roberti la Serda that was all initiated in the Parisian "Cosmos" lodge in 1888. By his recommendation was initiated N.N. Bazhenov. N.N. Bazhenov was initiated in three steps of Scottish Rite by recommendation of P.N. Yablochkov in 1884. | |
Worshipful Master of three Scottish rite lodges in Paris, creator and the first Worshipful master of Scottish lodge "Cosmos", 1887-1888. After its closure it resumed activities ten years later, in 1898. |
Muromtsev S.A. | |
Professor. Founder of the first Moscow Masonic circle "Beseda" ("The Conversation"). Deputy of I State Duma. | |
The first Moscow Masonic circle "Beseda" ("The Conversation") |
Zhdan-Pushkin Andrei | |
French rite free mason when studied in Paris. Lodge of the Quatier Latin and Sorbonne. | |
"Les etudiants" ("Students"), Paris, Grand Orient of France. |
Staal Alexey F. | |
French rite free mason when studied in Paris. Lodge of the Quatier Latin and Sorbonne. | |
"Les etudiants" ("Students"), Paris, Grand Orient of France. |
Rapp Yevgeniy | |
French rite free mason when studied in Paris. Lodge of the Quatier Latin and Sorbonne. | |
"Les etudiants" ("Students"), Paris, Grand Orient of France. |
Arkadsky-Dobrenovich Constantin | |
French rite free mason when studied in Paris. Lodge of the Quatier Latin and Sorbonne. Writer. Initiated as an apprentice in the "Cosmos" (№288) Scottish rite lodge (resumed from 1898) in Paris. | |
"Les etudiants" ("Students"), Paris, Grand Orient of France. "Cosmos"(№288) Scottish rite lodge (resumed from 1898) in Paris. Worshipful Master d-r Nicole. |
Amfiteatrov Alexander V. | |
Writer and journalist. May 16, 1905 initiated in Scottish rite lodge "Cosmos" (№288) in Paris. Later in Russia Worshipful Master of various free masons" lodges. | |
"Cosmos"(№288) Scottish rite lodge (resumed from 1898) in Paris. Worshipful Master d-r Nicole. |
Khodorkowski | |
Mechanic. Member of a lodge in France. | |
Grand Orient of France |
Lebedinsky | |
Dentist. Member of a lodge in France. | |
Grand Orient of France |
Dubnikov Dmitry | |
Actor. Member of a lodge in France. | |
Grand Orient of France |
Ivanovsky | |
Sculptor. Member of a lodge in France. | |
Grand Orient of France |
Kerkov | |
Industrialist. Member of a lodge in France. | |
Grand Orient of France |
Krasnov-senior | |
Commissioner. Member of a lodge in France. | |
Grand Orient of France |
Krasnov-junior | |
Engineer. Member of a lodge in France. | |
Grand Orient of France |
Levidov | |
Member of a lodge in France. | |
Grand Orient of France |
Raisky | |
Industrialist. Member of a lodge in France. | |
Grand Orient of France |
Rozanov N.S. | |
Member of a lodge in France. | |
Grand Orient of France |
Stoikov | |
Physician (then a student). Member of a lodge in France. | |
Grand Orient of France |
Trigorov | |
Engineer Iwho worked in Algier). Member of a lodge in France. | |
Grand Orient of France |
Wilbuszewicz | |
Member of a lodge in France. | |
Grand Orient of France |
Zelinsky | |
Physician. Member of a lodge in France. | |
Grand Orient of France |
Sergeyev-Tsensky | |
Writer, popular in the Soviet time. Member of a lodge in France. | |
Grand Orient of France |
d-r Nicole (Finkelstein Nathan) | |
A Polish Jew from Romania (Bucharest), French citizen (from 8 April 1890), Worshipful Master of the awakened from the sleep the "Cosmos" (№288) Scottish rite lodge in Paris. | |
"Cosmos"(№288) Scottish rite lodge (resumed from 1898) in Paris. Worshipful Master d-r Nicole. Other Russian members: M.M. Kovalevsky, Roberti la Serda (both since April 29 1904), Amfiteatrov, Gambarov, Tamamshev, Ye. Anichkin (all since 16 May 1905), Kedrin, Maklakov and Vasiliy Ivanovich Nemirovich-Danchenko, K. Arkadsky-Dobrenovich, I.Z. Loris-Melikov, A. Trachevsky. After Kedrins interview in The New Time, the reactionary newspaper Rech wrote: "Kedrin admitted with his Jesuitical frankness that hes a participant of one of the freemasonic lodges, but foreign ones." This "but foreign ones" changes much, because Kedrin was dismissed from top rank freemasons because of admittance of belonging to Russian masons.Its clear that it was just a pretext to make him go. |
De Roberti de Castro la Serda Ye. V. | |
Initiated in the Scottish rite "Cosmos" lodge in 1887-1888 by Yablochkov P.N. among other Russian students studying in France. April 29, 1905 initiated in the resumed Scottish rite lodge "Cosmos" (№288) in Paris.
| |
Initiated in the Scottish rite "Cosmos" lodge in 1887-1888. First "Cosmo" (№ 288).
The resumed Scottish rite lodge "Cosmo" (№288). Both in Paris. |
Blanc R.M. | |
Participant of the first lodges in Russia. | |
Participant of the first lodges in Russia. |
Prugavin A.S. | |
Participant of the first lodges in Russia. | |
Participant of the first lodges in Russia. |
Starkova V. | |
Journalist. Lady- mason. | |
Initiated in Paris in the end of XIX century. French rite free masonry. |
Galperin-Kaminsky I.D. | |
Translator. | |
Initiated in Paris in the end of XIX century. |
Berberov R.I. | |
Banker. | |
Initiated in Paris in the end of XIX century. |
Arszawski A.M. | |
Physician. | |
Initiated in Paris in the end of XIX century. |
Lunacharsky Anatoliy Vasilyevich | |
Bolshevik Govt minister of education (October 1917 - 1929). | |
"Grand Orient of France |
Trotsky (Bronstein) Lev Davidovich | |
Organizer of the Red Army. Lenin"s right hand. Ideologist of the permanent revolution and of the world dominance of communism.
According to Nina Berberova, he had been a free mason for several months when he was 17 years old. | |
Lenin (Ulyanov) Vladimir Iyich (1970 - 1924) | |
Founder of the Communist Party, of the largest totalitarian state and of the extremist antinational form of the communist and socialist ideology. The first of the greatest dictators of the 20th century. Russian of German, Swedish, Jewish and Kalmyk roots. His grandgrandfather, who was burgemeister of one of the Hansa cities acquired a reputation of extremely cruel ruler. Lenin considered German language to be his second native one.
Considered Jews, Letts and Hungarians to be more clever and appropriate for making socialist revolution than "those lazy Russians". By this reason stimulated proliferation, including marriages, of Jews and Letts into the ruling elite of the new Soviet state, now known as "nomenclature". (In the 30s Letts and their families were repressed. In the 50s when there came the turn of Jews Stalin died and failed to resurrect pure Russian ruling class). Lenin co-operated secretly with many forces that enabled him to usurp State power in Russia, including German General Staff through, for example, Alexander Lazarevich Parvus (Gelfand), shadow tutor of Lenin and Trotsky, big businessman, etc., this "Louis Cypher" of the Russian revolution whose connections with Geman military circles were revealed and published by a free mason P.N. Pereverzev.
Allegedly French rite mason of the "L"Union de Belleville" (Paris) in 1902. Lenin was a fan and a close friend of the revolutionary pop-singer G.M. Montegus who occurred to have been a French police informer. Besides he was a member of the Masonic lodge "L"Union de Belleville" (Paris). | |
Allegedly "L"Union de Belleville" (Paris). |
Nemirovich -Danchenko Vladimir Semyonovich
| |
Son of the Russian merchant. He was a friend and assistant of of the world famous theatre reformer K.S. Stanislavsky (in U.S.A. his modern follower was Leigh Strasberg and his famous pupils, first rate Hollywood filmstars), creator of his own system of acting. The names of Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko sound as one in Russian public mind. For example, St.-Petersburg Mariinsky Opera and Ballet Theater named after K.S. Stanislavsky and V.Nemirovich-Danchenko. Initiated in the "Cosmo"(№288) Scottish rite lodge (resumed from 1898) in Parisin 1905. Also initiated in the "Mont Sinai" (№6) Scottish rite lodge on May 8 1905.
Member of the "Polar star" French rite lodge in St.-Petersburg. | |
"Cosmos"(№288) Scottish rite lodge (resumed from 1898) in Paris. (Worshipful Master d-r Nicole).
Scottish rite lodge "Mont Sinai" (№6) 1905 in Paris.
"Polar star",
"Grand Orient of France",
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples.
