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[Franz Liszt]
What is the purpose of Man in Life?
In Germany and many other European countries, it is the custom for the candidate for initiation to answer three questions in writing; these answers are read in open lodge and, if approved, the candidate may be initiated. Franz Liszt had to undergo this examination; and here are the questions, still used in this form, and his answers.
Q. What is the purpose of Man in Life?
A. The purpose of Man is to aim at any possible perfection in Truth, Virtue, and Beauty, thereby - as far as his limitations permit - seeking a union with his creator.
Q. What do you expect from Freemasonry for your soul, your heart and your material happiness?
A. I believe and hope to enter into a union of good and just men, uniting in the preparation of these aims. I believe that my mind will find nourishment, and fraternal hands will give support in dangers and difficulties.
Q. What can Freemasonry expect from you?
A. The Order will always find me ready to take part in all good causes by words and deeds, and to attend the worthy meetings. The order, in whose deep wisdom I respectfully believe, will find in me, in all which agrees with my religious and political opinions, in all which is not contrary to my honour and conscience, a willing neophyte and obedient member.
From these answers it is evident that Liszt was a well educated and thoughtful candidate, and that he took his reception into the order seriously. Liszt took his second and third degrees in Berlin, on 8th and 22nd February, 1842 in the Lodge zur Eintracht under the Grand Lodge of the Three Globes, with a dispensation from Liszt's mother lodge.

Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, London : Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076, 2011.


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