On June 19, 2000 a column appeared in the official publication of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver, The B.C. Catholic. The author, Rev. Msgr. Pedro Lopez-Gallo, claimed that Freemasons worship Lucifer. A detailed refutation of Lopez-Gallos original claims was forwarded to the editor and can be found on this website.
A retraction
The following retraction is reprinted from page 2 of the August 28, 2000 issue of The B.C. Catholic: |
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The June 19 column by Msgr. Lopez-Gallo about Freemasonry incorrectly stated that Albert Pike had said that Lucifer is the God of Freemasonry. In fact, that statement is actually a revival of an old lie made by the publicly confessed fraud, Leo Taxil, in 1895. There is no justification for any claim that Freemasons worship Lucifer, and the B.C. Catholic regrets unwittingly repeating such a falsehood.
The Rev. Monsignors letter of apology can be viewed at http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/anti-masonry/apology.html.
Although the B.C. Catholic did not publish corrections of the many other errors in Lopez-Gallos column, and they didn't actually apologize for accusing Freemasonry of worshiping Lucifer, they must be commended for taking this one small step in correcting the historical record.