Kovalevsky Maxim Maximovich
(1851 -1916) | |
Professor of Moscow University (1878 - 1887), fired off for propaganda of the constitutional ideas, jurist, sociologist and ethnographer. From 1887 to 1906 lived abroad. There he contributed a lot to the Masonic enlightenment of Russians owing to forming Masonic educational center L"Ecole russe des Hautes Etudes - Russian Higher school of social sciences (1901 - 1904 under supervision of the lodge "Cosmos") and the International institute of sociology in Paris. Kovalevsky was a friend of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, founding fathers of communism. Initiated in France in the regular "Les Vrais Amis Fideles" ("True friends") lodge of the French rite. One of founders of the "Cosmos" Lodge of Scottish rite in Paris on 25 June 1887 that united Russian political emigrants and scientists (Ye.V. de Roberti la Serda, S.A. Kotlerovsky) as well as the French. On 29 April 1904 entered "Cosmos" (№288) Scottish rite lodge (resumed from 1898) in Paris. By 1906 he had already been a mason of the "Great lodge of France" initiated in 18 step of A.&A. Scottish rite.
Since May 8, 1905 also had been a member of "Mont Sinai" (№6) in Paris.
Founding father and Worshipful Master (after Orlov-Davydov) of the first in Russia permanently acting regular French rite lodge "Polar Star" (December 1906), St.-Petersburg. Editor of the Cadets" newspaper "Strana" ("The Country") from 1905. Editorial staff masons A.S. Trachevsky, I.I. Ivanyukov, G.S. Gambarov, S.A.Kotlerovsky, de Roberti la Serda. Secretary - I.Z. Loris-Melikov. Publisher I. Tereshchenko. Publisher of the "Herald of Europe" (since 1908 In 1906 founded "Progressists" Party"(Party of democratic reforms) and became a deputy of I State Duma. Member of State Council of Russian Empire (since 1907). He addressed the Council of the Order "Grand Orient of France" (French rite) 11 January 1906 in written form with the request of sending their representatives to Moscow and St.-Petersburg for opening Masonic lodges. Intermediary of the French masons, the editor of "L"Acacia" journal Charles M. Limousin (nicknamed "Hiram" ) who was a simultaneous member of the "Great East of France" (French rite) and "Great lodge of France" (Scottish rite) was a person who granted M.M. Kovalevsky the right on arranging new lodges in Russia on behalf of the French masons. In 1907 M.M. Kovalevsky brought from France two patents from "Great lodge of France" (Scottish right) confirming his right to arrange St.-Peterburg and Moscow lodges. It was his idea to arrange first temporary Cadet Masonic lodges "Resurrection" (Moscow) and "Polar Star" (St.-Petersburg). Worshipful Master of the "Polar Star" which he left in 1908. Replaced by Count Orlov-Davydov.
First Warden of the Council of eighteen of the "Order of free masons" of the regular French rite Grand Lodge "Great East of Russia"(1906/8- 1910). Chief of St.-Petersburg affiliate of the Masonic lodge "Peace Society". Since 1914 academician of the Academy of Sciences of Russian Empire. | |
Regular "Les Vrais Amis Fideles" ("True friends") lodge of the French rite. "Cosmos"(№288) lodg e of Scottish rite in Paris (Worshipful Master Yablochkov P.N.).
"Cosmos"(№288) Scottish rite lodge (resumed from 1898) in Paris. (Worshipful Master d-r Nicole).
"Mont Sinai" (№6) (since May 8, 1905). "Polar Star" (December 1906), St.-Petersburg. Membership at the "privileged" stage:
Worshipful Master - M.M. Kovalevsky, V. Klyuchevsky, S.D. Urusov, I. Loris-Melikov, D. Bebutov, V. Maklakov, V. Nemirovich-Danchenko, M. Margulies, A. Kolyubakin, P. Shchegolev, N.P. Pavel-Silvanski, S.Kotlyarevsky, Ye. de Roberti, I. Loris-Melikov, Orlov-Davydov (since January 1907), Y. Kedrin, N. Bazhenov, G. Meidel, F. Golovin.
Recognized as regular by the "Grand Orient of France" on May 8-9 (21-22), 1908. Dismissed in February 1910.
Council of eighteen of the "Order of free masons" of the regular French rite Grand Lodge "Great East of Russia"(1906/8- 1910). "Peace Society", St.-Petersburg affiliate.
"Grand Orient of France" (French rite).
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples.
Despite personal charisma of Kovalevsky some prominent public figures kept sharing prejudice against free masonry, e.g. academician (1912) V.I. Vernadsky (ecology science) who entered later the politicized "Great East of Russia"s People" and historian P.N. Milyukov who never became a mason. The latter, however, was de facto the uninitiated cadet mason.
A.P.Chekhov wrote to his correspondents about him,
"It"s a very interesting, vivid man", "a big man in all meanings", "a representative of the better part of the Russian intelligentsia". |
Bazhenov Nikolai Nikolayevich (1857 - 1923) | |
Psychiatrist. One of the nearest assistants of S.S. Korsakov (who opened "Korsakov" syndrome).
Graduated from Moscow University in 1881, senior physician of Preobrazhensky hospital in Moscow.
Initiated by recommendation of P.N. Yablochkov in three steps of Scottish rite lodge "Cosmos" at once in 1884.
Worshipful Master.
Together with D.I. Bebutov left for Paris on 2ndFebruary of 1908 to once and forever confirm the status of Russian lodges of French rite and was accepted by Grand Master Antoine Baptiste Louis Laffer, leader of Radical Party in the French parliament, and initiated in the superior steps. Mason of the 18th step of the French rite. Initiated in February 1908 in Paris.
Member of Capitul of the "Resurrection" lodge. | |
"Cosmos"(№288) lodge of Scottish rite in Paris (Worshipful Master Yablochkov P.N.).
"Resurrection", Moscow. French rite lodge. Arranged on 15(28) November 1906. Considered to be temporary up to January 1908.
M.M. Kovalevsky, Worshipful Master
V. A. Maklakov Senior Warden.
S.D. Urusov, count - Senior Warden.
Y.V. Anichkov Junior Warden.
S.A. Kotlerovsky Deacon.
S.A. Balavinsky, lawyer - Deacon
V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko Secretary.
Recognized as regular by the "Grand Orient of France" on May 11-12 (25-26), 1908. Dismissed in February 1910.
Theres information that at the same time there was arranged the third besides "Polar star" and "Resurrection" lodge in Warsaw.
"Grand Orient of France" in Russia. |
Bebutov Davyd Josephovich (Osipovich) (1859 - ?) | |
Duke of Georgian or Armenian origin. Secretary-Treasurer of the "Polar Star". His apartment became a permanent place of the Masonic meetings.
Mason of the 18th step of the French rite.
Initiated in February 1908 in Paris.
Member of Capitul of the "Polar Star".
Member of Lodges Chapitre (Supreme Council of Lodge).
Secretary of the Supreme Council of Russian Free Masonry and Worshipful Master of the Council of eighteen of the "Order of free masons" of the regular French rite Grand Lodge "Great East of Russia"(1906/8- 1910).
A German spy.
Not admitted to the clandestine lodges Supreme Council of the Great East of Russias Peoples as being suspected at regular informing on free masons" activities. Facts proving this were not found. Author of a book "The Russian Masonry of the XX century". | |
"Polar Star". One of three founders of Odessa"s Lodge "The truth". Supreme Council of Russian Free Masonry and Council of eighteen of the "Order of free masons" of the regular French rite Grand Lodge "Grand Orient of France" in Russia6/8- 1910).
Basakov V.P. | |
Deputy of State Duma.
Worshipful Master of British lodge in St.-Petersburg. | |
"English" lodge of Scottish rite. |
Lombard B.-S. | |
Head of British masons in Russia (St.-Petersburg). Prior of the Anglican Church of the British Embassy.
| |
"English" lodge of Scottish rite. |
Chistyakov P.A | |
Worshipful Master of an of St.-Petersburg lodge "Astreia" of Scottish rite. | |
"Astreia" Lodge of Scottish rite,
St.-Petersburg. |
G.M. Montegus | |
A Paris pop-star of the first years of XX century.
A french police informer.
Allegedly French rite mason of the "L"Union de Belleville" (Paris) in 1902. | |
Grand Orient of France |
James Percey (Ivan Fydorovich Persits) | |
Agent of Russian secret political police who worked as a British citizen, a correspondent of British and American edition in Russia.
Secretary in an of St.-Petersburg lodge "Astreia" of Scottish rite where Worshipful Master was P.A.Chistyakov.
Exposed by V. Burtsev. In 1909 deported abroad by police. | |
"Astreia" Lodge of Scottish rite,
St.-Petersburg. |
Bittard Monnin | |
Agent of Russian Intelligence in France in 1908 -1912. Worked inside of Russian and French lodges. Revealed by V.L. Burtsev and members of the Russian Jewish Masonic lodge "Les Etudiants" ("Students") (students learning in Paris). | |
Grand Orient of France |
Gorodynski | |
Member of New York lodge. Asked permission to lecture on the Masonic themes in Russia in March 1907. Came from Warsow. | |
Cachen Marcel
(1869 - 1958) | |
French Mason.
Was an Emissary of French Masonry in Russia in the period of the Provisional Govt.
