
1864 - 1914
Ontario College of Pharmacy's gold medal winner in 1885, John J. McLaughlin invented the soft drink "Canada Dry Pale Ginger Ale" in 1904, incorporating as J.J. McLaughlin, Manufacturing Chemists in Enniskillen, Ontario in October 1905. McLaughlin opened his first soda water plant in Toronto in 1890, receiving the first soft drink trade mark in Canada in January 1907 for McLaughlin's Pale Dry Ginger Ale.
McLaughlin was the oldest son of Robert McLaughlin, founder of McLaughlin Carriage and McLaughlin Motor Car, which became General Motors of Canada in 1916.
Cedar Lodge No. 270, Oshawa, Ontario
Source: unknown. Portrait: Down from Canada Came Tales of a Wonderful Beverage. And Address at New York. Roy W. Moore [Chairman of the Board, Canada Dry Corporation, New York, born Macon, Georgia same year as McLaughlin]. New York : The Newcomen Society in North America, December, 1961. second printing portrait: page 7. 28pp + cover booklet LCCN: 61-18525["Down from Canada came tales of a Wonderful Beverage" slogen developed by N.W.Ayer Agency 1922]