MacLeans, August 7, 1965
June 3, 1900 - May 17, 1984
Journalist, author, radio broadcaster and TV personality, Gordon Sinclair was a popular Canadian media figure for many years.
Gordon Sinclairs father Sandy (George) joined the Oddfellows while his uncle Malcolm belonged to both the Oddfellows and the Masons, and his mother for a time joined the Rebeccas. [p. 28.]
"I was initiated into the Orange Lodge, and later the Masons, but I dropped out of both. Initiation was at twenty-one, the lowest accepted age, and about that same time I joined the Toronto Daily Star as a reporter. The suggestion in the Lodge was that I dropped out on the orders of the absurdity then as now. I quit because I did not, and do not, accept dogma. [p. 51.]
Initiated: 1921
John Ross Robertson Lodge No. 545, Toronto, Ontario.
Cited in Will the real Gordon Sinclair please stand up, Gordon Sinclair. Toronto : McLelland and Stewart Limited, 1966. hb. 195pp, photos, no index. Lodge name uncited.