Later Communist, leader of the Communist Party of France ("French Lenin") in the 20s. | |
Grand Orient of France |
Renoult Renais | |
The French rite lodge "L"Avangard Masonnique". Worshipful Master in the beginning of the XX century. | |
"L"Avangard Masonnique" ,
"Grand Orient of France" jurisdiction. |
Antoine Baptiste Louis Laffer (1861-1929) | |
Professor of rhetoric, senator, mason from 1889, president of Council of order "Grand Orient of France" in 1903-1905 and in 1907 -1909. Radical-socialist. | |
"Grand Orient of France" |
Sincholl (Sincholles) Bertrand (1844 - 1930) | |
Engineer. Mason since 1882, a close friend of Duke Michael A. Bakunin, father of Russian anarchism. From 1892 member of Great College of Rituals, its deacon, since 1890 member of Council of order "Grand Orient of France", Worshipful Master of the lodge "Les Renovateurs", in 1908 vice-president of Council of order "Grand Orient of France". | |
Worshipful Master of the lodge "Les Renovateurs",
"Grand Orient of France" |
Boulet George (1855 - 1920) | |
Industrialist, 1905 - 1907 - vice-president and later President of Council of order "Grand Orient of France", in 1908 Grand Chancellor of Great College of Rituals. In 1910 Worshipful Master of the lodge "Les Admirateurs de l"Universe" ("Admirers of the Universe"). | |
"Les Admirateurs de l"Universe",
"Grand Orient of France".
Addressing him in 1910 the knight kadosh Raoul Lantzenberg said: "Your activities expands beyond the boundaries of France, and the history will remember that you were the first one who laid the foundation of the symbolical lodges in the frosty estuary of Neva river and near the snowy roots of the Kemlin walls in the remote and barbarous kingdom of the Moscovites". |
Tomas Albert (1978 - 1930) | |
Right Socialist. Historian. Correspondent of daily "L"Humanite". Since 1910 head of parliamentary faction of Socialist Party. Member of French government.
Minister of ammunition in 1915 - 1917.
Spring 1917 - he makes several trips to Russia to persuade Russian brothers from the Provisional Government to continue war actions despite everything. | |
Tereshchenko Mikhail Ivanovich (1885-1956) | |
Son of Kiev millionaire. One of the richest men at then time.
Chairman of Kiev military-industrial committee.
Landowner. Industrialist. Financier.
Owner of the "Sirin" Publishing House.
Member of Constitution Democrats" Party. Progressist.
Member of the Supreme Council.
Officer of the Supreme Council (Shadow Cabinet of Russia) supporting contacts with the military circles.
Deputy Chairman of Central Military Industrial council of Russian Empire.
Minister of Finance and (since May 1917) Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Provisional Govt.
Replaced Milyukov as Foreign Minister.
Every morning accepted Ambassadors of France, Great Britain, Italy. Friend of the U.S.A. Ambassador Francis. Carried out monthly conferences with French masons" emissary and French Socialist Albert Tomas. Friend of Alexander Blok, Greatest Russian poet of Silver Age of Russian Poetry.
Unlike Milyukov he had to be faithful to the Masonic obligation. Besides he worked for his own future forecasting unavoidable emigration.
But ... in 1921 he became a member of Trade, Industrial and Finance Committee of the Soviet Russia, despite he had been arrested by the Bolsheviks on 26 October (9 November) 1918 in Winter Palace together with other Provisional Govt. Ministers.
Later he managed to escape in Norway and in France.
In 20-30s carried out finance operations in France and in Madagascar.
Died in Monaco. | |
"La Petite Ourse" (Ursa Minor), Supreme Council of the Great East of Russias Peoples
The lodge "La Petite Ourse" (Ursa Minor) was founded in 1910 in St.-Petersburg and since 1912 included A. Kerensky, A.Galpern (Worshipful Master), I. Yefremov, A.Kolyubakin. N. Nekrasov took this lodge and its rules for the model while forming "The Grand Orient of Russias Peoples". The lodge was regarded as coordinating one. |
Meidel G.Kh. | |
Baron. Engineer. Prominent liberal.
Mason of the 18th step of the French rite. Initiated by Boulet and Sincholl in Russia.
Member of Capitul of the "Polar Star".
Member of Lodges Chapitre (Supreme Council of Lodge).
Secretary of the Council of eighteen of the "Order of free masons" of the regular French rite Grand Lodge "Great East of Russia"(1906/8- 1910).
| |
"Polar Star". Council of eighteen of the "Order of free masons" of the regular French rite Grand Lodge "Great East of Russia"(1906/8- 1910).
Shchegolev P. Ye. | |
Member of the "Polar star" lodge (French rite). | |
"Polar Star",
Grand Orient of France. |
Kedrin Ye.I. (1851 - 1921) | |
Initiated on June 8 (15), 1905 in regular French rite lodge "Les Renovateurs" (jurisdiction of the "Grand Orient of France").
"Cosmo"(№288) Scottish rite lodge (resumed from 1898) in Paris.
Mason of 18th step of the French rite.
Initiated again by Boulet and Sincholl in Russia.
Member of Capitul of the "Polar Star".
Member of Lodges Chapitre (Supreme Council of Lodge).
2nd Warden Council of eighteen of the "Order of free masons" of the regular French rite Grand Lodge "Great East of Russia"(1906/8- 1910).
Member of the Executive Committee of the Cadets Party. | |
"Les Renovateurs" (Worshipful Master Bertrand Sincholles),
"Cosmo"(№288) Scottish rite lodge (resumed from 1898) in Paris. Worshipful Master d-r Nicole.
"Polar Star".
Council of eighteen of the "Order of free masons" of the regular French rite Grand Lodge "Grand Orient of France" in Russia (1906/8- 1910).
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples.
Dzunkovsky Vladimir Fyodorovich (1865 - ?) | |
Top rank official. Moscow General-Governor, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs (in time of Minister of Foreign Affairs N.A. Maklakov, brother of mason V.A.Maklakov). Minion of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich Romanov and Grand Duchess Yelizaveta Fyodorovna Romanova, sister of Emperor"s wife. | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Maklakov Vasiliy Alexeyevich (1869 - 1957) | |
Deputy of II-IV State Duma.
Member of the Executive Committee of Cadets Party.
Initiated 1904 in Paris in "Les Renovateurs" regular French rite lodge under the nickname "Moribanoff"and once again on 8 May 1905 in French rite lodge "L"Avangard Masonnique" in presence of M.M. Kovalevsky (both lodges under jurisdiction of the "Grand Orient of France").
Participant of "Cosmo"(№288) Scottish rite lodge (resumed from 1898) in Paris. Worshipful Master d-r Nicole.
Mason of the 18th step of the French rite.
Initiated by Boulet and Sincholl in Russia.
Member of Capitul of the "Polar Star".
Member of Lodges Chapitre (Supreme Council of Lodge)..
Brother of Chernigov governer and Minister of Internal Affairs (since 1912) N.A. Maklakov.
Russian Ambassador in France in 1917.
Was suspected (with Britishers) in copartnership in murder of Rasputin. | |
"Les Renovateurs"
"L"Avangard Masonnique" (Worshipful Master Renais Renoult)
"Cosmo"(№288) Scottish rite lodge (resumed from 1898) in Paris. Worshipful Master d-r Nicole.
"Polar Star", "Resurrection",
"Great East of Russia",
Great East of Russia"s Peo ples. |
Nekrasov Nikolai Vissarionovich (1879 - 1940) | |
Professor of Tomsk Politechnical Institute and University (Siberia).
Initiated in St.-Petersburg in 1908 at the ceremony held in the apartment of Worshipful Master of the "Polar Star" Count A. Orlov-Davydov.
Worshipful Master of the lodge "Aurora Borealis".
Founding father of the Supreme Council of the "Great East of Russias Peoples".
General Secretary of the Supreme Council of the Great East of Russias Peoples in 1915 1916.
Officer of the Supreme Council (Shadow Cabinet of Russia) supporting contacts with the liberal opposition .
Left Wing Constitutional Democrat (Cadet).
Deputy of III and IV State Dumas.
Member of the Executive Committee of the Cadets Party.
Member of Bureau of the "Progressists" block.
The Provisional Govt. Minister of Lines of Communications, of Finance, Minister w/o portfolio. In summer 1917 left the Cadets Party.
Close friend of P. N. Milyukov, Chairman of Cadets Party.
After Bolshevik Revolution served in the Soviet organizations, from 1921 in "Tsentrosoyuz". | |
"Polar Star",
"Aurora Borealis" (Worshipful Master),
"Great East of Russia",
"La Petite Ourse" (Ursa Minor),
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma),
"Peace Society",
Supreme Council of the Great East of Russias Peoples |
Orlov-Davydov A. A. | |
Member of the Executive Committee of the Cadets Party.
"Polar Star"(Worshipful Master).
Mason of the 18th step of the French rite (since Jan. 1907).
Initiated by Boulet and Sincholl in Russia.
Member of Capitul of the "Polar Star".
Member of Lodge"s Chapitre (Supreme Council of Lodge) of "Polar Star".
Treasurer Council of Russian free masons of the "Order of free masons" of the regular French rite Grand Lodge "Great East of Russia"(1906/8- 1910).
Later would say that Russian masons were not real masons, but plotters and their activities had nothing really to do with the Masonry.
Despite this wise remark, according to Bebutov, he was considered to be a degenerate among brothers but they put up with him because they needed him as a sponsor. | |
"Polar Star"(Worshipful Master),
Members: Gambarov, Ivanyukov, Borodin, Pawlow-Silwanski, Zhikharev, bar. Meidel, Margulies, Nemirovich-Danchenko, Shchegolev, Tiraspolsky, Anichkov, Teplov.
