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Positive Thinking Masonry
Grand Master’s Installation Address:-
June 24, 2001

[James C. Gordon]
MW Bro. James Chalmer Gordon,
Grand Master 2001-2002

Allow me to express to you my sincere thanks and gratitude for electing me to this high and responsible office in the Craft. If anything could, for me, add to the honour of being elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon, it is the personal gratification of being Obligated by MW Bro. Grant Wardlaw and Invested by MW Bro. Jack Harper in the presence of so many Past Grand Masters whom I have served and respected over the years. In this address as your Grand Master my message is brief and to the point. Our theme is Positive Thinking Masonry.
If you cannot say anything Positive about Freemasonry or a freemason, best leave it unsaid. Harmony is the essence of Freemasonry and anything that threatens that harmony must be regarded as devisive and undesirable. We are the oldest and finest organisation in the world and we must strive to keep it so. Membership decline continues to be a concern and certain sectors continue to advocate a lowering of Masonry’s antiquated standards to meet those of present day society. This I urge against: rather be it that we work by example to raise the standards of society to meet those of Freemasonry, that our ranks may swell with men of quality.
We live in a very negative world, where only the dark side of life is considered newsworthy, let us not allow Freemasonry to fall into this trap; let us talk about the successes in Freemasonry and help rather than criticize those Freemasons or Lodges that are less fortunate. This year we will continue the process of participation and involvement throughout this Grand Jurisdiction. The Masonic Commission set up under Grand Master Harper will continue its work but with a greater focus on the items deemed, by the participating brethren, to be deserving of further review.
The Board of General Purposes will be held at different venues in order to reach as many brethren as possible. December 8, 2001 will be the only time it will be held in Vancouver and it will be an extended meeting. This is rather than having an Emergent Communication of Grand Lodge and hopefully the absence of ceremony and regalia will permit more time and a friendlier platform for open and meaningful discussion.
In closing I would draw your attention to the quite extensive coverage in the Yukon press given to the recent Corner Stone Laying Ceremonies in Dawson City and Skagway. In describing Freemasonry it was said that Freemasonry was perceived by some to be the oldest, richest, most powerful private force in the world! They then went on to make some rather strange comparisons! However. just for the moment let us think about that statement. Oldest? Well, I do see a fair number of grey or thinning heads of hair around. Richest? Again there is quite a bit of gold adorning the shoulders of our Past Grand Masters. Powerful? I suppose if we consider that out of a world population of six billion one in fifteen hundred is a freemason, that seems to be a fairly powerful force working for the common good.
Whilst we are knowledgeable and mature enough to withstand the good natured fun often targeted at Freemasonry, most of us realise that Freemasonry as such, does little other than set and maintain the rules. It is the individual freemason that makes the difference.
This year I ask of you three things: let us work so that we may establish society’s opinion of Freemasonry, rather than let our critics do it for us; let us work to improve the quality of our attitude towards one another as freemasons; let us encourage a leadership based on knowledge and skill.
Brethren, I sincerely hope that with my assistance and your own endeavors we will this year make a positive difference for the common good.


© 1871-2021 Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon A.F. & A.M. Updated: July 30, 2001