"Great East of Russia",
Council of Russian free masons of the "Order of free masons" of the regular French rite Grand Lodge "Great East of Russia"(1906/8- 1910).
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma),
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Obolensky Vladimir Alexandrovich | |
Duke. Member of the Central Committee of the Cadets (1910-1917).
Leader of the St.-Petersburg regional council.
Participant of the first lodges in Russia.
He belonged to the old and tested masons who went through school of free masonry in France, in lodges of Moscow, St.-Petersburg and other Russian cities.
Member of Supreme Council of Russias peoples from 1913 to 1916.
Member of the Central Committee of the Cadets Party. | |
Participant of the first lodges in Russia.
Supreme Council of the Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Balavinsky S.A. | |
Member of the Supreme Council since 1912.
Participant of the first lodges in Russia.
General Secretary of the Supreme Council of the Great East of Russias Peoples since December 1918.
| |
Participant of the first lodges in Russia.
"Ressurection", "Polar Star",
"Great East of Russia",
Supreme Council of the Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Sidamon-Eristov G.D. | |
Member of the Supreme Council since 1912. | |
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma),
Supreme Council of the Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Nabokov Vladimir Dmitriyevich (1869 - 1922) | |
One of Cadets" founders and leaders.
Deputy of Chairman of the Central Committee of the Cadets" Party. Editor of the newspaper "Vestnik partii narodnoy svobody" ("Herald of the Party of people"s liberation").
Deputy of I State Duma.
Executive secretary of the Provisional govt.
Killed in emigration, in Prague.
Uncle of Vladimir Nabokov, American writer of Russian origin, author of "Lollita". | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Nabokov K.D. | |
First secretary of Russian Embassy in Great Britain, deputy of ambassador (Jan. 1917) of the Provisional Government Alexander Konstantinovich Benkendorf (app. in 1916).
Cadet. | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Kandaurov L.D. | |
Councilor of Russian Embassy in France | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Zabello G.P. | |
Italy, Consul | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples.. |
Neklyudov A.V. | |
Sweden, Consul | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples.. |
Loris-Melikov Ivan Z. | |
Physician. Initiated in the "Cosmo" (№288) Scottish rite lodge (resumed from 1898) in Paris. In 1909 deputy in State Duma (national faction).
| |
"Cosmo"(№288) Scottish rite lodge (resumed from 1898) in Paris. Worshipful Master d-r Nicole. "Grand Orient of France",
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Loris-Melikov I. G. | |
Norway, Consul of the Provisional Govt. | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Onu K.M. | |
Switzerland, Envoy | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Mandelstamm A.N. | |
Agent of Foreign Ministry | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Bakhmetyev B.A. | |
Diplomat in the U.S.A. (Do not confuse with Bakhmetyev Georgiy (Yuri) Petrovich, Russian Ambassador ib Bulgaria). | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Kudashev N.A. | |
Diplomat in China | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Shcherbatsky A.I. | |
Brazil, Chief of Diplomatic Missionary | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Kerensky Alexander Fyodorovich (1881 - 1970) | |
Rosencrucian (head of Russian Rosencrucian was Grand Duke Alexandre Mikhailovich Romanov).
Lawyer. Legal advisor of the German firm "Span &sons" in Russia.
According police informers he had a huge sums from abroad sources for organization of revolutionary movement in the boundaries of Russian Empire.
Initiated in 1912 in La Petite Ourse(Ursa Minor) lodge in St.-Petersburg.
General Secretary of the Supreme Council of the Great East of Russias Peoples in 1915 - 1916.
Officer of the Supreme Council (Shadow Cabinet of Russia) supporting contacts with radicals and socialists.
Member of "Rose"Llodge ("Masons" Grouping" in IV State Duma).
Chairman of Trudovik (Labourist Party) faction in State Duma.
Chairman of the IV State Duma.
Member, deputy of the chairman of the Executive Committee of the Petrograd (St.-Petersburg) Council Socialist-Revolutionaries" Party (from 1917).
Member of the Provisional committee of the State Duma. Minister of the Provisional Government - of Justice (March - May 1917), Military and Marine ( May - Sept. 1917), Premier-Minister of the Provisional Government (since July), head of the Directory (September), chairman of the 3rd
Coalition Government (October).
Commander-in-Chief of Russian Army since 30 August (12Sept.) 1917. Organized rebel of general P.N. Krasnov against bolsheviks.
Emigrated in 1918.
When in emigration was insulted by not being included in the International Masonic Supreme Council and by not being awarded a degree of "Venerable Master" of the French rite Masonry.
Since 1940 lived in U.S. | |
La Petite Ourse(Ursa Minor)),
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma),
Supreme Council of the Grand Orient of Russias Peoples.
Kolyubakin Alexander Mikhailovich
(1868 - 1915) | |
Originated from Tver city. Initiated in Paris before 1905. General Secretary of the Supreme Council of the Great East of Russias Peoples from Summer 1912 till the end of 1914. Left Wing Cadet.
Member of the Central Committee of the Cadets Party.
Deputy of III,IV State Dumas.
Minister of the Provisional Govt.
Was a second in a duel of P.N. Milyukov with A.I. Guchkov.
Died on the front as result of accident. | |
Initiated in Paris before 1905.
"Polar Star",
"La Petite Ourse" ("Ursa Minor"),
"Great East of Russia",
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma),
Supreme Council of the Grand Orient of Russias Peoples
Galpern A. Y. | |
Worshipful Master of the "La Petite Ourse" (Ursa Minor) which principles and organizational structure (uniting functions of junior warden and secretary, Worshipful Master (or Venerable) who contacted secretary of Supreme Council and treasurer) served as a prototype of the Supreme Council"s lodges in general.
General Secretary of the Supreme Council of the Great East of Russias Peoples
since Summer of 1916 after A. Kerensky.
Menshevik (Social Democratic Party).
Minister of Provisional Govt. | |
La Petite Ourse (Ursa Minor),
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma),
Supreme Council of the Grand Orient of Russias Peoples
Yefremov Ivan Nikolayevich (1866 - ?) | |
Left Wing Cadet
Member of the Central Committee of the Cadets Party..
Deputy of I, III, IV State Dumas, one of leaders of the Progressists" faction.
Minister of the Provisional Government.
KEY FIGURE OF SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE GREAT EAST OF RUSSIA"S PEOPLE since 1916. Officer of the Supreme Council (Shadow Cabinet of Russia) supporting contacts with the trade and industrial circles.
"Peace Society", chairman of bureau. | |
La Petite Ourse (Ursa Minor),
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma),
"Peace Society",
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples.. |
Guchkov Alexander Ivanovich (1862 - 1936) | |
Industrialist. A Moscow house owner and landlord.
Director of Merchant bank.
Worshipful Master of "Military Lodge".
Member of Convent the Supreme Council.
Chairman of the Oktyabrist Party ("Alliance of 17th October"). It was the largest right party of Russia.
Deputy and Chairman of III State Duma.
Chairman of Central Military Industrial council and Member of State council of Russian Empire (1915 - 1917).
Military and Marine Minister of Provisional Government (March - May 1917).
Emigrated in 1918. | |
"Military Lodge", formed in 1909 as Army lodge to promote friendship with military circles of L"Entente and after defeat with German Army Oberkommando.
Worshipful Master A.I. Guchkov, members generals and colonels Alexeyev, Svechin, Ruzsky, Krymov, Teplov, Mstislavsky-Maslovsky, others.
While creating his "Great East of Russia"s Peoples" N. Nekrasov regarded this lodge as the coordinating one (likewise "Le Petit Ourse" (Ursa Minor).
(According to M.S. Margulies, however, it existed in the period of the "Grand Orient of France" in Russia or even was a lodge of the South-West front, i.e. a marching lodge of S.S. Zhikharev. In reality they are different lodges).
"Military Lodge",
Supreme Council of the Grand Orient of Russias Peoples
Avksentyev Nikolai Dmitriyevich (1879 - 1970) | |
Right Wing Socialist-Revolutionary.
Minister of Foregn affairs in the second Coalition Provisional Govt.
Arrested and deported from Russia in 1918 by White Army Commander, Admiral Kolchak.
Became Worshipful Master of the Parisian lodge of Russian emigrants "The Northern Star". | |
Cadet Mason.
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples,
"The Northern Star" (Paris) in 1920s. |
Ratayev L. | |
Russian Intelligence Resident in France. | |
Gathered information on free masons, French and Russian in the Western Europe. |
Alekseyev Boris Kirillovich (1882 - after 1926) | |
Agent of Russian secret police among free masons. Reported from Paris in 1911 about existence of French and Russian masons" conspiracy against P. A. Stolypin. | |
P. A. Stolypin (1862 -1911), Chairman of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Internal Affairs of Russian Empire(1906 - 1911). Killed in Kiev by Socialist-Revolutionary Bogrov. |
Alekseyev Mikhail Vasilyevich (1857 - 1918) | |
General. Accepted abdication of the Russian Emperor Nikolai II (1868 - 1918) in March 1917.
Chief of Staff of Commander-in-Chief (March - May 1917). Since 30 August 1917 Chief of Staff of Commander-in-Chief Kerensky A.F. Was proposed for a Military dictator. Organizer of the White Army (31 Aug.1918). | |
"Military Lodge",
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Ruzsky Nikolai Vladimirovich (1854 - 1918) | |
General. Commander of the North-West front. | |
"Military Lodge",
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Svechin Alexey Alexandrovich (1865 - ?) | |
Initiated in Paris before 1905.
Member of the Central Committee of the Cadets Party.
Deputy of I State Duma. | |
Initiated in Paris before 1905.
"Military Lodge",
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma),
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Krymov | |
Colonel | |
"Military Lodge",
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Teplov V.V. | |
Member of the first in Russia regular French rite lodge "Polar star" under "Grand Orient of France" jurisdiction.
Member of the "Military Lodge" under "Grand Orient of Russias Peoples" jurisdiction. | |
"Polar star",
"Grand Orient of France",
"Military Lodge",
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Velikhov L. A. | |
Deputy of IV State Duma.
Worshipful Master of the "Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma). | |
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma). This lodge included more members than it was allowed by Supreme Council for other lodges, they are: L.Velikhov (Worshipful Master), I.Yefremov, N.Nekrasov, N. Volkov, V. Stepanov, A. Kerensky, N. Chkheidze, M. Skobelyev, A. Konovalov, A.Galpern, M.Tereshchenko, S. Prokopovich, others.
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma),
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Chkhenkeli A.I. | |
Menshevik (Social-Democrat) | |
"Rose" lodge( "Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma) |
Volkov N.K. | |
Left Wing Cadet
Member of the Central Committee of the Cadets Party.
Commissar of the Provisional Govt. in the agricultural field.
In emigration finance and production director of the Russian newspaper "Posledniye Novosti" ("Latest News") published by P. N. Milyukov. | |
"Rose" lodge( "Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma).
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Vasilenko N. P. | |
Member of the Central Committee of Cadets Party. | |
"Rose" lodge( "Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma) |
Vinogradov V.A. | |
Member of the Central Committee of Cadets Party.
Commissar of the Provisional Govt. in the finance field. | |
"Rose" lodge( "Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma) |
Kokoshkin Fyodor Kuzmich (1871 - 1918) | |
Participant of the first lodges in Russia.
Professor of Moscow University.
One of organizers of the Cadets Party. Member of the Central Committee of Cadets Party.
Killed with Shingaryov by anarchist bluejackets in Mariinsky hospital where they were specially delivered to right from prison in Petropalovsk fortress.
Soon all five bluejackets were shot by Bolsheviks too to cover the political crime.
Both politician may have known something about Masonic links of the Bolsheviks leaders. The latter that time regularly killed everybody who could light their secret contacts with any of many competing forces that helped them to usurp the State power (among them General Staff of German Oberkommando). Murders of Embassador Mierbach in Moscow and field-marshal von Eichhorn in Kiev were links of the same chain too. They knew too much and were dangerous to all negotiating parties. | |
Participant of the first lodges in Russia.
"Rose" lodge ( "Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma) |
Grigorovich-Barsky D.N. | |
Lawyer from Kiev.
Cadet. Member of the Central Committee of Cadets Party. | |
"Rose" lodge( "Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma) |
Stepanov Vasiliy Alexandrovich (1871 - 1920) | |
Left Wing Cadet.
Member of the Central Committee of Cadets Party.
Deputy of III - IV State Duma.
Deputy of Minister of Trade and Industry of the Provisional Govt.
Member of the Supreme Council since 1912.
In emigration member of Parisian group of cadets. | |
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma),
Supreme Council of the Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Chkheidze Nikolai (Carlo) Semyonovich (1864 - 1926) | |
One of leaders of Menshevik (Social Democrat).
Chairman of the Menshevik Party facitons in III and IV State Duma.
Chairman of the Petrograd (former St.-Petersburg) City Council at the time of the Provisional Government.
Chairman of Georgia government in summer of 1919. Emigrant from 1921. | |
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma),
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Skobelyev Matvei Ivanovich (1885 - 1938) | |
Menshevik (Social Democrat).
Deputy of IV Duma.
Deputy Chairman of Petrograd City Council in the period of the Provisional Govt.
Minister of Labor in the Provisional Govt. (May - August 1917).
After the Bolshevik revolution worked in the Soviet economics. In 1922 became a member of the Bolshevik Party. | |
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma),
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Konovalov Alexander Ivanovich (1875- 1948) | |
After graduation from Moscow University till 1897 worked as an engineer in Muellheim in Alsace. After returning home went in for commercial and social activities.
Progressists" Block. Leader of the "Progressists" in IV State Duma.
One of the most informed and influential speakers on the trade and industrial development items in the State Duma.
Since Aug. 1917 member of Cadets Party.
Deputy Chairman (de facto, head of the Central Military Industrial council of Russian Empire.
KEY FIGURE OF SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE GREAT EAST OF RUSSIA"S PEOPLES since 1916. Officer of the Supreme Council of the "Grand Orient of Russias Peoples responsible for contacts with trade and industrial circles.
Minister of Trade and Industry in the first two Cabinets of the Provisional Government, since October 1917 - deputy of chairman of the Provisional Government.
Died in New-York. | |
"La Petite Ourse" (Ursa Minor),
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma),
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Chermak L.K. | |
Worshipful Master.
| |
A lodge under jurisdiction of Supreme Council (as an exclusion numbered 16 persons against usual for the lodges of the "Grand Orient of Russias Peoples 7-14 men - Worshipful Master, or Venerable, 1st and 2nd Wardens, Deacon, Treasurer, Secretary, Tyler).
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Prokopovich Sergey Nikolayevich (1871 - 1955) | |
Editor of the journal "Bez nazvaniya" ("Without a title").
Initiated in France in the 90s of the XIX century.
Member of the Central Committee of the Cadets Party.
Minister of Trade and Industry (August 1917) and Minister of supply of the Provisional Govt. (September - October 1917). | |
Initiated in Paris before 1905.
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples.. |
Chernosvitov K.K. | |
Founding father of the lodge "Federation" ("K.K. Chernosvitov"). Allegedly regular French rite lodge approved by the "Grand Orient of France". Was under suspect of imitation of the regularity just to avoid necessity of being initiated again in the first step.
Member of the Central Committee of the Cadets Party.
Commissar of the Provisional Govt. in the Post. | |
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma),
"Federation" ("K.K. Chernosvitov").
Worshipful Master P.N. Pereverzev, one of the members - A.D. Margolin and N.B. Glasberg, the latter since 1917.
Allegedly "Grand Orient of France". |
Kuskova Yekaterina Dmitriyevna
(1869 -1958) | |
Wife of Prokopovich S. N.
Initiated as a Mason of High Steps.
A friend of Yekaterina Peshkova, wife of Maxim Gorky.
Gorky, Peshkova, Zinoviy Peshkov (brother of Yakov Sverdlov) to whom he was Godfather took interest in Masonry at that time.
A journalist of the Cadets" editions - journal "Bez zaglaviya" ("Without a title") and newspaper "Tovarishch" ("Comrade").
Publicist, an ideologist (with P.B. Struve) of the "economism" (a type of modern Scandiavian state capitalism).
Deported in 1922 by bolsheviks. | |
Participant of the first lodges in Russia.
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Aldanov Mark (Aldanov M.A.) (1886 - 1957) | |
Trudovik (Labourist Party).
Writer. Close friend of Ivan Bunin, Nobel Prize winner for literature (1933).
Founding father of Russian Masonic lodges in France in Emigration after Revolution and Civil War. | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Ryabushinsky Pavel Pavlovich
(1871 - 1924) | |
Millionaire. One of the richest men of Russia at then time. The most influential among three Ryabushinsky brothers.
Chairman of Moscow Military and Industrial Committee.
Member of State Council of Russian Empire. Publisher of Moscow daily newspaper "Morning of Russia"(1907, 1909-1916) that was a political endeavor and brought pure losses.
After the Bolshevik usurp the power emigrated and became a member of the "Russian trade and industrial alliance" ("Torgprom") uniting all emigrated Russian businessmen living in the countries of the Western Europe.
Close friend of British Ambassador Buchanan.
Two brothers of his also were free masons. | |
Supreme Council of the Grand Orient of Russias Peoples
Chelnokov Mikhail Vasilyevich (1863 - ?) | |
Industrialist. Co-owner of the construction materials company "V.K.Shaposhnikov, M.V. Chelnokov and Co."
Moscow Mayor (since 1914).
Deputy of II and III State Duma.
Chief Executive of All-Russia Alliance of Cities (1914 - 1917) .
Since 1 March 1917 Commissar of the Provisional Govt. in State Duma.
Close friend of British Ambassador Buchanan. | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Dolgorukov Pavel
(18 66 - 1927) | |
Initiated in Paris in 1905 in the "L"Avangard Masonnique" under the nickname "Couthon".
One of founders (in 1905) and a member of Central Committee of Cadet Party.
Chairman of the Central Committee of the Cadet Party in 1911- 1915.
Chairman of Cadets faction in II State Duma.
Founding Father of the Masonic "Peace Society" in Moscow (formed in 1909).
Emigrated in 1920. Returned secretly in 1926 to continue struggle and was captured.
Shot in a company of 18 monarchists by the Bolsheviks as a result of his counterrevolutionary activities and revenge for killing Soviet ambassador Voikov in Warsaw on June 10, 1927. | |
"Peace Society", comprised 324 brothers in 1911. |
Fyodorov Mikhail Mikhailovich | |
Director of Trade Department of the Minister of Finance of Russian Empire (1903 - 1905). Minister of Trade and Industry (1906).
Deputy of State Duma.
In November 1918 joined the "9" - a clandestine Cadet organization and became Emissary of it in Novocherkassk where General Alexeyev M.V. was organizing the White Army against the Bolsheviks. Chairman of pro-French wing of cadets.
In 1920 emigrated in Paris.
Member of the Trade and Industrial Alliance("Torgprom"). | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples.. |
Shingaryov Andrei Ivanovich
(1869 - 1918) | |
Participant of the first lodges in Russia.
Cadet. Member of the Central Committee of the Cadets Party.
Member of II -IV State Duma.
Member of the Central Committee of Cadets Party.
Minister of Agriculture and Finance (since 5 May 1917) of the Provisional Government.
Killed by an anarchist bluejacket in Mariinsky hospital in Petrograd (St.-Petersburg). | |
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma),
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Steingel F.R. | |
Cadet. Mason from Kiev, Ukraine.
Member of the Central Committee of the Cadets Party. | |
"Kiyevskaya Zarya" ("Kiev"s Dawn"),
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma)..
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Steingel Pavel | |
Industrialist. | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Moeller-Zakomelsky Alexander Nikolayevich (1844 - ?) | |
General. Commander of punitive expeditions (1905 - 1907), Baltic provinces" General-Governor.
Member of State Council of Russian Empire (since 1909)..
Chairman of "Progressists" block in State Duma.
Emigrated after the Bolshevik revolution. | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Polovtsev Petr Alexandrovich | |
Member of Supreme Council Convent.
Mason of the 33rd step.
Commander of Petrograd military district (since May 1917),
Chief of Staff of "Wild" division (Cavalry of Caucasus Highlanders).
Emigrated in 1918. | |
Supreme Council of the Grand Orient of Russias Peoples
Demidov I.P. | |
Member of the Central Committee of the Cadets Party.
Commissar of the Provisional Govt. in the agricultural field.
Participant of the first lodges in Russia.
General Secretary of the Supreme Council of the Great East of Russias Peoples since Summer 1919. | |
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma),
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples
Milyukov Pavel Nikolayevich
(1859 -1943) | |
A historian. Editor of the Cadets Party newspaper "Rech" ("Speech").
One of chairmen of the Constitutional Democrat (Cadet) party (since October 1907 when it was formed), the first foreign ministry of the Provisional govt.
In 1917 Cadets has membership of 50 thousand people.
Bolsheviks banned Cadets on Nov. 28, 1917.
In emigration, in Paris published the newspaper "Posledniye Novosti" ("The latest news").
He was not a mason, but knew masons affairs much better than some masons" rank and files and leaders .. His memoirs where he indirectly recognized the fact of existence of brotherhood were published in New York in 1955, 12 years after hed died. Was first who understood that obligation for the "Grand Orient of France" would mean victory of Communists in Russia. "Either reasonable peace or Lenins triumph" (Sept. 1917). He was dismissed from the Provisional government in April 1917.
He always refused to join the Masonry because supposed that it was not Russian masons who were making strategic decisions and it was not masons in general who were controlling situation. He always was with masons because there were a lot of competent and serious people among them.
In 1943 recognized Soviet Power. Wrote about it in the article "Truth of bolshevism". | |
Profane. |
Dan (Gurvich) Fyodor Ilich (1871 - 1947) | |
Menshevik (Social Democrat).
Member of Execution Committee of Petrograd City Council (Soviet).
Deported by bolsheviks in 1922.
His sister L.O.Dan was wife of Yuli Osipovich Martov (Zederbaum) who once was the best friend of Lenin and one of founder of Mensheviks Party. Lenin loved him all his life. Before his death, Lenin asked, "They say that Martov are dying too". | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Chagall Mark
| |
A great Russian artist of the Silver Age. A member the lodge of Vitebsk. | |
Lodge of Vitebsk.
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Ahronson Grigoriy Yakovlevich (? - 1968) | |
Menshevik (Social Democrat).
Initiated in 1913 in the lodge of Vitebsk (Byelorussia). Remained a mason till 1914.
He was the first author that described participation of the masons in Russian revolution. Being in emigration he published two books "Russia on the eve of Revolution", "Book on Russian Jewry".
Letters of Ye. Kuskova to him was published in 1959 in the American Russian-speaking daily "Novoye Russkoye Slovo" (New York).
It was conversations with Ahronson that made Nina Berberova to research this theme and write the pioneer book "People and Lodges".. | |
Lodge of Vitebsk.
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Nolde B. | |
Mason of the 33rd step.
Supported patriotic and pragmatic position of Milyukov and therefore was excluded from the masons despite the high degree of his initiation. | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Borodin N.A. | |
Member of the "Polar Star" French rite lodge in St.-Petersburg.
Chairman of the "Society of rapprochement between Russia and America", friendly for the "Grand Orient of Russias Peoples". | |
"The polar Star",
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Voronovich Nikolai Vladimirovich | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Golovin Fyodor Alexandrovich (1867 - ?) | |
Mason of the 18th degree of French rite.
Initiated in Russia after Nov. 1908.
Participant of the first lodges in Russia.
Member of capitul of "Polar Star" and "Resurrection".
1st Warden the Supreme Council of Russian Free Masonry "Order of free masons" of the regular French rite Grand Lodge "Great East of Russia"(1906/8- 1910).
One of organizers and a member of the Executive Committee of Cadets Party.
Chairman of II State Duma.
Deputy of II and III State Duma. | |
"Polar Star" or "Resurrection".
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma),
Member of the Supreme Council of Russian Free Masonry and Council of eighteen of the "Order of free masons" of the regular French rite Grand Lodge "Great East of Russia"(1906/8- 1910).
Golovin Nikolai Nikolayevich | |
Academician of the Russian General Staff. | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples.. |
Sokolov N.D. | |
Participant of the first lodges in Russia.
| |
"La Petite Ourse" (Ursa Minor),
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Zhdanovich G.F. | |
| |
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma),
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Obninsky Viktor Petrovich (1867 - 1916) | |
Leading journalist of the influential newspaper "Russkiye Vedomosty". | |
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma),
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Filosofov, D.V. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Kharitonov | |
Treasurer of the "Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma). | |
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma),
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Karaulov Mikhail Alexandrovich (1878 - 1917) | |
Cossack officer.
Deputy of IV State Duma.
Member of the "Progressists" block.
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma),
Since 1917 of the Tersk region cossack army. Commissar of the Provisional government in the Terek (Northern Caucasus) region.
Killed by the revolutionary soldiers in 1917. | |
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma),
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Bernstamm ("Clever B.") | |
| |
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma),
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
("Silly B.") | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Grushevsky Mikhail Sergeyevich (1866 - 1934) | |
Lodge "Kiyevskaya Zarya" ("Kiev"s Dawn"),
Ukraine. Nationalist. Historian
In 1917 organized Central Rada (Council) of Ukraine. In 1919 emigrated. In 1924 came back.
Since 1929 academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Dolgopolov Nikolai Savvich | |
Cadet. Member of the Executive Committee of Cadets. | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Vinaver Maxim Moiseyevich
(1863 -1926) | |
Editor of the "Herald of Law".
Cadet. One of founders and members of the Executive Committee of Cadets(1905).
Deputy of I State Duma.
Member of the Provisional Government.
Member of the Supreme Council of the Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. | |
Supreme Council of the Grand Orient of Russias Peoples
Seeler Vladimir Feofilovich | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples.. |
Krol Lev Afanasyevich | |
Delegate of Supreme Council of the Grand Orient of Russias Peoples
in Perm City. | |
Supreme Council of the Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Krym (Neumann) Solomon Samoilovich | |
Cadet. Deputy of Duma. | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Lebedyev Vladimir Ivanovich | |
Deputy of A.Kerensky in June 1917.
Deputy of Military and Marine Ministers of the Provisional Govt. (May 1917).
Marine Minister in the Provisional Govt. (July 1917). | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Panina Sophia Vladimirovna (1871 - 1956) | |
Cadet. Member of the Central Committee of the Cadets Party.
Deputy of Minister of Welfare of the Provisional Government (since May 1917), peoples education (since August 1917).
After Bolshevik revolution emigrated.
Adopted daughter of Ivan Ilich Petrunkevich (1844 - 1928), a landowner, one of the founders of Cadets Party and chairman of Central Committee of Cadets Party. Publisher of the Cadet newspaper "Rech" ("Speech").
Deputy of I State Duma. | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples.
Having put under control pure Masonic bodies, secret political police didnt take into account quasi-Masonic organizations as they had nothing in common with regular Masonry. These were political circles of liberals and democrats recruited from the upper classes. They hadnt rituals and records. They eagerly accepted women who often provided members of such organizations with places where they could regularly meet and discuss pure political affairs. Usually it was private apartments. Panina" cadet circle was a typical case of the above said scenario. |
Petlyura Simon V. (1879 - 1926) | |
Ukrainian Nationalist. Member of the Ukrainian Directory. Commander of Army of the Ukrainian Peoples Republic since 10 February 1918. In 1920 emigrated. | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Rogovsky Yevgeniy Franzevich | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Slonim Mark Lvovich | |
Socialist-Revolutionary. | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Tchaikovsky Nikolai Vasiliyevich (1851 - 1926) | |
Socialist Revolutionary.
Member of the Central Committee of the Socialist Revolutionary Party,
Trudovik (Leibourist) (after February revolution).
The oldest revolutionary. One of founders of the voelkischen "Great Society of Propaganda"(1868 -1874),
Foundation of free Russian press in London (1880),
one of leaders of the "All-Russia Alliance of cities" (1914 - 1918).
Evil enemy of the Soviet power.
Emigrated in 1920. | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Margulies Manuil Sergeyevich | |
Mason of the 18th degree of French rite.
Initiated in Russia in prison "Kresty" after Nov. 1908.
Member of capitul of "Polar Star" and "Resurrection".
One of three founders of Odessa"s Lodge "The truth".
2nd Warden of the Supreme Council of Russian Free Masonry and Deacon of the Council of eighteen of the "Order of free masons" of the regular French rite Grand Lodge "Great East of Russia"(1906/8- 1910).
| |
"Polar Star".
One of three founders of Odessa"s Lodge "The truth".
Supreme Council of Russian Free Masonry and Council of eighteen of the "Order of free masons" of the regular French rite Grand Lodge "Great East of Russia"(1906/8- 1910).
Frumkin Ya. G. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Biskupsky | |
General.. | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Skoropadsky Pavel Petrovich (1873 -1945)
| |
Landowner in Chernigov and Poltava provinces in Ukraine.
Lieutenant-General. Ukrainian Hetman in the period of German occupation (Commander-in-Chief of the Army grouping "Kiev" field-marshal Hermann von Eichhorn (1849 - 1918) was killed by a socialist-revolutionary). An ardent Germanist. | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Bogucharsky-Yakovlev V.Ya. | |
Journalist. Participant of the first lodges in Russia. | |
Participant of the first lodges in Russia.
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Sukhanov (Gimmer) Nikolai Nikolayevich (1882 - 1940) | |
Journalist. Economist.
Member of Socialist-Revolutionary Party since 1903.
From 1917 Menshevik (Social-Democrat).
Member of Central Committee and Executive Committee of the Petrograd City (Council).
Editor of the newspaper "New Life".
Worked in Soviet economics. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Pereverzev Pavel Nikolayevich | |
Trudovik (Laborist).
Minister of Justice of the first coalition Provisional Govt. (May-July 1917) | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Braudo A. I. | |
Director of Department of Public Library in St.-Petersburg. | |
"Polar Star", "Great East of Russia",
"Great East of RussiaХs Peoples". |
Urusov Sergei Dmitriyevich | |
Duke. Top Rank official.
Deputy of Minister of the Internal Affairs (1906).
Deputy of I State Duma.
Mason of the 18th degree of French rite.
Initiated in Russia after Nov. 1908.
Member of capitul of "Polar Star" and "Resurrection".
One of three founders of Odessa"s Lodge "The truth".
Worshipful Master (chairman) of the Supreme Council of Russian Free Masonry of the "Order of free masons" of the regular French rite Grand Lodge "Great East of Russia"(1906/8- 1910).
Officer of the Supreme Council (Shadow Cabinet of Russia) supporting formal contacts with the "Grand Orient of France" on behalf thereof. | |
One of three founders of Odessa"s Lodge "The truth".
Supreme Council of Russian Free Masonry of the "Order of free masons" of the regular French rite Grand Lodge "Great East of Russia(1906/8- 1910).
Supreme Council of the Grand Orient of Russias Peoples
Mosolov A.A. | |
Top rank official. | |
"Grand Orient of France" in Russia. |
Semyonov Yevgeniy Petrovich (Kohan-Semyonovsky Yevno) | |
Member of the French rite "Les etudiants" when studied in France.
Secretary of St.-Petersburg affiliate of the "Peace Society" friendly to the Supreme Council of the "Grand Orient of Russias Peoples". | |
Lodge "Les etudiants", Paris,
lodge of the Quatier Latin and Sorbonne,
"Grand Orient of France",
"Peace Society",
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Kartashev Anton Vladimirovich (1875 - 1960) | |
Journalist. Historian of Church.
Professor of theology of the St.-Petersburg Religious Academy.
Chairman of the "Religious and Philosophic Society" (friendly to the Great East of RussiaХs Peoples).
Since 1917 chief procurator of Holy Synod.
Minister of religions of the Provisional Govt. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Gippius Zinaida Nikolayevna (1869 - 1945) | |
An outstanding poetess of the Silver Age of Russian poetry. Adept of symbolism.
Wife of D.S. Merezhkovsky. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Merezhkovsky Dmitri Sergeyevich (1860 - 1941) | |
Writer. Friend and rival of Ivan Bunin. Star of Russian Literature Criticism. Historian. Religious Philosopher. Emigrated in 20s. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Maslovsky-Mstislavsky S.D. | |
Journalist. Colonel.
| |
"Military" lodge and "Literature" lodge,
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Savinkov (pen-name V. Ropshin) Boris V. (1879 - 1925) | |
Gifted Writer. One of the leaders of the Socialist-Revolutionaries. Commander of their militant terrorist group(1906).
In 1917 Commissar of the Provisional Government in the Staff of the Russian Army Commander-in-Chief. Commissar of the South-West front. Deputy to the military minister of the Provisional govt.
The evil enemy of the Soviet power. Caught in the borderline. Put into prison on Lubianka str. Rued the day he confronted the Bolshevik dictatorship. Committed suicide in the prison of K.G.B. The dark history of his death has not been revealed so far. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Voloshin (Kiriyenko-Voloshin) Maximillian Alexandrovich (1877 - 1932) | |
An outstanding poet of the Silver Age of Russian Poetry. Artist On 23 March 1905 initiated in France in the regular "Les Vrais Amis Fideles" ("True friends") lodge of the French rite.
Member of the Scottish rite lodge "Mont Sinai" (№6) in Paris since April 1905. | |
"Les Vrais Amis Fideles" ("True friends") lodge of the French rite.
Scottish rite lodge "Mont Sinai" (№6) in Paris.
"Literature" Lodge,
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Vernadsky Vladimir Ivanovich (1863 - 1945) | |
Academician of Russian Empire Academy of Sciences since 1912. Founder of geochemistry, biogeochemistry, radiology. Chief of the Russian Academy of Sciences" Committee on studying the natural productive forces of Russia. The purpose of this organization was to open new scientific research institutions that was fulfilled later under the Bolsheviks. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Klyachko-Lvov | |
Journalist. Observer of the daily newspaper "Rech" ("Speech"). | |
Profane who was blindly and intensively used by Supreme Council of the " Great East of RussiaХs Peoples", especially in 1917. |
Meier Alexander A. | |
Journalist | |
"Literature" Lodge,
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Meier N.D. | |
| |
Pavlov-Silwanski Nikolai Pavlovich (1869 - 1908) | |
Member of the first in Russia French rite lodge "Polar star".
Professor of the Higher women courses named after Bestuzhev. | |
"Polar Star",
"Great East of Russia",
"Great East of RussiaХs Peoples". |
Lutugin Leonid Ivanovich | |
Mine engineer.
Participant of the first lodges in Russia.
Independent deputy.
Minister of labor in the 2nd coalition of the Provisional Government. | |
Participant of the first lodges in Russia.
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples
Lvov Georgiy Yevgeniyevich (1861 -1925) | |
Landowner. Jurist.
Premier-Minister in the first two cabinets and Minister of Internal Affairs in the 1st Cabinet of the Provisional Government (March - July 1917).
Emigrated in France. | |
Supreme Council of the Grand Orient of Russias Peoples
Burtsev Yevgeniy
Lvovich | |
A prominent mason.
Publisher of journal "Byloye". Nicknamed as the ""nightman of the political parties", because he was a talented investigator and exposed many secret political police agents, including such outstanding informers of the and Imperial secret police as Persey-Persits (fake Briton), R.V. Malinovsky (top-rank bolshevik, minion of Lenin) and (1908) Yevno Fishlevich Azef, one of leaders of the socialist- revolutionaries. This affair served as a pretext for reorganization of the "Great East of Russia". | |
Sokolov N.D. | |
| |
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma),
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Gegechkori (Gogechkori)
Yevgeniy Petrovich (1878 - ?) | |
Menshevik (Social-Democrat).
Deputy of III State Duma.
Premier-Minister of Georgia in 1918- 1921.
Initiated in 1909 as a "Cadet Mason". | |
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma),
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Klyuchevsky Vasiliy Vasiliyevich | |
An outstanding Russian historian. | |
"Polar Star",
"Grand Orient of France" in Russia,
"Great East of RussiaХs Peoples". |
Oldenburg S.F. | |
Academician. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Grimm David D. | |
Professor. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Anichkov Yevgeniy Vasiliyevich | |
Professor of history of literature.
Member of "Cosmos" (№288) Scottish rite lodge (resumed from 1898) in Paris.
Initiated as Master on 30 Jan., 1905.
Regular lodge "Polar Star" the French rite. | |
"Cosmos"(№288) Scottish rite lodge (resumed from 1898) in Paris. (Worshipful Master d-r Nicole),
"Polar Star",
"Great Est of France",
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Struve Petr Berngardovich (1870 - 1944) | |
Professor of Petrogradsky polytechnic institute and of the Higher women courses named after Bestuzhev. An outstanding economist. Philosopher. Historian. Journalist. Editor of journals "Liberation" and "Russian thought". Theoretician of the "legal" marxism.
Member of the Central Committee of the Cadets Party.
In emigration edited journal "The Ressurection". | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Kaminka A. | |
Professor. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Gambarov Georgiy S. | |
Member of "Cosmos"(№288) Scottish rite lodge (resumed from 1898) in Paris since May 16,1905.
Member of the French rite lodge "Polar star" in St.-Petersburg. | |
"Cosmos"(№288) Scottish rite lodge (resumed from 1898) in Paris. ( Worshipful Master d-r Nicole).
"Polar star".
Great Esat of France.
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Tamamshev Mikhail I. | |
Member of "Cosmos"(№288) Scottish rite lodge (resumed from 1898) in Paris since May 16, 1905. Master from 30 Jan. 1905.
| |
"Cosmos"(№288) Scottish rite lodge (resumed from 1898) in Paris. Worshipful Master d-r Nicole.
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Trachevsky Alexander S. | |
Professor of history.
Member of "Cosmos"(№288) Scottish rite lodge (resumed from 1898) in Paris since May 16, 1905. Master from 30 Jan. 1905.
| |
"Cosmos"(№288) Scottish rite lodge (resumed from 1898) in Paris. Worshipful Master d-r Nicole.
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples |
Kostychev S. P. | |
Professor. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Taube Mikhail Andreyevich | |
Baron. Professor. Member of St.-Petersburg "Peace Society". | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Buryshkin Pavel | |
Industrialist. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Lianozov Stepan Grigoryevich (1872 - 1951) | |
Industrialist. Director or member of boards of directors of 20 oil producing companies, organizer of Russian general oil concern (1912), competitor of Nobel and Rothshield. Emigrated in Paris and in 1920 organized the "Russian Trade and Industrial Alliance" ("Torgprom") united emigrated Russian businessmen living in the Western Europe. | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Rubinstein Yakov L. | |
Chairman of the "Human Rights Leagues", friendly to the "Great East of Russia". | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Rubinstein Dmitri L. (Mit"ka) | |
Banker. In the contemporary popular press was being characterized as "Banker of Empress" and a "friend" of Grigoriy Yefimovich Rasputin. In the "who-is-who-type" directory book "All Petersburg" the list of all positions taken by him in finance and production companies covered 17 lines. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Zhivotovsky Abram | |
Banker. Kiev sugar magnate. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Yaroshinsky Karl | |
Banker. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Putilov Aleksey I. | |
Famous Russian Industrialist. Owner of "Putilovsky" plant in St.-Petersburg. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Sakharov N.N. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Makarov P.M. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Turzhansky V.K. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Rappoport A.Yu. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Navashin D.S. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Kadish M.P. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Meierovich L.S. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Korolenko V.V. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Imkhanitsky M. Ya. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Zabierzinski G.B. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Bernstein O.S. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Bogrov F.K. | |
(Do not confuse with Bogrov D.G., killer of Petr Stolypin, secret agent of Kievdepartment of the political police). | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Avdiev I.V. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Lednitski Alexander Robertovich (1866 - 1934) | |
Deputy of I State Duma.
One of leaders of the Polish nationalist organization. | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Kaznacheyev P.M. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Shatsky B. Ye. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Ratner M.D. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Sliosberg G.B. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Shapiro A.S. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Schaeftel Ya.M. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Petrovsky N.V. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Ohrnstein B.S. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Pozner S.V. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Lavrentyev A.D. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Niedermiller N. G. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Koennigiesser Ya. I. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Kistiakowski I.A. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Kulisher Ye. M. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Kulisher A.M. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Kazarinov M.G. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Adamov M.K. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Zolotnitsky B.I. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Dubois A.E. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Gues de Calvi K.P. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Gershun B.L. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Brunelli P.M. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Bramson L.M. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Berlin L.M. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Isayev A.A. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Gelovani V.L. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Gurevich V.Ya. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Holm A.K. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Baerenstamm M.V. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Bart B.G. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Grusenberg Oscar O. | |
Lawyer. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Galperin Alexander | |
Lawyer. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples.. |
Goldovskiy O. B. | |
Lawyer. | |
"Polar Star",
"Great East of Russia",
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Gessen Joseph
Vladimirovich (1866 - 1943) | |
Lawyer. Journalist.
Participant of the first lodges in Russia.
One of Cadets leaders.
Editor of the "Rech" ("Speech").
Emigrated in 1920. | |
Participant of the first lodges in Russia.
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Kornfeld Mikhail | |
Journalist. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Ksyunin Aleksey | |
Journalist. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Mirskiy (Mirkin) Boris | |
Journalist. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Vorontsov-Dashkov Ivan Illarionovich | |
Count. In 1905 Caucasian region lieutenant-general. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Golenishchev-Kutuzov Sergei | |
Duke. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Gorchakov Sergei | |
Duke. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Ignatiev Alexey | |
Count. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Kochubey Viktor | |
Duke. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Lobanov-Rostovsky Andrei | |
Duke. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Mordvinov Alexander | |
Count. | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Repnin Dmitri | |
Duke. | |
Great East of RussiaХs Peoples. |
Bukeikhanov A.V. | |
Cadet. Member of the Central Committee of the Cadets Party. | |
"Rose" lodge ("Mason Grouping" in IV State Duma). |
Krasnov Petr Nikolayvich (1869 - 1947) | |
Lieutenant-General. Commander of Cossacks troops from Don region. Emigrated in 1919. An ardent Germanist. Served in Wehrmacht in WW II. Shot on Lubianka (headquarters of K.G.B. ) like Nazi criminal. Wrote a cult book "From the double eagle to the Red Banner". | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples. |
Morozov N.A. | |
"St.-Petersburg"s Dawn" | |
"St.-Petersburg"s Dawn",
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Tiraspolsky G.L. | |
First Russian Regular French rite lodge "Polar star" (in St.-Petersburg, 1906-1909). | |
"Polar star",
Grand Orient of France |
Ivanov I.I. | |
Chief Staff of the Higher Commander of Russian Empire.
Captain. | |
Grand Orient of France |
Ivanov Vyacheslav Ivanovich (1866 - 1949) | |
An outstanding poet of the Silver Age of Russian poetry. Historian. Theoretician of symbolism. | |
"Literature" lodge,
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Agadjanian K.S. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Odinets D.M. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Speransky V.N. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Brunst V.E. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Wenzkowski A.I. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Nesselrode A.D. | |
Mason of the Saratov lodge. | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Nikonov A.A. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Chubinsky M.P. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Baumann V.I. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Metalnikov S.I. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Luchitsky I.V. | |
"Kiev"s Dawn" lodge. | |
Grand Orient of France,
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Kotlerovsky (Kotlyarevsky, Kotliarovsky) Sergei Andreyevich (1873 - ?) | |
Lawyer. Professor of Moscow University.
Leader of the Right Wing of Cadets.
Initiated in the "Cosmos" lodge in 1887-1888 by Yablochkov P.N.
Also initiated in the "Mont Sinai" (№6) Scottish rite lodge on May 8 1905(at once in three steps). | |
Scottish rite "Cosmos" lodge (in 1887-1888, Worshipful Master Yablochkov P.N.). "Mont Sinai" (№6) Scottish rite lodge on May 8 1905.
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Losskiy N.O. | |
Philosopher. | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Ivanyukov Ivan Ivanovich (1844-1912) | |
Historian. Economist. Professor.
Member of the French rite lodge "Polar star" in St.-Petersburg.
Member of "Strana" ("The Country") Cadets" daily from 1905.
Professor of Petrovkaya Agricultural Academy. | |
"Polar star",
Grand Orient of France,
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Bryanchaninov A. P. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Makarov P.M. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Kuzmin Karavayev Vladimir Dmitriyevich (1859 - 1927) | |
Professor of Military-Justice Academy.
Participant of the first lodges in Russia.
Deputy of III State Duma.
Emigrated in 1920. | |
Participant of the first lodges in Russia.
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Gordeyenko Ya. N. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Beningsen E.P. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Golubkov K.G. | |
| |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Zhikharev S.S. | |
Member of the French rite lodge "Polar star" in St.-Petersburg. | |
"Polar star,"
Grand Orient of France,
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Demyanov A.A. | |
Trudovik (Labourist). | |
Grand Orient of Russias Peoples |
Gamow Ivan | |
Vice-president of the Masonic "Peace Society". | |
Vice-president of the Masonic "Peace Society",
Grand Orient of Russias P eoples |